Is MAGA Quasi-Fascist?

Here is Trump trying to incite rebellion within the FBI, "When are the great Agents, and others, in the FBI going to say ‘we aren’t going to take it anymore?"

From the article: "Despite the facts of the case, in a TruthSocial post from Sunday Trump sought to undermine FBI leadership by seeking to stoke distrust and anger inside the agency."
Despite the facts of the case, in a TruthSocial post from Sunday Trump sought to undermine FBI leadership by seeking to stoke distrust and anger inside the agency.

Me: Looks like Trump is covering up his own misconduct. Who knows how many documents went missing or where there went? The confused situations were ripe for foreign espionage.
Official records would 'just disappear' after Trump took them, former White House press secretary says
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Costly mistake on his end. I’m more concerned about those who still can’t admit they screwed up and got played by Biden/Covid over a “Ultra MAGA” voter. They fail to see what their vote did in regards to setting us back.
The left doesn't see any of this as costly. Any damage to the country is acceptable collateral damage.

Binghamton, NY: Ku Klux Klan stages an 'America First' parade in Binghamton, NY. Photograph. 1920's. For context purposes of this picture posted and liked.

Thank goodness for Lincoln, the OG of woke. Believe during this time the KKK was ran by Dr. Hirim Evans who was a documented Democrat. But lets not let facts get in the way.
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No, Tim, projection is what Republicans do. They accuse their opposition of that which they are guilty. Many's the time when they accused Democrats of doing something because they planned to do that very thing and did do that very thing. But first they accused Democrats of doing it because they wanted to muddy the waters of public perception before committing to the next phase of the plan. Of course, they also accuse Democrats of doing what they are caught doing, divert attention of their dimwitted supporters. Some of the wealthiest individuals and corporations pay hundreds of millions of dollars a year to public relations professionals to operate as their propaganda professionals. There obviously are many so-called conservatives who swallow that propaganda hook, line, and sinker.

Your post is a perfect example of the bolded statement.

If you want to know what a leftist is doing, simply watch what they accuse others of doing. Along the lines of "guilty dog always barks first".

Projection is a classic tactic of Trotskyism used by Alinsky acolytes.
I don't necessarily think so but the movement could easily be taken over by those who would make it so. Rogan had a good line recently that Trump really "ramped up the dumb people." They don't know what they're cheering for but really believe their team won. That's dangerous given their passion

Currently the left is trending way more fascist than the right.
I believe it was Doris Kearns Goodwin that stated "The greatest weakness of a democracy is the tyranny associated with an aroused public opinion."
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Would an example of fascism include a Governor of a state telling people of the opposing party to “Get out of town. Head down to Florida. You don’t represent our values.”? Would that be considered a authoritarian, dictorial suppression of the opposition?
Your post is a perfect example of the bolded statement.

If you want to know what a leftist is doing, simply watch what they accuse others of doing. Along the lines of "guilty dog always barks first".

Projection is a classic tactic of Trotskyism used by Alinsky acolytes.

I've followed current events from the time I was old enough to read newspapers. Those were the days of Walter Cronkite and others who were real professional journalists, not actors putting on shows to win ratings with gut twisting, spoon fed propaganda. I've also read information in stacks of history books which were vetted with historiographical methods by accredited historians. So I've worked hard for decades to develop a background of valid knowledge that provides context for a meaningful perspective. You would recognize that in my posts if you had done the same, so I incline to believe that you haven't. What I see posted by many here on this board is the blah, blah, blah of individuals who would not know sh!t from shinola if it weren't for the smell. Any ignorant mope can bandy names like Trotsky and Saul Alinsky. Doesn't mean you know WTF you are talking about, and it sure does not mean that you know me. You obviously do not. I've seen your lines many times from many other people and believe me when I say that they do not impress me, at least not in a good way.
“What we’re seeing now is either the beginning or the death knell of an extreme MAGA philosophy. It’s not just Trump. It’s the entire philosophy that underpins the – I’m going to say something. It’s like semi-fascism.”
Democratic President Joe Biden

“The fact that the President would go out and just insult half of America … effectively call half of America’s horribly inappropriate.”
Republican Gov. Chris Sununu of New Hampshire

GOP governor calls on Biden to apologize for suggesting 'semi-fascism' drives some Trump-backing Republicans

You nor the President can even define fascism without Googling it so forgive me if I don't feign outrage. There is only one party arresting its main opponent and sending the FBI after PTA members. It isn't the Republican party
I've followed current events from the time I was old enough to read newspapers. Those were the days of Walter Cronkite and others who were real professional journalists, not actors putting on shows to win ratings with gut twisting, spoon fed propaganda. I've also read information in stacks of history books which were vetted with historiographical methods by accredited historians. So I've worked hard for decades to develop a background of valid knowledge that provides context for a meaningful perspective. You would recognize that in my posts if you had done the same, so I incline to believe that you haven't. What I see posted by many here on this board is the blah, blah, blah of individuals who would not know sh!t from shinola if it weren't for the smell. Any ignorant mope can bandy names like Trotsky and Saul Alinsky. Doesn't mean you know WTF you are talking about, and it sure does not mean that you know me. You obviously do not. I've seen your lines many times from many other people and believe me when I say that they do not impress me, at least not in a good way.
A legend in his own mind.
No, Tim, projection is what Republicans do. They accuse their opposition of that which they are guilty. Many's the time when they accused Democrats of doing something because they planned to do that very thing and did do that very thing. But first they accused Democrats of doing it because they wanted to muddy the waters of public perception before committing to the next phase of the plan. Of course, they also accuse Democrats of doing what they are caught doing, divert attention of their dimwitted supporters. Some of the wealthiest individuals and corporations pay hundreds of millions of dollars a year to public relations professionals to operate as their propaganda professionals. There obviously are many so-called conservatives who swallow that propaganda hook, line, and sinker.

I am pretty sure that 90% of the Corporate heads vote Democrat.

Pretty much everything you said above can be fit with Democrats and National Media.
There, you see? You swallow right wing propaganda hook, line, and sinker, while accusing me of doing what you are doing.

Please tell me something before replying with another attack. How many social psychology courses did you take during your university studies? I'm guessing that you did not take any, that you did not learn the word "deflection" from the social psychologists who developed the word's usage in your post. Now, if you did not learn the usage of that word from social psychologists in a university, where and from whom did you learn it? I suspect that the root answer in your case is from some professional propagandist. So, which of us is being the lemming, here? If you are interested, I recommend starting with Elliot Aronson's "The Social Animal."
You didn’t get vocabulary until you got to college? Interesting.
Your post is a perfect example of the bolded statement.

If you want to know what a leftist is doing, simply watch what they accuse others of doing. Along the lines of "guilty dog always barks first".

Projection is a classic tactic of Trotskyism used by Alinsky acolytes.
Did you take any sociology classes tho?
Would an example of fascism include a Governor of a state telling people of the opposing party to “Get out of town. Head down to Florida. You don’t represent our values.”? Would that be considered a authoritarian, dictorial suppression of the opposition?
Anyone who could afford to - already has
Biden remains a moron but what else is new? Semi-fascist means what?
MAGA shares hyper nationalism with fascism but it's not just them, the whole country has been on that kick since the end of WWII and especially since the days of Ronnie Raygun.
Would an example of fascism include a Governor of a state telling people of the opposing party to “Get out of town. Head down to Florida. You don’t represent our values.”? Would that be considered a authoritarian, dictorial suppression of the opposition?
Not particularly fascist, just a jackass.
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Yeah, this was exactly my point about the majority's view.

I say bring on immigrants, end the war on drugs, and what terrorists? Am I unaware of a recent attack from foreigners? Threaten our 2a rights? Like Trump did? Destroy the economy? You mean like Trump did? Trump inherited a growing economy and it was done growing (besides government spending) by year 2 and he was the the initial catalyst for this inflationary spike with his covid bailouts.

He's the same brand of evil, just lesser in your opinion.

Lol. This is luther level derangement.
Here is Trump trying to incite rebellion within the FBI, "When are the great Agents, and others, in the FBI going to say ‘we aren’t going to take it anymore?"

"Despite the facts of the case, in a TruthSocial post from Sunday Trump sought to undermine FBI leadership by seeking to stoke distrust and anger inside the agency."
Despite the facts of the case, in a TruthSocial post from Sunday Trump sought to undermine FBI leadership by seeking to stoke distrust and anger inside the agency.

Looks like Trump is covering up his own misconduct. Who knows how many documents went missing or where there went? The confused situations were ripe for foreign espionage.
Official records would 'just disappear' after Trump took them, former White House press secretary says

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