Is Bama UTs Biggest Rival?

Us old guys will consider bama our biggest rivalry. Sad to think that Vandy has even entered into the equation but the times they are a changin'!
Alabama by far is our biggest rival!!!! I have been a Tennessee fan for over 50 years and moved from Tennessee to Georgia 11 years ago, I never really had much against the Georgia fans because all they know how to do is bark like a Dawg. Now I am living in Alabama near Auburn. When I am wearing my Tennessee hat or shirts, the Alabama fans come up to me and tell me how much they hate Fulmer because they couldn't beat him and he turned them in. Major's couldn't beat Alabama but Fulmer did on a regular basis, so all of you Fulmer haters out there should congratulate him for a job well done. I just love watching the Alabama fans squirm when Fulmer's name is brought up.

Well, we have won our division two years-in-a-row. Some teams haven't gone to a bowl game in several years yet they try and poke fun.....even though they have a fight song that you clog to........imagine that! We'll bark and win. :yes:
Well, we have won our division two years-in-a-row. Some teams haven't gone to a bowl game in several years yet they try and poke fun.....even though they have a fight song that you clog to........imagine that! We'll bark and win. :yes:

I'd rather clog than have my coach remake a Miley Cirus song.
Well, we have won our division two years-in-a-row. Some teams haven't gone to a bowl game in several years yet they try and poke fun.....even though they have a fight song that you clog to........imagine that! We'll bark and win. :yes:

Which team had UGA's fight song first? Was it you guys or Auburn?
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Big words. Might want to beat Vandy before you take on Bama!

Pretty easy to kick someone when they are down. You know you would trade your laughable division titles for some down years to have a BCS title in your trophy case. No one remembers who lost the SEC title games (other than the losers). We know first hand. I'm certain that we have lost more of them than y'all.
:banghead2:Been fan now for 43 years I hate them ffffffing gators but BAMA is and alway will be the game third week in OCTOBER ., buck bama and there momas and daddys and brothers and sisters and step momas step daddys and there cuzs if there is any you get the point the old timers hate bama and what they stand for The BEAR IS A BOS TURD FACE STINKING MAGGITT. I hate BAMA BUCK bama and the cub BOS little nick. PS I HATE BAMA BUCK BAMA
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Historically it's definitely Bama. Now? Probably Florida. I hate Bama with a passion but it's a respectful hate. Their program is one of the best in the nation, but they're our rival so of course I hate them. Not as much as Florida though. Just because they have only been relevant since about the 90's...maybe mid 80's and their fans think they have a history going way back and they just lack tradition. I just can't respect my hate for Florida runs deep. My hate for Bama like I said is a respectful hate. Unfortunately we are on Vandy's level right now. Ouch that hurt to say, but it's true. So right now we need to beat Vandy and put them in their place so they can shut up and then can go from there.
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Alright ! We can't have football for a few more months ; maybe we can get some Eboxing going on. :the_finger:
:banghead2:Been fan now for 43 years I hate them ffffffing gators but BAMA is and alway will be the game third week in OCTOBER ., buck bama and there momas and daddys and brothers and sisters and step momas step daddys and there cuzs if there is any you get the point the old timers hate bama and what they stand for The BEAR IS A BOS TURD FACE STINKING MAGGITT. I hate BAMA BUCK bama and the cub BOS little nick. PS I HATE BAMA BUCK BAMA

Your period key obviously works, so why are so many of your posts massive, disjointed run-on sentences?
Your period key obviously works, so why are so many of your posts massive, disjointed run-on sentences?

I'm still trying to figure out exactly what a "BOS" is. At first I thought maybe he meant "POS", but then I remembered that B and P couldn't hardly be farther apart on a keyboard.
Well, we have won our division two years-in-a-row. Some teams haven't gone to a bowl game in several years yet they try and poke fun.....even though they have a fight song that you clog to........imagine that! We'll bark and win. :yes:

I would rather have a fight song that you can clog to than a high school fight song. And another thing, you still have not won anything. Even our average teams were SEC East Champions, whatever that means.
Not as much as Florida though. Just because they have only been relevant since about the 90's...maybe mid 80's and their fans think they have a history going way back and they just lack tradition. I just can't respect my hate for Florida runs deep.

this is the the essence of the tennessee-florida game

a mutual lack of respect
this is the the essence of the tennessee-florida game

a mutual lack of respect

Still not our biggest rival. We hate you, but not our biggest rival. We don't respect you, but not our biggest rival. We live vicariously through your opponents, but.....
Still not our biggest rival. We hate you, but not our biggest rival. We don't respect you, but not our biggest rival. We live vicariously through your opponents, but.....

i never have claimed florida is tennessee's biggest rival.

alabama is and should be.

imo, i don't think florida-tennessee is even a rivalry. there were years where the game was heated because of spurrier and the hatred for spurrier.

the intensity in that game hasn't been the same since spurrier left
i never have claimed florida is tennessee's biggest rival.

alabama is and should be.

imo, i don't think florida-tennessee is even a rivalry. there were years where the game was heated because of spurrier and the hatred for spurrier.

the intensity in that game hasn't been the same since spurrier left

I think it's a rivalry. We just haven't lived up to our end of the bargain. Hopefully that will change soon. Kiff tried to renew it. Had he stayed, there would have been a renewed hatred for each other.
reposted from old board


Yes they are! Florida became A rival because Tennessee can't beat them. Vols fans write off the Bama game now because it's going to be A blow out every year. They think they can beat Florida which never happens. When you lose 7 or 8 games in A row to A school it's not much of A rivalry. The 3rd Saturday in October is the super bowl to real Vols fans.
Yes they are! Florida became A rival because Tennessee can't beat them. Vols fans write off the Bama game now because it's going to be A blow out every year. They think they can beat Florida which never happens. When you lose 7 or 8 games in A row to A school it's not much of A rivalry. The 3rd Saturday in October is the super bowl to real Vols fans.

When you lose 28 out of 30, it's definitely not a rivalry.

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