Is MAGA Quasi-Fascist?

You nor the President can even define fascism without Googling it so forgive me if I don't feign outrage. There is only one party arresting its main opponent and sending the FBI after PTA members. It isn't the Republican party

Why don't you pour yourself a nice tall glass of STFU and stop telling lies about other people just to make yourself feel superior?
I've followed current events from the time I was old enough to read newspapers. Those were the days of Walter Cronkite and others who were real professional journalists, not actors putting on shows to win ratings with gut twisting, spoon fed propaganda. I've also read information in stacks of history books which were vetted with historiographical methods by accredited historians. So I've worked hard for decades to develop a background of valid knowledge that provides context for a meaningful perspective. You would recognize that in my posts if you had done the same, so I incline to believe that you haven't. What I see posted by many here on this board is the blah, blah, blah of individuals who would not know sh!t from shinola if it weren't for the smell. Any ignorant mope can bandy names like Trotsky and Saul Alinsky. Doesn't mean you know WTF you are talking about, and it sure does not mean that you know me. You obviously do not. I've seen your lines many times from many other people and believe me when I say that they do not impress me, at least not in a good way.

Well, Cronkite was certainly a professional and was widely trusted. In fact so much so, almost any review of his work indicates that his pronouncement that the war in Vietnam was unwinnable was a self fulfilling prophecy and caused the US to lose the war by losing the public support for it. Of course, years later we find out from General Giap that the viet cong were all but exhausted from the Tet offensive and had we gone on the offensive ourselves after that, we would have had a very different outcome. The corollary of this tale being that knowledge and experience does not equate to truth and that the journalist class has always been biased toward the left but at least had the decency to be demure about it in times past.

My posit was directed at the bolded statement you made and as such, it stands resplendent in testimony to my claim. I have not found any other statement you may have made on this board sufficiently remarkable to remember.

While it is true that there are far too many who bandy about terms without knowledge, even those whose conclusions I support, it would be hard to ascribe that framework to myself, even were you a wizard of equal standing.

And as regards to having "seen my lines many times from many other people" I would say that in the mouth of the fatuous, even honey may taste bitter.

Did you take any sociology classes tho?

Its funny about that. People used to actually study history as a discipline instead of studying sociology or anthropology or something else with history as an incorporated part of it.

I have always been fascinated, however, that the ideological fervor of Trotskyism first manifests itself as a bureaucratic Leninism which in turn never fails to eventually transmute into Stalinism. This has happened everywhere it is tried.
But I don't have $10,000.

Or better yet Spin the Wheel on the Price is Right and hit $1.00 twice. And win a double showcase, two cars, a boat and 6 overseas trips..
Of course you will have to pay $247,864.27 in taxes.
I am superior to you and Biden intellectually. If that hurts your feelings, I am sorry and I promise to stop hurting your feelings if you promise to stop voting

I've known people who were superior to me. You offer no indication of being one of them. But if you need to think of yourself as superior so badly, then go ahead and think yourself silly.
All rights have limits. This board is evidence of our freedom; don't you think? Nobody is dragging us off for expressing ourselves, here. At the same time, we are not free to yell, "Fire!" in a theater when there is no fire.
And yelling fire in a theater is in no way the same thing as suppressing a true story to protect a Presidential candidate.
Well, Cronkite was certainly a professional and was widely trusted. In fact so much so, almost any review of his work indicates that his pronouncement that the war in Vietnam was unwinnable was a self fulfilling prophecy and caused the US to lose the war by losing the public support for it. Of course, years later we find out from General Giap that the viet cong were all but exhausted from the Tet offensive and had we gone on the offensive ourselves after that, we would have had a very different outcome. The corollary of this tale being that knowledge and experience does not equate to truth and that the journalist class has always been biased toward the left but at least had the decency to be demure about it in times past.

My posit was directed at the bolded statement you made and as such, it stands resplendent in testimony to my claim. I have not found any other statement you may have made on this board sufficiently remarkable to remember.

While it is true that there are far too many who bandy about terms without knowledge, even those whose conclusions I support, it would be hard to ascribe that framework to myself, even were you a wizard of equal standing.

And as regards to having "seen my lines many times from many other people" I would say that in the mouth of the fatuous, even honey may taste bitter.

Its funny about that. People used to actually study history as a discipline instead of studying sociology or anthropology or something else with history as an incorporated part of it.

I have always been fascinated, however, that the ideological fervor of Trotskyism first manifests itself as a bureaucratic Leninism which in turn never fails to eventually transmute into Stalinism. This has happened everywhere it is tried.
That is funny….. I think
I am in a cult...we give you money to get your edjucation and when you say you cannot pay it we forgive it..
We think personal responsibility is for the naive..Daddy Bigbucks is right there to cuddle our asses when we fail life and responsibilities..but we still get a participation trophy for trying this thing called life.

Come join the Cult. Everything is free and your conscience is clear
I've known people who were superior to me. You offer no indication of being one of them. But if you need to think of yourself as superior so badly, then go ahead and think yourself silly.
I have an intellect continuum ranking of all of the regular PF posters and you are most definitely ahead of landscaper.
He's not referring to the 70 million who voted for Trump. he said "extreme MAGA philosophy".....that would be at most 5 million out of the 70.
And don't act like Trump ever did one single thing that even came remotely close to embracing the MAJORITY of voters - the ones who voted for Hillary.
I'm all for less divisive politics. Trumpism marked the low point; everything else represents improvement.
Agreed that Trump didn’t embrace the other side but Biden ran on uniting the country and has done everything but.
You just skipped right over discussing "political system headed by a dictator." Which party supported overthrowing the 2020 Presidential Election and the U.S. Constitution in order to make Donald Trump de facto dictator?
Which party illegally tried to force the vaccine mandate on businesses with 100+ employees? Who illegally bypassed Congress to forgive student debt?
Jan. 22 2020: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.” — Trump in a CNBC interview.

Jan. 30: “We think we have it very well under control. We have very little problem in this country at this moment — five — and those people are all recuperating successfully. But we’re working very closely with China and other countries, and we think it’s going to have a very good ending for us … that I can assure you.” — Trump in a speech in Michigan.

Feb. 10: “Now, the virus that we’re talking about having to do — you know, a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat — as the heat comes in. Typically, that will go away in April. We’re in great shape though. We have 12 cases — 11 cases, and many of them are in good shape now.” — Trump at the White House.

Feb. 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA."

Feb. 26: “So we’re at the low level. As they get better, we take them off the list, so that we’re going to be pretty soon at only five people. And we could be at just one or two people over the next short period of time. So we’ve had very good luck.”

Feb. 27: “It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear.” — Trump at a White House meeting with African American leaders.

It goes on and on.................
To be fair, it mostly has disappeared, at least from the media. Yes he said stupid things while getting a vaccine ready months, sometimes years, faster than Dems even thought possible so that YOU could take the jab, or two, or three…
Binghamton, NY: Ku Klux Klan stages an 'America First' parade in Binghamton, NY. Photograph. 1920's. For context purposes of this picture posted and liked.

Thank goodness for Lincoln, the OG of woke. Believe during this time the KKK was ran by Dr. Hirim Evans who was a documented Democrat. But lets not let facts get in the way.
Lincoln was dead well before the KKK was founded.
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