Is MAGA Quasi-Fascist?

“What we’re seeing now is either the beginning or the death knell of an extreme MAGA philosophy. It’s not just Trump. It’s the entire philosophy that underpins the – I’m going to say something. It’s like semi-fascism.”
Democratic President Joe Biden

“The fact that the President would go out and just insult half of America … effectively call half of America’s horribly inappropriate.”
Republican Gov. Chris Sununu of New Hampshire

GOP governor calls on Biden to apologize for suggesting 'semi-fascism' drives some Trump-backing Republicans

No, it’s not anywhere close to fascism. And it likely means nothing except the mentally addled Joe Biden forgot what he was supposed to say. Wonder if his handlers allowed him to take any questions about it?
I think he is much less divisive than was Trump (or Trump would have been had he won).
Biden's choice of words and comments alone are far less divisive.
But didn’t he run on unity? Working for Democrats and Republicans?
I don't necessarily think so but the movement could easily be taken over by those who would make it so. Rogan had a good line recently that Trump really "ramped up the dumb people." They don't know what they're cheering for but really believe their team won. That's dangerous given their passion

Currently the left is trending way more fascist than the right.
I don't necessarily think so but the movement could easily be taken over by those who would make it so. Rogan had a good line recently that Trump really "ramped up the dumb people." They don't know what they're cheering for but really believe their team won. That's dangerous given their passion

Currently the left is trending way more fascist than the right.
It’s like some have forgotten all of the “muh, rights” and “freedumb” comments of these last few years.
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No but they are nationalist. Not really conservative not really liberal. Seems like populism is on the rise in both parties.

Both sides got an element that wants absolute power and wants to use government as a weapon but it’s not restricted to one party or one element of one party.

Both sides need to stomp it out. I’m sure smarter people than me are on it.
“What we’re seeing now is either the beginning or the death knell of an extreme MAGA philosophy. It’s not just Trump. It’s the entire philosophy that underpins the – I’m going to say something. It’s like semi-fascism.”
Democratic President Joe Biden

“The fact that the President would go out and just insult half of America … effectively call half of America’s horribly inappropriate.”
Republican Gov. Chris Sununu of New Hampshire

GOP governor calls on Biden to apologize for suggesting 'semi-fascism' drives some Trump-backing Republicans

My answer is yes, the MAGA right is q-f, but only in the same sense that the activist left is quasi authoritarian.

I don't think half the country is "extreme MAGA philosophy", so the GOP governor is being dumb.
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Which party wants to control business? Which party can not tolerate dissent? There was an element from the right that questioned the vote but that would be a very small minority who supported not recognizing Biden as President. Will you answer my question?

"An element from the right that questioned the vote" is a grotesque understatement that misrepresents many known facts about the Republican Party.
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No, it’s not anywhere close to fascism. And it likely means nothing except the mentally addled Joe Biden forgot what he was supposed to say. Wonder if his handlers allowed him to take any questions about it?

Uhhh. Nothing like it?

Ultra nationalist? At the very least, most nationalist movement I can remember.

Dictatorial leader? I mean, yeah to an extent, but not too different from other presidents, but still.

Centralized autocracy? Did Trump expand the power of the presidency? Yeah, but not too...

Forcible suppression of the opposition? Trump openly made threats to the media. MAGA people want to drop the hammer on big tech so they can't oppose the right with their property.

This is at least a little like fascism.
But they voted for it.

I don't think he's saying half the country is quasi fascist. That's a straw man by the gov. He's saying "extreme MAGA philosophy" is. Half the country didn't vote Republican (as you point out, only 70m, which is 1/5 of the population) and not even 20% of them count as "extreme MAGA philosophy". The large majority either voted for the lesser of 2 evils or just wanted to pwn the libs.
I don't think he's saying half the country is quasi fascist. That's a straw man by the gov. He's saying "extreme MAGA philosophy" is. Half the country didn't vote Republican (as you point out, only 70m, which is 1/5 of the population) and not even 20% of them count as "extreme MAGA philosophy". The large majority either voted for the lesser of 2 evils or just wanted to pwn the libs.

You are probably correct, "I don't think he's saying half the country is quasi fascist." But the reality is that the radical base of the Republican Party holds sway over the rest. An overwhelming majority of Republicans believe Trump's nonsense about the election being stolen, and anyone who speaks out against election denial is primaried, with most losing their office. And look at the people Trump brought into the White House at the end of his Administration. They were nutjobs who conspired against the Electoral College vote. That's our Constitution they were conspiring against. While the extreme radicals might be a minority among Republicans, they do hold sway over the Party, and Republicans voters do support them. If the radicals in the Party are quasi-fascists, and they are -- and most Republicans voters support them, which they do, then why should we pretend that there isn't a current of fascism running through the Party? We know that Trump plans to appoint people on the basis of extreme personal loyalty if he is elected again. Trump's political appointees will be loyal to Trump, not to the Constitution and the rule of law. That's a dangerously fascist development, and it is foolish to ignore it or to think it isn't fascism.
My answer is yes, the MAGA right is q-f, but only in the same sense that the activist left is quasi authoritarian.

I don't think half the country is "extreme MAGA philosophy", so the GOP governor is being dumb.

Well you think illegal Mexicans are all good people.
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I don't think he's saying half the country is quasi fascist. That's a straw man by the gov. He's saying "extreme MAGA philosophy" is. Half the country didn't vote Republican (as you point out, only 70m, which is 1/5 of the population) and not even 20% of them count as "extreme MAGA philosophy". The large majority either voted for the lesser of 2 evils or just wanted to pwn the libs.
A huge percentage of us don't really like Trump, but we were certain that Biden would destroy the economy, weaken our position against international enemies, create reliance on foreign energy production, allow the border to be a free-flowing stream of unmanageable immigrants, drugs, and terrorists, threaten our 2A rights, etc.

How's that working out?
A huge percentage of us don't really like Trump, but we were certain that Biden would destroy the economy, weaken our position against international enemies, create reliance on foreign energy production, allow the border to be a free-flowing stream of unmanageable immigrants, drugs, and terrorists, threaten our 2A rights, etc.

How's that working out?

Yeah, this was exactly my point about the majority's view.

I say bring on immigrants, end the war on drugs, and what terrorists? Am I unaware of a recent attack from foreigners? Threaten our 2a rights? Like Trump did? Destroy the economy? You mean like Trump did? Trump inherited a growing economy and it was done growing (besides government spending) by year 2 and he was the the initial catalyst for this inflationary spike with his covid bailouts.

He's the same brand of evil, just lesser in your opinion.
Lol. common sense? You cannot learn that in a university sport. This is a weird debate you’re trying to have. The propagandist are on both sides, this I will agree…. However it was made clear that the dems and your side control the largest portions of the media. Even more clear this week with the Zuck interview with Rogan. Lest we forget the masters of manipulation rescuing Biden when Hunter lost his laptop by signing the document saying it was Russian disinfo.

To answer your silly question, I minored in sociology.

A minor in sociology does not fit the impression you make on me. But this threat isn't about you, so I should back off.
No, it’s not anywhere close to fascism. And it likely means nothing except the mentally addled Joe Biden forgot what he was supposed to say. Wonder if his handlers allowed him to take any questions about it?

Actually, Donald Trump, many in his inner circle and his base are somewhere very close to fascism.
A huge percentage of us don't really like Trump, but we were certain that Biden would destroy the economy, weaken our position against international enemies, create reliance on foreign energy production, allow the border to be a free-flowing stream of unmanageable immigrants, drugs, and terrorists, threaten our 2A rights, etc.

How's that working out?

Look-it. I have concerns about certain policies pushed by certain Democrats. But you are not describing Joe Biden with most of those. The alternative is a man who openly talks about becoming dictator and openly led a coup to overturn the Election. Your perceptions and priorities are messed up.
political system headed by a dictator in which the government controls business and labor and opposition is not permitted. Fascism defined.
Which political party tries to control business? Which party hates to be questioned and wants to eliminate dissent?
Thank you. Fascism is one of those words that gets thrown around so much by people who don’t know what it really is and by those who lack the introspection to see their party is the one who shares the most commonalities with it.
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He is far more of a unifier than Trump, plain and simple.
Hell, Trump ran on divisiveness.....that was his appeal.
unifier, he insulted an entire race in the elections. And just this past week insulted the opposition. Trumps campaign was the forgotten man due to the corruption of Washington. His appeal was going after the career politician. But please again, tell me how racist Joe is a good guy.

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