Illegal drugs or prescription drugs: Which is the bigger menace to the US of A?

I disagree. He makes good points, and he's occasionally funny, but I think he is way too occupied with his world view to entertain contradictory ideas, and his arrogance drives me crazy. My wife doesn't even care about politics, and she can't stand watching him for the way he comes off.

To each their own. New rules is usually gold imo

Please, continue the lesson.
I disagree. He makes good points, and he's occasionally funny, but I think he is way too occupied with his world view to entertain contradictory ideas, and his arrogance drives me crazy. My wife doesn't even care about politics, and she can't stand watching him for the way he comes off.

It's really too much to bear most of the time. I like watching his show when he has good (at the very least entertaining... see Mos Def) guests.
I disagree. He makes good points, and he's occasionally funny, but I think he is way too occupied with his world view to entertain contradictory ideas, and his arrogance drives me crazy. My wife doesn't even care about politics, and she can't stand watching him for the way he comes off.

Ps he had kennedy from reason tv on a few episodes back. Shes got interesting things to say but damn she could talk
Tuition: had to pay it. I'm not saying what I did was ethical, but I'm not giving children ritalin or putting housewives on zoloft.

Again, you and OE are both deterring from he thread with this inane, ethical crap. The argument here is whether or
not pills are a bigger social problem than illegal drugs.

Seriously, this is a retarded road to go

Zoloft cannot be compared to opiates.
They are not addictive nor are they a controlled substance.

Have you ever known of anyone stealing something to get a Zoloft?

Doctors over prescribing pain pills and patients selling the pills is what makes prescription drugs as bad if not worse than the "illegal " drugs.

IMO , the prescribed drugs that people are selling are also "illegal" drugs.
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Zoloft cannot be compared to opiates.
They are not addictive nor are they a controlled substance.

Have you ever known of anyone stealing something to get a Zoloft?

Doctors over prescribing pain pills and patients selling the pills is what makes prescription drugs as bad if not worse than the "illegal " drugs.

IMO , the prescribed drugs that people are selling are also "illegal" drugs.

Charge them with distribution gramps, yeah!
Maher was good on his old show on Comedy Central back in the early-mid nineties.

Didn't agree with his politics, but he had a pretty balanced show that was highly entertaining.
Talking about Politically Incorrect? I vaguely remembered it towards the end of its run, but have gone back and watched tapes, and it was a pretty funny show.

That's still the case now, he makes it a point to have least one, if not two of the other panelists be conservatives or libertarians.
Zoloft cannot be compared to opiates.
They are not addictive nor are they a controlled substance.

Have you ever known of anyone stealing something to get a Zoloft?

Doctors over prescribing pain pills and patients selling the pills is what makes prescription drugs as bad if not worse than the "illegal " drugs.

IMO , the prescribed drugs that people are selling are also "illegal" drugs.

I should have used xanax instead of zoloft; apologies. They're just as bad as opiates, but in a totally different way. As far as THAT anti-depressant goes, I've seen people steal, lie, convulse, and find themselves on a one-way to the ER because of it.

The next point you've made is the exact one I've been trying to illustrate.

Yes, pills are illegal without a scrip. That's already in the law. These are the most addictive, mentally consuming substances produced and used in the US of A.
Imo, benzo's are not as bad as opiates, personally neither are all that bad to me, in fact they're just peachy
Biggest menace ?
1984 14% Of Americas didn't pay taxes.
2011 50% Of Americans didn't pay taxes
The welfare state of America!
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his name was cletis not Cletus I was just fing with you! But he was killed on 119 in Harlan .
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It depends on just how much the patient knows about the drug they're taking.

When the doctor writes the scrip, the information he gives you rarely goes beyond "don't drive after taking this. It'll make you pretty dizzy."

I doubt you'd hear, "this pill will make you feel like Hendrix did when he set his guitar on fire at the Monterey Pop Festival."

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