(Volunteer @ Mar 29 said:I say build the wall, put guards on it, get the National Guard involved, deport all illegal immigrants back to Mexico, especially those currently in the penal system who you and I are paying for and tighten our borders.
this is an excellent way of looking at this issue. My first reaction to this issue is i'm sick of having to choose Spanish or English on ATM's, phone calls, computers, and just about everything else....(Crakaveli @ Mar 28 said:We already know that illegal immigrants have contempt for this country and ours laws but seriously, what the hell happened? All weekend I heard that they "just want to come here and be Americans and contribute." I heard them say that "we are the backbone of this country." Yet between the costs of their medical care, policing, and educating their children with the added billions of dollars to teach them in Spanish and not English which they refuse to learn. It's my sense that they are not the backbone of America, but they are breaking our back.
I'm told that without them I would be paying $6.00 for a head of lettuce, or $15.00 for a plate of spaghetti when I go out to eat. I supposed to think that's far worse than the billions and billions of dollars we are shelling out for the above mentioned Government services. Actually, when you sit and do the math we'd be far better off paying more for our produce, dinning out, lawn maintenance, etc. That is considerably less than we pay to keep illegal immigrants here.
With all of that said, President Bush says we need them because "they do jobs Americans won't do." This is true and it's our fault for allowing any American to decide that he or she is "too good" to take whatever jobs are available, and turn to tax payers to pay their way. Shame on the welfare state, and shame on this country for allowing it to come to this. If we are to fix the problem of illegal immigration we must first fix welfare once and for all. No one should be able to pass up a job, any job in favor of a Government check.
During the Great Depression there was no such thing as a job that an American wouldn't do. Shock of shocks, there was no illegal immigration problem either. In fact Americans in those days had the same attitude about work that immigrants (illegal or otherwise) have today. The liberal welfare program has made a mess of this country and now they defend not only the right of some Americans to sit on their asses and not work, but defend the right of foreigners to break our laws to come here and take jobs that these same lazy ass Americans won't do.
What the hell?
It's not that Americans won't do those jobs, it's that Americans won't do those jobs for the pennies they are paying these illegals. I'm sorry, I just don't buy the "we'd pay more if they weren't doing these jobs" argument. We didn't pay more before we had these immigration problems and Americans were doing those jobs. Has anybody gone down on prices as a result of paying lower wages to illegal aliens? Of course not. It just means higher profits going into somebody's pocket.(jakez4ut @ Mar 30 said:Which usually leads me to the flip side....when was the last time i saw a middle aged white man working on a landscaping crew? or house painter? roofer? (i know there are folks....but...) etc....? Not too often....i just had a house built, and besides the project manager, NO ONE else i came in to contact with was an English speaking white or black male. It was all Mexicans, that only speak Spanish, or so they say.
For my Job, we hire Temp services alll over the country(for guess what? the work that we don't want to do...shocker!, in certain pockets, most of the Temps these services provide are Mexican. Again, usually out of the entire crew, there is only one who supposedly speaks English.
So, the flip side for me is very real.....Americans aren't doing these low level manual labor jobs anymore. More and More Americans are going to and graduating college (or are getting vocational training in specific industries) and are moving in to the white collar world. Most of the blue collar jobs(at least low level, low skill anyway) are not attractive to even those Americans that did not go to college and graduate (truck drivrs, equipment operators etc,etc, etc....) and with most of the good paying manufacturing jobs dwindling, the economy is shifting towards more of a service oriented one rather than the manufacturing one we enjoyed way back when.
Why? the middle class American is more upwardly mobile today than he probaby has ever been. Problem is, there are only so many "up" jobs.
Like my grand dad used to tell me...the world needs ditch diggers to son. To a certain extent, our "ditch diggers" for lack of a better term, are these illegal immigrants. it is true when they say we wont' do those jobs.
(Volunteer @ Mar 28 said:Here is a #$%^ rapper's quote from yesterday:
Jorge Ruiz: "We construct your schools. We cook your food. We are the motor of this nation, but people don't see us. Blacks and whites, they had their revolution. They had their Martin Luther King. Now it is time for us."
They want a REVOLUTION? How does this not bother the rest of the country?
Realize that most people have never been to Mexico proper, I'm not talking about americanized Cancun or Acapulco. I majored in Spanish at The University of Tennessee and spent 6 weeks in the city of Puebla. The outright hatred for the United States by Mexicans is common, rewind to the U.S.-Mexico Soccer Match a couple of years ago when the Mexican soccer fans were shouting "OSAMA".
If our borders are opened when does the next 9/11 happen?
This is not a RACE issue. Mexican is not a race, it is a NATIONALITY... and there are large numbers of MEXICAN NATIONALS living in AMERICA, you know... where AMERICAN NATIONALS are supposed to live... you're smart enough to figure out where Mexican nationals belong.(utfantilidie @ Mar 30 said:You can't cut a race of people down in the real world, that is if you work and your not a hermit. I know a guy who was an ignorant racist until the people he was racist against, one of them did heart surgery on him. Not only opened him up for heart surgery but opened his ignorant mind up as well.
(Volunteer @ Mar 30 said:I am glad you are enlightened therealUT, I guess the security issue is not necessarily that terrorists HAVE crossed the border as much as the possibility exists. If you travel to Mexico, you may very well be searched before you come back to the U.S. Why do we hold different standards for those who enter the U.S. illegally????
Read this from a column "Guests or gate-crashers" by Thomas Sowell
"How often have we heard that illegal immigrants "take jobs that Americans will not do"? What is missing in this argument is what is crucial in any economic argument: price.
Americans will not take many jobs at their current pay levels -- and those pay levels will not rise so long as poverty-stricken immigrants are willing to take those jobs.
If Mexican journalists were flooding into the United States and taking jobs as reporters and editors at half the pay being earned by American reporters and editors, maybe people in the media would understand why the argument about "taking jobs that Americans don't want" is such nonsense.
Another variation on the same theme is that we "need" the millions of illegal aliens already in the United States. "Need" is another word that blithely ignores prices.
If jet planes were on sale for a thousand dollars each, I would probably "need" a couple of them -- an extra one to fly when the first one needed repair or maintenance. But since these planes cost millions of dollars, I don't even "need" one.
There is no fixed amount of "need," independently of prices, whether with planes or workers."
(rwemyss @ Mar 30 said:This is not a RACE issue. Mexican is not a race, it is a NATIONALITY... and there are large numbers of MEXICAN NATIONALS living in AMERICA, you know... where AMERICAN NATIONALS are supposed to live... you're smart enough to figure out where Mexican nationals belong.