I'm Sick and Tired!

I just take issue with people cheering for this to be CPF's last year as HC. You do know how that happens don't you? In reality, you are cheering for UT to lose. UT winning will keep him around and kill all your hopes and dreams. There is no way to accomplish both CPF leaving and UT winning this season. Please point out where I am wrong.

That is poor logic. Just because one thinks the program will perform poorly does not mean that they willed (or cheered on) that to happen.
That is poor logic. Just because one thinks the program will perform poorly does not mean that they willed (or cheered on) that to happen.

Not thinks, hopes. When you are cheering/hoping/praying for CPF to lose his job you're cheering for UT to lose. It's the only way that happens this year. Perfect logic.
See, the problem is, they are misquided on their opinons on Fulmer, and they are so blinded by the hate that they have created in their own minds, that they can not understand that they are ineffect pulling for the demise of the Vol program.

It's the same thing with people that hate President Bush. They want America to fail so that in effect so will Bush.

It's sad to watch, but I have no sympathy. When the realism hits them and Fulmer leads the Vols to more Championships, I won't let them back on the wagon.

They are dead to me.
As a VOLUNTEER I think we have to welcome them back. That is the way of the VOL. I think they love the UT but are emotionally based and are mad that we have not won a SEC Championship in a while. I understand that. I just don't get their thought process of hoping for our coach to get fired. In order for that to happen, UT has to have a bad year. That is a fact that cannot be denied. IF UT has a really good year CPF will no longer be on the hot seat.
A team doesn't have to lose for their coach to be fired. Maybe people are tired of his thugs running around campus getting arrested. Maybe they are tired of hearing his monotone, totally lethargic public speaking. Maybe after seeing someone like Pearl make a difference with enthusiasm and energy they are sick of Phil and his clapping after yet another 3rd and 3 gets stuffed at the line of scrimmage.

Oh well. Doesn't really matter. Guess we'll see what folks think after the first loss, and then the second, etc. There will be at least a few losses this year.
Since it is obvious that Fulmer is dividing the fan base and turning Vol fans against one another, I fail to see why those of you who want fan unity wouldn't just agree that UT needs a new head coach so we can all move on together.
Not real hard to figure out why we don't. Because soon as any diversity comes you will jump against the new coach too. I hope and pray that CBP never has a down year because you fare weatherd fans will turn on him like a pack of wild dogs.
A team doesn't have to lose for their coach to be fired. Maybe people are tired of his thugs running around campus getting arrested. Maybe they are tired of hearing his monotone, totally lethargic public speaking. Maybe after seeing someone like Pearl make a difference with enthusiasm and energy they are sick of Phil and his clapping after yet another 3rd and 3 gets stuffed at the line of scrimmage.

Oh well. Doesn't really matter. Guess we'll see what folks think after the first loss, and then the second, etc. There will be at least a few losses this year.

UHHHHHHHH... yeah. Have you ever been happy?
Fulmer isn't "doing" anything to turn the fan base against each other.

One has to first be an actual FAN to be turned, and then in the cases listed here, either some aren't fans at all, are they have created false problems in thier own heads and aren't willing to say why they are against Fulmer.

Doc- I want to know what school you are going to pull for if you aren't going to pull for any team that has a player arrested. There is no bigger problem at the University of Tennessee than there is at any other major university, and I can assure you Fulmer isn't picking criminoles and standign behind them. That's obvious by his dismissal of them, but some people won't give him the credit for that. The fact you say he is monotone as a reason you don't support him, is laughable. His monotone voice (which he doesn't have) wouldn't translate to one single loss on the field. Yet he should be fired? LOL Even if he were monotone, I would rather him be that, than slurred from the morning's Jack and Coke.
So you aren't going to answer my questions.

How pathetic.
What is it you want to know? I think he backstabbed Coach Majors to get the job he has. I think he is a boring and unispired speaker. I believe he lacks the ability to design plays and schemes like Spurrier and Richt. There have been numerous discpline problems under his watch, which IMHO suggests that his players neither fear nor repsect him. He has done less with great talent than any other coach I can think of. I am not one of those who harps on Fulmer's girth in my posts and if you don't like my avatar then don't look at it. Any more questions?
What is it you want to know? I think he backstabbed Coach Majors to get the job he has. I think he is a boring and unispired speaker. I believe he lacks the ability to design plays and schemes like Spurrier and Richt. There have been numerous discpline problems under his watch, which IMHO suggests that his players neither fear nor repsect him. He has done less with great talent than any other coach I can think of. I am not one of those who harps on Fulmer's girth in my posts and if you don't like my avatar then don't look at it. Any more questions?

Who has the better winning % CPF of Spurrier?
Who has more National Championships CPF or Richt?

ANd CJM stabbed himself. It is a wise man who knows to not publicly bash your boss. CJM should have known better and didn't. I have never seen any shred of evidence of CPF backstabbing CJM. I do remember a remarkable turn around for the final part of the season and how the mood seemed to have lightened up after CPF started calling the shots. But then again I don't hate CPF or CJM and I don't have selective amnesia.
What is it you want to know? I think he backstabbed Coach Majors to get the job he has. I think he is a boring and unispired speaker. I believe he lacks the ability to design plays and schemes like Spurrier and Richt. There have been numerous discpline problems under his watch, which IMHO suggests that his players neither fear nor repsect him. He has done less with great talent than any other coach I can think of. I am not one of those who harps on Fulmer's girth in my posts and if you don't like my avatar then don't look at it. Any more questions?

Ahhh there it is. I knew it was in there, I was just trying to get it in print.

ANYONE that believes the lies of a drunk old bitter man like Johnny Majors deserves to be as miserable as you all are when it comes to Tennessee Football.

There isn't one single person on this board, that if they were at work, and their boss had a heart attack, and the person running the company came to them and told them to take over until that person could return, would turn it down.

Then, if your boss came back earlier than the person running the company told him to because he saw what you were doing was showing everyone that the job had passed him by, and when he did come back, he underperformed even more than before, all the while asking for more money, there isn't one succesful company that wouldn't ask that boss of yours to step aside.

Then, if you were the type of person that had put most of your life into that company, that loved that company and what it stood for, that was qualified to take your former bosses job and move the company to the top of the mountain, and then continue to compete at a National level, you would be a MORON if you didn't accept that job, all because your boss was asked to leave after a heartattack.

Again with the speaking...LOL. Whatever. If you all want to actually stand by the way he talks as a reason to call him names and make fun of his weight, than have at it. It's your right, however flawed it is.

Again the discipline is a problem at every major university. Fulmer has released more major team players than any other major college head coach, yet NegaVols won't give him the credit for it.

Fulmer doesn't need to know how to call plays like Spurrier or Richt. He needs to surround himself with people that can get the job done, and I think that he has FINALLY done that. I will be the first to agree that Sanders wasnt' that person, but we have moved on, and it's time that the NegaVols move on and WAIT to see what happens before standing on ole Rocky Top praying for losses.
You can say that all day about the "NegaVols" but in the same regard, they can say it right back. I can understand folks staying on a sinking ship believing till the end they will be saved. You're entitled to do that. But, to think there isn't a better coach out there and that Phil's time has possibly come and gone, is a bit naive.

You can go on and on about his poor presence as a speaker not meaning a thing, and maybe it doesn't. But, you now have magazines around the country suggesting players don't listen to him which in turns means there's a lack of respect. Can't believe everything you read, no doubt there. But, it's a distraction.

All teams have discipline problems for sure. No doubting that. But, some of the incidents suggest deeper problems whether real or not.

But, then again, there's the suggestion you have to lose to get fired, so "negavol" is in turn hoping for a bad year. This isn't the case necessarily. There's precendented examples of this in college football and at UT. Wait, maybe that isn't correct depending on how you view Jerry Green leaving the university.

Perhaps I'm wrong. It's possible. That's why I'll go down and cheer for the Vols on Saturday. Perhaps a new coach would be better than what we have right now? That's just an opinion. But to rule out the possability is a bit naive, I think. Orange colored makes this difficult sometimes, but only time will tell.

If we won the championship this year, I'd be happy. I might have a changed opinion of Fulmer, I might not. Sort of like supporting the troops while questioning the war. Not a big deal, just something to talk about.
I dont have a problem with thinking someone might be better. There is ALWAYS someone better. But using every post, or coming into a thread designed to move AWAY from that type of negativism and making it a point to call for somone new, is just pouring salt into the wound.

Pulling for someone to lose their job, regardless the circumstances is in it's very definition, not a positive thing. I know I don't want people that don't or have never done what I do, coming to my work and screaming at my bosses that I should be fired. I don't want people writing it in magazines and newspapers and I don't want to watch it on tv. I suppose that the NegaVols are the same way, but they don't afford Phillip the same respect.

I'm glad the mods and Freak allow us to all vent these feelings, I think it helps. I'm glad that there are some of you that are big enough to discuss your feelings. We all know there are some here that don't. Thanks to all involved, regardless your views.
You can say that all day about the "NegaVols" but in the same regard, they can say it right back. I can understand folks staying on a sinking ship believing till the end they will be saved. You're entitled to do that. But, to think there isn't a better coach out there and that Phil's time has possibly come and gone, is a bit naive.

You can go on and on about his poor presence as a speaker not meaning a thing, and maybe it doesn't. But, you now have magazines around the country suggesting players don't listen to him which in turns means there's a lack of respect. Can't believe everything you read, no doubt there. But, it's a distraction.

All teams have discipline problems for sure. No doubting that. But, some of the incidents suggest deeper problems whether real or not.

But, then again, there's the suggestion you have to lose to get fired, so "negavol" is in turn hoping for a bad year. This isn't the case necessarily. There's precendented examples of this in college football and at UT. Wait, maybe that isn't correct depending on how you view Jerry Green leaving the university.

Perhaps I'm wrong. It's possible. That's why I'll go down and cheer for the Vols on Saturday. Perhaps a new coach would be better than what we have right now? That's just an opinion. But to rule out the possability is a bit naive, I think. Orange colored makes this difficult sometimes, but only time will tell.

If we won the championship this year, I'd be happy. I might have a changed opinion of Fulmer, I might not. Sort of like supporting the troops while questioning the war. Not a big deal, just something to talk about.

I've never seen this. I get SI, ESPN and read way to much on the net and have NEVER seent that. All I've ever seen is former players saying how much they respect CPF. now do I believe that all former player like him? No, that is impossible but those who don't are in a huge minority.

He is a bad speaker. You can tell by his poor recruiting right? I mean his worst class was a top 25!

To quote the Soup Nazzi
"No soup for you, Next"
Ahhh there it is. I knew it was in
Then, if your boss came back earlier than the person running the company told him to because he saw what you were doing was showing everyone that the job had passed him by, and when he did come back, he underperformed even more than before, all the while asking for more money, there isn't one succesful company that wouldn't ask that boss of yours to step aside.

If that was only what happened, do you think 15 years later Majors would still be upset with Fulmer?

Thats not the rumor I have read. Fulmer went to the A.D. and gave them an ultimatum, if he wasn't offered the HC job, he would be leaving to take another HC position. That along with other reasons, cost Majors his job.

Thats what I read was the reason for the rift between Majors and Fulmer. Normally head coaches want to see their assistants go on to be successful. There is more to the rift, then simply being the successor.
For what it's worth, I have never heard it either.

The only thing that comes close, is that joker John Mark Hancock that writes for Tri-Cities Sports.

He's the same guy that said Slade was retiring and that Randy and Cutcliffe would be co-offensive coordinators this season.
So an assistant comes in to the AD and makes an ultimatum? Yeah I can see that happening. Especially with Doug Dickey. No one ever put an ultimatum to coach Dickey I guarantee you that!
If that was only what happened, do you think 15 years later Majors would still be upset with Fulmer?

Thats not the rumor I have read. Fulmer went to the A.D. and gave them an ultimatum, if he wasn't offered the HC job, he would be leaving to take another HC position. That along with other reasons, cost Majors his job.

Thats what I read was the reason for the rift between Majors and Fulmer. Normally head coaches want to see their assistants go on to be successful. There is more to the rift, then simply being the successor.

HAHAHA Phil didn't have the clout at the time to demand something like that, and it isn't in his fabric to do it. I'm not doubting you read it, but I am severly doubting it's truth.

Majors was told by Dickey to remain out until late in the season. After the first few games, Majors showed up at the office, telling everyone he was back, and in charge. All the staff was told Fulmer was in charge until much later in the season. Dickey was called and told to get down to the office to help sort things out. It wasn't a pretty situation. Majors basiclly bucked up and told Dickey that he was under contract to be the Head Coach, and that no one was going to change that. We all know what happend then, the wins declined, and Majors started realizing he was in trouble. He tried to negotiate and asked for more money, the University basiclly told him that he could leave, or be fired. He chose to leave.
I've never seen this. I get SI, ESPN and read way to much on the net and have NEVER seent that. All I've ever seen is former players saying how much they respect CPF. now do I believe that all former player like him? No, that is impossible but those who don't are in a huge minority.

He is a bad speaker. You can tell by his poor recruiting right? I mean his worst class was a top 25!

I'm not trying to argue here, just putting into perspective what is being said here. What are you saying by his recruiting was always top 25? How folks thought these players would be? How these players ended up? If that's different what does that say about the program? I'm not sure if it's saying something that their top 25 recruit class from 02,03, and 04 missed a bowl and had a losing season.

The magazine referrence was addressed on Sports Talk the other day. Not sure which magazine(s), but it was referrenced by magazine title and discussed a bit. Again, that's just stories, hearsay, etc. so not a huge deal. That sort of thing could be spun either way in the grand scheme of things.
My first post here was a little light hearted stab at the topic. It was pointed out that this thread is trying to move away from that and I apologize.

Hope the Vols do well this year. Interesting to have 2 huge games so soon. Could be interesting if we lose both or win both.

I'll leave on that note to stop bringing the thread down.
I like Fulmer. Maybe I'm missing something. Maybe there are people who want to bring Hollywood to K'ville. Maybe some people really are impressed with a pretty face.

He's an old hound dog and one season doesn't prove he can't run anymore. I wish he were less conservative but I don't think he is beyond change... after he swallowed his loyalty and pushed Sanders out.

I am as disappointed as anyone that UT hasn't won the big games and stepped up into the CFB elite. They've teased us being right on the cusp for awhile now. OTOH, this is a coach who has won 10+ in 8 of his 14 seasons... ummm, 13 if you don't count 92. There is no guarantee that his replacement would do anywhere close to that well in the SEC.

Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.
See, the problem is, they are misquided on their opinons on Fulmer, and they are so blinded by the hate that they have created in their own minds, that they can not understand that they are ineffect pulling for the demise of the Vol program.

It's the same thing with people that hate President Bush. They want America to fail so that in effect so will Bush.

It's sad to watch, but I have no sympathy. When the realism hits them and Fulmer leads the Vols to more Championships, I won't let them back on the wagon.

They are dead to me.

Say it isn't so. :post-4-1090547912: :post-4-1090547912: :post-4-1090547912: :post-4-1090547912: :post-4-1090547912:
See, the problem is, they are misquided on their opinons on Fulmer, and they are so blinded by the hate that they have created in their own minds, that they can not understand that they are ineffect pulling for the demise of the Vol program.

It's the same thing with people that hate President Bush. They want America to fail so that in effect so will Bush.

It's sad to watch, but I have no sympathy. When the realism hits them and Fulmer leads the Vols to more Championships, I won't let them back on the wagon.

They are dead to me.

I am not blinded by anything especially hate. Why when people have dissenting opinions di they get thrown onto the HATE bus.

That is crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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