What is it you want to know? I think he backstabbed Coach Majors to get the job he has. I think he is a boring and unispired speaker. I believe he lacks the ability to design plays and schemes like Spurrier and Richt. There have been numerous discpline problems under his watch, which IMHO suggests that his players neither fear nor repsect him. He has done less with great talent than any other coach I can think of. I am not one of those who harps on Fulmer's girth in my posts and if you don't like my avatar then don't look at it. Any more questions?
Ahhh there it is. I knew it was in there, I was just trying to get it in print.
ANYONE that believes the lies of a drunk old bitter man like Johnny Majors deserves to be as miserable as you all are when it comes to Tennessee Football.
There isn't one single person on this board, that if they were at work, and their boss had a heart attack, and the person running the company came to them and told them to take over until that person could return, would turn it down.
Then, if your boss came back earlier than the person running the company told him to because he saw what you were doing was showing everyone that the job had passed him by, and when he did come back, he underperformed even more than before, all the while asking for more money, there isn't one succesful company that wouldn't ask that boss of yours to step aside.
Then, if you were the type of person that had put most of your life into that company, that loved that company and what it stood for, that was qualified to take your former bosses job and move the company to the top of the mountain, and then continue to compete at a National level, you would be a MORON if you didn't accept that job, all because your boss was asked to leave after a heartattack.
Again with the speaking...LOL. Whatever. If you all want to actually stand by the way he talks as a reason to call him names and make fun of his weight, than have at it. It's your right, however flawed it is.
Again the discipline is a problem at every major university. Fulmer has released more major team players than any other major college head coach, yet NegaVols won't give him the credit for it.
Fulmer doesn't need to know how to call plays like Spurrier or Richt. He needs to surround himself with people that can get the job done, and I think that he has FINALLY done that. I will be the first to agree that Sanders wasnt' that person, but we have moved on, and it's time that the NegaVols move on and WAIT to see what happens before standing on ole Rocky Top praying for losses.