I'm Sick and Tired!

Personally, I'm sick and tired of all the Fulmerites whining about being sick of tired of other people having a differing opinion.

I've yet to see anyone that is predicting an average or poor season this year say that they're sick and tired of all the Fulmerites. We may think you're naive, basing your assumptions on hopes rather than reality, or simply delusional, but I've never seen any of us suggest that you don't have every right to state your opinions or predictions no matter how misguided they may be.
Personally, I'm sick and tired of all the Fulmerites whining about being sick of tired of other people having a differing opinion.

I've yet to see anyone that is predicting an average or poor season this year say that they're sick and tired of all the Fulmerites. We may think you're naive, basing your assumptions on hopes rather than reality, or simply delusional, but I've never seen any of us suggest that you don't have every right to state your opinions or predictions no matter how misguided they may be.

See, I think you fall into this catagory. You stated about our WR's dropping a lot of passes in practice and I show you yet the newest report that say's just the opposite and you ignore it. I think those who cannot see past the "CPF is a fat, horrible coach" mentality cannot see what is really going on.

Here are some facts for you mr. neg.

1. This team is loaded with former Highschool All Americans that these other coaches many of you seem to hold on a pedestal wanted but couldn't get.
2. These kids know how and have not forgotten how to play football better than any of us on this site ever dreamed.
3. The staff of this team is among the winningest in the HISTORY of college football, not just UT or SEC.
4. This team and staff has a huge chip on their shoulder because they know that they underachieved big time.

Now you and the rest can call those of us who are not blinded by what appears to be hatred, fulmerites all you want. But what I have written is the facts that cannot and thus far have not been disputed.
You aren't concerned. You aren't a rational thinker as opposed to all us supposed emotionalists. You are a pessimist.

Unless the recruiting gurus and most of the other top flight f'ball programs have absolutely no idea about talent either, UT has had top10 recruiting classes in 3 of the last 4 years and last year was considered a down year because UT was ranked 23.

The Vols in spite of some real player development issues and poor offensive coaching won 10+ games in 3 of the last 5 seasons. Fulmer has won 10+ in 8 of his 14 seasons. He didn't forget what talent looks like and last year was both an aberration and a culmination as you accurately pointed out.

The Vols had been lax on discipline. They assumed that players would develop on their own. They believed their own press releases. Last year shocked them back into reality. On the door step of entering the ranks of the national elite... they choked.

That does not mean they're not talented. That does not mean that talented players cannot be turned around in a year or even less.

I've read every practice report I can find. The O-line is a work in progress but there have been positive developments. The WR's are NOT dropping balls this year except for a few guys who probably won't even smell the grass on Saturday.

My prediction since day one has been that this team would either get their confidence early and be very good or else lose their confidence early and struggle. If the prior is true then I think they'll win the east and have the best schedule in the SEC for winning out. If the latter is true then I think they'll lose 5 at a minimum. The only way Fulmer staves off the wolves in that case is by benching Ainge to start working on the future with Crompton or maybe even Stephens.

Either way, it will be things like confidence and chemistry that undo them. Not a lack of pure talent. FTR, I don't think Cut will tolerate undisciplined play. I think a youth movement is very likely if the first line guys start playing like last year.

Well said.
I am gonna let this thread go a bit longer but some of you need to be really careful. Some of this is bordering on getting personal.
I think I'll just hold my breath until Saturday night. If things don't go well then, it may be Fulmer's last breath. If things do go well, I'll be out of breath for cheering. Either way there is going to be a lot of wind going somewhere.
See, I think you fall into this catagory. You stated about our WR's dropping a lot of passes in practice and I show you yet the newest report that say's just the opposite and you ignore it. 4. This team and staff has a huge chip on their shoulder because they know that they underachieved big time.

Now you and the rest can call those of us who are not blinded by what appears to be hatred, fulmerites all you want. But what I have written is the facts that cannot and thus far have not been disputed.

I'm glad the WRs are improved, and I really believe they are improved. The QBs had the green jerseys on in the practice you allude to and they were playing 7-7. As you can see, there are always many angles to every point when it comes to a team game like football. I know what I saw from the highlights of the live scrimmages with green jerseys off. Some of it was decent and some was pretty lame. I also know what I saw last year. Everything else is pure speculation.
the freak has spoken!!!!!
It's just that we've been over this for the past 8 months. That's fine if people still want to talk about it but it starts out with the negavols and fulmerite tags (which I still think are funny) and it goes down hill from there.
This thread is like a bad car wreck on the interstate. As you approach you promise yourself that you won't rubberneck but when you get to the carnage you can't help but slow down and look just like everyone else.
Personally, I'm sick and tired of all the Fulmerites whining about being sick of tired of other people having a differing opinion.

I've yet to see anyone that is predicting an average or poor season this year say that they're sick and tired of all the Fulmerites. We may think you're naive, basing your assumptions on hopes rather than reality, or simply delusional, but I've never seen any of us suggest that you don't have every right to state your opinions or predictions no matter how misguided they may be.

I have NEVER said that the NegaVols do not have a right to state their opinion. I am actually the exact opposite. I don't expect you to know that though, because like VB says, you only read what you want to.

I implore the NegaVols to post their feelings. Infact if someone does post something negative, they better be damn well prepared to back it up or stand by it. There are those here that do not do that and they know who they are, and so does everyone else. It's those posters that the rest of us laugh at and roll our eyes as we read their dribble. It's those posters that I could care less about and those that are "dead to me".
I'm off to Knoxville for the Big Orange Football And More.

See all you fulmerites there. NegaVols, somehow I doubt you'll be there.

Everybody have fun tonight.

Freak, take away all the sharp pointed objects, so no one gets hurt!

The magazine referrence was addressed on Sports Talk the other day. Not sure which magazine(s), but it was referrenced by magazine title and discussed a bit. Again, that's just stories, hearsay, etc. so not a huge deal. That sort of thing could be spun either way in the grand scheme of things.
It was an opinion piece in The Sporting News.
Beef...... I have read and SEEN where the receivers are dropping less balls in practice with the exception of Stanley however he is working harder than anyone on that team. The receiving corps however were having difficulty getting separation from the DBs consistently.

With resepcet to the Coaching staff, yes there have been changes but there are some young coaches on offense without the "history". Coaching changes do not guarantee better results. I think that Cut is a good coach but he is not the end all be all of offensive coordinators. I was hoping that Phil would bring in someone outside the Tennessee family but he was "comfortable" with Cut.

You also addressed a "chip" on the shoulder. While I see your point, I do not believe that having a chip on your shoulder translates to better effort, better execution and better results. Where was the fire last year from Fulmer and the team. Where was the passion?

Fulmer is being paid 2.2 million bones. I want to see a great product on the field and I want to see results. Fulmer is not the only coach who has won a Natl Ch. There are many other coaches who have the ability to win championships and will win championships.
Beef...... I have read and SEEN where the receivers are dropping less balls in practice with the exception of Stanley however he is working harder than anyone on that team. The receiving corps however were having difficulty getting separation from the DBs consistently.

With resepcet to the Coaching staff, yes there have been changes but there are some young coaches on offense without the "history". Coaching changes do not guarantee better results. I think that Cut is a good coach but he is not the end all be all of offensive coordinators. I was hoping that Phil would bring in someone outside the Tennessee family but he was "comfortable" with Cut.

You also addressed a "chip" on the shoulder. While I see your point, I do not believe that having a chip on your shoulder translates to better effort, better execution and better results. Where was the fire last year from Fulmer and the team. Where was the passion?

Fulmer is being paid 2.2 million bones. I want to see a great product on the field and I want to see results. Fulmer is not the only coach who has won a Natl Ch. There are many other coaches who have the ability to win championships and will win championships.

I've put my reasons why I think this team will be good this year. I have stated that I think or know they underachieved last year. I do not think nor have I said CPF is the only coach to win a NC. You read reports and see the negatives and that is your option. I read the reports and see the players interviewed and see fire in their eyes. I think they know they underachieved and they are mad about it and I think a little embarrassed. CPF has taken responsibility so many times, he even went so far as to write a letter of apology to the fans for goodness sake. He has made staff changes and reports coming from practice are good. I think all the changes made by the staff and changes made in attitude by the players will result in a much better product on the field. I do not accept losing seasons at UT. As an Alumni, donor and fan I expect more. I just think we will see it this year. If we don't then changes can be made without me getting upset. I'm not a knee jerk reactionist. Even if we do lose the first game (I don't think we will but could). The season and program is what I am concerned with. I am all VOL always have and always will be.
I've put my reasons why I think this team will be good this year. I have stated that I think or know they underachieved last year. I do not think nor have I said CPF is the only coach to win a NC. You read reports and see the negatives and that is your option. I read the reports and see the players interviewed and see fire in their eyes. I think they know they underachieved and they are mad about it and I think a little embarrassed. CPF has taken responsibility so many times, he even went so far as to write a letter of apology to the fans for goodness sake. He has made staff changes and reports coming from practice are good. I think all the changes made by the staff and changes made in attitude by the players will result in a much better product on the field. I do not accept losing seasons at UT. As an Alumni, donor and fan I expect more. I just think we will see it this year. If we don't then changes can be made without me getting upset. I'm not a knee jerk reactionist. Even if we do lose the first game (I don't think we will but could). The season and program is what I am concerned with. I am all VOL always have and always will be.

I've put my reasons why I think this team will be good this year. I have stated that I think or know they underachieved last year. I do not think nor have I said CPF is the only coach to win a NC. You read reports and see the negatives and that is your option. I read the reports and see the players interviewed and see fire in their eyes. I think they know they underachieved and they are mad about it and I think a little embarrassed. CPF has taken responsibility so many times, he even went so far as to write a letter of apology to the fans for goodness sake. He has made staff changes and reports coming from practice are good. I think all the changes made by the staff and changes made in attitude by the players will result in a much better product on the field. I do not accept losing seasons at UT. As an Alumni, donor and fan I expect more. I just think we will see it this year. If we don't then changes can be made without me getting upset. I'm not a knee jerk reactionist. Even if we do lose the first game (I don't think we will but could). The season and program is what I am concerned with. I am all VOL always have and always will be.

Golf clap... clap... clap... :salute:
I'm sick and tired of this week taking so dang long

Bring on the football!!!
I read the reports and see the players interviewed and see fire in their eyes.

UT's players say the right things every year in fall practice, and every year the Fulmerites eat these quotes up and talk about how the team is really fired up and is going to be much improved. The problem is that UT's players have been doing way too much talking and way too little backing up their talk when the games start. A few years ago the team came up with a slogan of "Unfinished Business".

In my opinion, this team needs to have a slogan of "Just STFU and let your play on the field do your talking for you." That would really be a refreshing attitude. I've heard these guys talk plenty of smack for years. It's time for them to start backing it up.
I'm sick and tired of this week taking so dang long

Bring on the football!!!

I get a little football in a few hours. I'm going to the Cardinals/Broncos game tonight. Unfortunately, it's still the preseason, but fortunately, it's the last preseason game. The NFL can't hold a candle to college football though.
I've seen no smack talked by these kids on this team. NONE! They have been asked questions and answered them. You gripe because you don't get information due to closed practice. You would gripe if the kids didn't answer and now you gripe because they do answer. If it is so bad then why do you even care. If a person can't get excited about their team at the beginning of the season when they know the team has been busting their butts then I don't know when they can ever get excited. You can be negative all you want. For me and mine. We'll stand behind this team with all the pride a fan can have and wave our BIG ORANGE flag with pride and scream out butts off. GO VOLS!

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