"I'm Voting For _________ Because"

I voted for Trump in 2016. I won’t be voting for president this time unless it is a third party candidate
I’ll likely vote for Jorgensen. Supported Gary Johnson last time, but the libertarian candidate doesn’t have anywhere near the recognition he did. I don’t know much about her.
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The country formerly known as the City of Seattle,U.S. now formerly known as CHAS now CHOP has armed militia protecting & securing it's border.

If a right wing group taking control of part of a city would not have said city then do what ever that group says while also paying to have things like Porto-toilets installed in occupied territory. Not to mention the American City of Seattle where this new country now exists is providing this new country with water, electricity and cell service apparently at no charge the country of CHOP.

Your second point how many people were assaulted, how many businesses were robbed or looted?

You need to lay off the "Everclear" perhaps you'd make more sense.

Just so you know, I'm an American Patriot and I believe in America, America is the greatest country in the world. I have no use for those lazy people that rely on ignorant crutches to justify why they haven't accomplished anything in their lives. The lazy people are dragging down this country and I suspect you are one of those people.
You need to lay off the "Everclear" perhaps you'd make more sense.

Just so you know, I'm an American Patriot and I believe in America, America is the greatest country in the world. I have no use for those lazy people that rely on ignorant crutches to justify why they haven't accomplished anything in their lives. The lazy people are dragging down this country and I suspect you are one of those people.

Not sure where that take came from? My true, yet very toungincheek reply about the new country of CHOP.
You need to lay off the "Everclear" perhaps you'd make more sense.

Just so you know, I'm an American Patriot and I believe in America, America is the greatest country in the world. I have no use for those lazy people that rely on ignorant crutches to justify why they haven't accomplished anything in their lives. The lazy people are dragging down this country and I suspect you are one of those people.
Is it true the state of Oregon doesn't allow you guys to pump your own gas?
I’ll likely vote for Jorgensen. Supported Gary Johnson last time, but the libertarian candidate doesn’t have anywhere near the recognition he did. I don’t know much about her.
Well, we know not to take you seriously from now on. Johnson was the worst candidate the LP had in half a century... even worse than Bob Barr.
The man pulled a concealed gun on law enforcement any time that happens someone is likely to get hurt, that's self defense, something anyone who believes in the second amendment should support.

No one in Seattle pulled a gun, if they had I suspect they would have been shot as well.

They were chased down an run off the road. You are ignoring the facts.
Is it true the state of Oregon doesn't allow you guys to pump your own gas?

Let's qualify that a bit. In Oregon you aren't allowed to pump your own gas. This date's back to safety issue when cars first appeared on roads. Now the little secret is that it rains quite a bit in Western Oregon where most people live and no one really wants to pump their own gas in the rain... So the law has stayed on the books for somewhere around a 100 years and no one really is motivated to change it.

Two things about the law, one it employs people and second, the law was actually suspended during the peak of the corona virus epidemic. It was sort of comical seeing people pumping their own gas.
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They were chased down an run off the road. You are ignoring the facts.

Are you saying these people were law abiding citizens who where some how innocent? Come on let's get real about what went on over there.

Curious.... What do you know about the Malheur.... I've been there numerous times...
Let's qualify that a bit. In Oregon you aren't allowed to pump your own gas. This date's back to safety issue when cars first appeared on roads. Now the little secret is that it rains quite a bit in Western Oregon where most people live and no one really wants to pump their own gas in the rain... So the law has stayed on the books for somewhere around a 100 years and no one really is motivated to change it.

Two things about the law, one it employs people and second, the law was actually suspended during the peak of the corona virus epidemic. It was sort of comical seeing people pumping their own gas.
My dad went to Oregon and he asked the gas attendant if they only allowed women to vote in Oregon since he wasn’t allowed to pump his own gas.
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Trump. My biggest issue is the minimum wage debate. I fear a push for $15 federal minimum wage if the Democrats take control. My family owns a small business which cannot sustain this. In some areas, yes, I understand it, but it is not sustainable for small businesses in rural West and East TN.
Let's qualify that a bit. In Oregon you aren't allowed to pump your own gas. This date's back to safety issue when cars first appeared on roads. Now the little secret is that it rains quite a bit in Western Oregon where most people live and no one really wants to pump their own gas in the rain... So the law has stayed on the books for somewhere around a 100 years and no one really is motivated to change it.

Two things about the law, one it employs people and second, the law was actually suspended during the peak of the corona virus epidemic. It was sort of comical seeing people pumping their own gas.
Hope you didn't take it wrong wasn't try to make a statement...just was watching a travel show and the host mentioned it

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