"I'm Voting For _________ Because"

Lol fair enough
haven't read all the posts: any Biden supporters actually think Biden is a good choice for POTUS (actually support Biden) or is it all "he's better than Trump"?

I'll hang up and listen.
haven't read all the posts: any Biden supporters actually think Biden is a good choice for POTUS (actually support Biden) or is it all "he's better than Trump"?

I'll hang up and listen.

I'll give you 1 guess, I think you know the answer.
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I'm voting for - undecided at this point. It will probably be the Green party nominee unless I can find a further left wing candidate on the ballot.

Just write your own name down on the ballot. Another name than your own....nobody will know them neither.
LOL, How many right wing groups would get away with looting, arson, assaults and the destruction these left wing thugs have in the last several weeks.

Do you think a right wing group backed by an armed militia would be getting preferential treatment from a city government after they forcefully occupy 6 city blocks after running off an entire police precinct?

Yes... And, CHAZ isn't an armed militia getting preferential treatment. Where did you get that idea.

Here is what you are talking about when it comes to an armed militia taking over property owned by the government...

Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge - Wikipedia
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You think they got preferential treatment? I don't know about you but murdering one of the protesters doesn't seem like preferential to me.

The man pulled a concealed gun on law enforcement any time that happens someone is likely to get hurt, that's self defense, something anyone who believes in the second amendment should support.

No one in Seattle pulled a gun, if they had I suspect they would have been shot as well.
Yes... And, CHAZ isn't an armed militia getting preferential treatment. Where did you get that idea.

Here is what you are talking about when it comes to an armed militia taking over property owned by the government...

Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge - Wikipedia

The country formerly known as the City of Seattle,U.S. now formerly known as CHAS now CHOP has armed militia protecting & securing it's border.

If a right wing group taking control of part of a city would not have said city then do what ever that group says while also paying to have things like Porto-toilets installed in occupied territory. Not to mention the American City of Seattle where this new country now exists is providing this new country with water, electricity and cell service apparently at no charge the country of CHOP.

Your second point how many people were assaulted, how many businesses were robbed or looted?
The grass isn't always greener because this one time in Germany a psychopathic murderous monster became Der Fuhrer? Multiple political parties were the culprit, and not widespread propaganda, sweeping toxic nationalism, and oppressive fascism coupled by appeasement from the European powers at be, which is arguably the worst diplomatic policy in history? Yeah man, I guess I can see your point.

No, a parliamentarian system was the culprit. The majority party in the parliament appoints a representative to represent them as the leader of the legislative branch. The problem with that is the majority party doesnโ€™t mean they represent a majority of the people. It could be 30-35% in Hitlerโ€™s case. There is no executive branch in the parliamentary system. Although Hitler was appointed by Paul von Hindenburg so it wasnโ€™t quite the same as a true parliamentary system. But the point still stands, itโ€™s much easier to vote for a president than have to vote the majority party and hope they appoint a worthy leader.

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