I'll have to hand it to CBJ - he knows how to handle a loss

First time in 10+ years I've heard some sense of urgency after a loss.

This is his first loss.

I'm sure many more will come, but it is nice to know that we aren't just taking the loss in stride because 'it's year zero' or that we don't have the talent.

I dig it - I'm cautiously optimistic they bounce back in a respectable way vs. Florida.

Every time I see year 0, i always feel I need to point out that was actually the best year that dude had.
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A coach that gets mad when he loses and immediately puts everyone on notice that they might lose their jobs if they don't get their acts together?

It almost brings a tear to my eye. When was the last time one of our coaches acted like this? I love it!
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If CBJ is the coach we hope he is, the team will come out with a chip on their shoulder this week and play hard for all four quarters. If not they'll cave at the first sign of defeat like the past few years. At this point, we may not be good enough to win seven or more games but that doesn't mean we can't play like we are.

Bottom line: With recruiting being what it has been, if the players buy in and play hard, wins aren't a matter of if but when. Patience is a virtue.
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If CBJ is the coach we hope he is, the team will come out with a chip on their shoulder this week and play hard for all four quarters. If not they'll cave at the first sign of defeat like the past few years. At this point, we may not be good enough to win seven or more games but that doesn't mean we can't play like we are.

Bottom line: With recruiting being what it has been, if the players buy in and play hard, wins aren't a matter of if but when. Patience is a virtue.

Good post in my opinion. I think last week was a test of the team. THIS WEEK is a test of Coach Jones and his staff. We may not win but I darn sure expect us to hit the field like we want it.
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Good post in my opinion. I think last week was a test of the team. THIS WEEK is a test of Coach Jones and his staff. We may not win but I darn sure expect us to hit the field like we want it.

I think if we hit the field like we want to win, nothing can stop us from being the equal or better than Florida in their own house.

The talent is there, just need the desire and motivation to stomp a mudhole in their behinds.
If CBJ is the coach we hope he is, the team will come out with a chip on their shoulder this week and play hard for all four quarters. If not they'll cave at the first sign of defeat like the past few years. At this point, we may not be good enough to win seven or more games but that doesn't mean we can't play like we are.

Bottom line: With recruiting being what it has been, if the players buy in and play hard, wins aren't a matter of if but when. Patience is a virtue.

I have a strong suspicion that they couldn't start preparing for UF until they finished their tackling drills and wind sprints. That always helps to put chips on player's shoulders!
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This brings up an interesting thought....has there ever been a team that's had as dramatic of a fall from grace as UT has had?

Of course. Some of the greatest programs of all time.... all have been thru it. Michigan, Bama, Texas, Penn State, Notre Dame. We'll come out of it soon.
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Couldn't agree more. The way he said, "This had better hurt" and "this is simply not acceptable." Then he just manned up and agreed to the fact that we got our butts kicked and that we're gonna work even harder this week. I like it a lot. Dooley made excuses. Butch makes plans.

There shouldn't be 'work even harder' comments. That is saying they didn't work as hard as they could.

Very Fulmeresque 'we gonna work like heck'.

I will accept comments such as we are going to work hard to fix the mistakes we made in the game. There would have to be plenty for it to be the worst loss since 1910.
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Look for a school that spent/has money, and you will see the team that rose back as quickly as they fell.
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Of course. Some of the greatest programs of all time.... all have been thru it. Michigan, Bama, Texas, Penn State, Notre Dame. We'll come out of it soon.
I'd have to throw Nebraska in there as well.
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If only our fans knew how to handle a loss

Loss? Yes.

The kind of failure we saw Saturday? I'd really rather NOT learn how to "handle" that kind of loss.

I have been busy and have not read or heard all of the comments. Is there a clear quote where any of the coaches said "this is on us"? Read today where Jones talked about leadership failing (players), eye discipline, balls dropped, etc...
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Of course. Some of the greatest programs of all time.... all have been thru it. Michigan, Bama, Texas, Penn State, Notre Dame. We'll come out of it soon.

UT will come out of it when it finds the right coach. The right coach will make his team better than the sum of its parts. UT did not play to the level of the sum of its parts this past Saturday.... unless you want to argue that Nicholl's State has almost the same talent level.
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UT will come out of it when it finds the right coach. The right coach will make his team better than the sum of its parts. UT did not play to the level of the sum of its parts this past Saturday.... unless you want to argue that Nicholl's State has almost the same talent level.
Have you had your head in the sand the last few years? Just curious. Some of your posts read like you've missed the last 10 years or so. Any comas we should know about or anything?
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UT will come out of it when it finds the right coach. The right coach will make his team better than the sum of its parts. UT did not play to the level of the sum of its parts this past Saturday.... unless you want to argue that Nicholl's State has almost the same talent level.

If only it were that easy.:hi:
UT will come out of it when it finds the right coach. The right coach will make his team better than the sum of its parts. UT did not play to the level of the sum of its parts this past Saturday.... unless you want to argue that Nicholl's State has almost the same talent level.

This is what I believe. Granted this was a 1 game blowout, the problem is that it has been a pattern. If it continues that is when you begin to question leadership, again.
And bama. They went through 3 coaches quickly as well.

One of the reasons I was glad UT gave Fulmer a legit chance to turn it around is that you never really know how long you will stay on the coaching carousel once you are on it. Maybe your first hire is the right guy... maybe the fifth.

I hope that guy is Jones. I really do. But there are too many here that get angry at the legitimate concern that he is not. They cannot bring themselves to lay any blame for Saturday's debacle on him. Yes, it takes a "pattern" of failure or success to judge a coach.... but you still have to accurately and honestly assess each data point that makes up that pattern.

UT was poorly coached Saturday. Undermanned? Yes. Outplayed by a better team? Yes. But the margin should not have been 45.
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Coach Jones wanted this job. It dawned on me that he could be in Cincinnati trying for another title. He wanted to come to the toughest conference and take over a team that was in disarray. Coach Jones believes in his process and maybe it is time fans do too.

Today he put the team on notice nobody's job is safe you have to earn it. I am satisfied that we have the right man for the job.
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