Is Bama UTs Biggest Rival?

When you lose 28 out of 30, it's definitely not a rivalry.

From Tennessee's perspective thats true. Vandy fans only care about one thing. We are very happy with going to bowl games and winning more games than we have since the 82. Vandy fans could handle losing every game as long as they beat Tennessee. That is the only game on the calender.
I think it's a rivalry. We just haven't lived up to our end of the bargain. Hopefully that will change soon. Kiff tried to renew it. Had he stayed, there would have been a renewed hatred for each other.

Kiffen is A garbage coach. Tennessee probably wouldn't have beat Florida if he stayed.
Kiffen is A garbage coach. Tennessee probably wouldn't have beat Florida if he stayed.

Never said he would win. He created a stink between the teams and fans. That series would have gotten ugly. I hope it heats up because we are winning games not press conferences.
Bear Bryant said many times he thought the UT/Ala game was the biggest because of the pounding that Alabama used to get from Gen Neyland. I say it is our biggest rival. We never really played FL at all until the late 80s so it has to be Alabama.
Fla did over take Bama in the rivalry department because of the one sidedness of the mid-90's-early2000's Ala wins but Ala is a muh longer tradition.
Your period key obviously works, so why are so many of your posts massive, disjointed run-on sentences?

When you start drinking that shine at 6.00 am and drink till 9.00 pm, you might have a couple of sentences that run together and look dude dont get pissed just having a little fun trying to get you bama boys going i think i might have missed a coma or a period or 2 im sorry but i still say BUCK BAMA.:)
Historically Bama should be #1, and UF #2.

No different than old crusty UF fans viewing UGA as our #1 rival and FSU #2.
I agree with the article. I DESPISE Florida and dread that game WEEKS before the season even starts. Playing Alabama is really no big deal anymore, except for bragging rights and bragging rights don't win National Championships. Beating Florida is close to winning a championship in my mind.

When we no longer have to play Bama every year, I might say that Florida or Georgia could replace Bama as our biggest rival. However, we do play them every year now and they are the highest ranked team with the most success in the Nation, so I still list them as our biggest rival.
alabama is easily the biggest rival. with florida down, georgia is #2.

When I said earlier that the essence of the Florida Tennessee game is based on a mutual lack of respect, this is exactly what I was talking about.

Now, I have my beliefs as to why it's like this, but regardless of the reason, it's beautiful
When I said earlier that the essence of the Florida Tennessee game is based on a mutual lack of respect, this is exactly what I was talking about.

Now, I have my beliefs as to why it's like this, but regardless of the reason, it's beautiful

It would certainly help the rivalry if UT held up its end of the deal. UT & UF have played every year since 1990 and UF has won 17 of the 23 games. Not much of a rivalry on the field.

However, the rivalry is fueled by the fans which will keep it going for a while. But, fewer Vol fans are making the trip to Gainesville every other year. Unless UT starts winning some games, that rivalry will become somewhat stale.
I respect Alabama, their traditions record alumni coaches. There is a rivalry type dislike for them as with other Volunteer opponents in the week we play them. Alabama to a large extent has been the flagship in the SEC fleet, responsible for a large part of the respect the SEC nationally enjoys. That said I agree with LadyinOrange....I DISPISE FLORIDA! To me a win over them is close to winning a championship and a loss to them is wailing and gnashing of teeth dining on sackcloth and ashes! For two weeks after last years game I avoided any sports like leprosy, I could'nt stand to see a sports related show while scrolling with the remote. Why? I think Alabama even with their recent glory and accolades still respect Tennessee deep down and Florida doesn't and never have.
I agree that the Florida game has been much bigger the last decade. I think this Bama game is big for me this year. I used to respect the class and tradition of the Bama program. While there are still good Bama fans (like our own bdbaggins..who I haven't seen on here in a while) most of them are nothing but crybaby, sore loosers and trouble makers. I want to win this game to send them farther down the toilet.

Back to back national titles and 3 out of the last 4 isn't exactly the toilet. :)
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I hated Florida before it was cool. Living in Jacksonville will do that to you.

It's all about perspective. The older fans will say Bama, the younger ones Florida. I have enough hate in my heart for both.
UT may be the most hated team in the SEC. The Bama, UF and UGA games are all huge for everyone and when we are a better team have huge implications on college football across the country. With the ol' ball coach at USC, their recent rise in the SEC and his history with Fulmer, it has become a fairly big game for them and us. Vandy has always been a small instate rivalry but has become much more heated these last 2 years. Then there is UK, the streak made that game exciting until Dooley blew that for us.

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