I'll have to disagree with the Marine's comments - at least some of them. My wife went through the direct commissioning program to become a Navy nurse; by the time she entered the Navy she had been an RN for more than 10 years. I don't know what the training entailed - we never really discussed it at length, but she was never intended to be a line officer. Her acceptance into the program had everything to do with education, work experience, physical and mental qualification, and the Navy's need for medical staff - and absolutely nothing to do with political connections. I do know that she qualified with the Beretta pistol - not sure about a rifle, but I can tell you she's pretty accurate with a pistol. Direct commissioning is used for many needs like medical, legal, engineering; it's a way of getting professionals into places the military needs them. I will agree that Pete's credentials are less than impressive - maybe for some political connections do matter, but it's far from a blanket statement.