Is Pope Francis the false prophet?

Well, raping kids and covering it up will do that.

Or selling "indulgences " ...or countless sins of the past on global scales in Christs supposed name, or leading millions upon millions of people to worship idols and get caught up in rituals and religiosity instead of a real relationship, systemic abuse and rape of nuns, backroom influence in world politics to include endorsing brutal dictators, or hoarding billions of dollars and wasting millions on lawsuits to defend known pedofiles instead of helping the poor and hungry with said millions...the wrongs of the Catholic church are far too many to pick just 1 I stated before...they are right next to Mormons as far as how far they have strayed from Biblical Christianity. They have added so much crap to distract would be believers that it's hard to even consider Catholicism the same religion as mine. I am not personally attacking Catholic worshippers here or my experience every Catholic I have ever met was born into it.. and NONE were devout, practicing Christians. Nearly all that I have encountered believed they could live worldly sinful lives 6 days a week.. go to confession and maybe sunday morning service occasionally...all is forgiven and God is pleased with them. That is nearly the complete opposite of what the Bible teaches...much like glorifying a "pope" above other men, saints and Mary etc etc. Etc....I have no problem with Catholic folks. I have a real problem with the Vatican, church, their doctrine, and dogma...
Edit: it's easy to poke holes in other organizations, other ideas, and other people. I am just a sinner. I am in no place to judge another man, nor his beliefs. That responsibility is the Lords. While there are things that I don't agree with in most religions, I respect their freedom to worship as they please both here and abroad if they are able. My family worships at a relatively small independent Baptist church. We came here because the doctrine of the church is simple: keep it Biblical. They arent a member of the southern baptists or any other organization, and are free to worship and teach what we see fit. I am not a Baptist. Have never told anyone that I am.. IMO God doesnt care what name the sign on your church says. He cares that you accepted His Son and tried to live by His Word and example. I fail EVERY single day to be the man God wants me to be, and ask forgiveness before I go to sleep. I dont pretend to have it all figured out, or even most of it. Dont want to offend anyone here or hurt anyones feelings. Best wishes to everyone.
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I already formed opinions and did the research. Revelation predicted the fall of the Roman Empire and is a thinly disguised copy of the the Book of Daniel, which predicted the fall of Babylon. After the Roman Empire fell, no one had any idea who the anti-Christ would be. After the Reformation, Protestants though the Pope was the anti-Christ, although most of today's Protestants no longer believe that. I am confident that a gentile Pope would not be recognized by Jews as their Messiah.
I'm lol-ing at the sheep-edit.
It's easy to pile on the Catholic Church, but do you know they are the world's largest provider of healthcare? Catholic Charities gives out $4.5 billion a year in the US alone. I grew up Southern Baptist and graduated from an independent baptist/Bob Jones affiliated academy. All the Independent Baptist and Southern Baptist churches I knew wouldn't give $4.50 to buy a box of Band-Aids for someone. They are not big on helping the poor, the homeless and the sick.

You have an extremely narrow view of things. How many Catholics do you know, three? I have several friends who are Catholic converts and most of the Catholics I know are devout.
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What is a sheep edit? I am asking you because you must be experienced at it.

If you believe anything different than what I wrote, then you are the sheep following a false teacher.
Every major Christian theologian in the world agrees with me.


Revelation to John | Summary & Facts
A sheep edit is sneaking back in to change your post when someone made it look stupid, while ignoring their answer.
I already formed opinions and did the research. Revelation predicted the fall of the Roman Empire and is a thinly disguised copy of the the Book of Daniel, which predicted the fall of Babylon. After the Roman Empire fell, no one had any idea who the anti-Christ would be. After the Reformation, Protestants thought the Pope was the anti-Christ, although most of today's Protestants no longer believe that. I am confident that a gentile Pope would not be recognized by Jews as their Messiah.
And for the record, your full of ish if you think that every (major) theologian believes that Revelation merely predicted the fall of the Roman empire, and Daniel merely predicted the fall of Babylon. Don't cheapen yourself further with a True Scots Fallacy, eh?
And for the record, your full of ish if you think that every (major) theologian believes that Revelation merely predicted the fall of the Roman empire, and Daniel merely predicted the fall of Babylon. Don't cheapen yourself further with a True Scots Fallacy, eh?

I am Scottish. WTF are you talking about?

Is a mouth breather like you able to articulate their beliefs on these matters? You do a lot of pissing on things but you never have the back bone to say what you believe.
I am Scottish. WTF are you talking about?

Is a mouth breather like you able to articulate their beliefs on these matters? You do a lot of pissing on things but you never have the back bone to say what you believe.
Funny, considering the post you ignored.
I was never on the debate team, nor college educated so I first learned of the basic logical fallacies here in the PF. When I had heard a couple mentioned I did some Google Fu and learned a few more. Who would have ever guessed there were more rules to arguing besides "never argue with a woman you love?" You can be right, or married, but rarely can a man be both. Lest he enjoys sleeping on the couch...

Anyway, glad I learned them. Hopefully having at least a basic understanding of them keeps me from using them much.
I'm no Catholic or person of faith, but this right here is not good for humanity.

Where the hell are the real Christians at? You let them cancel Easter, now they are coming after Thanksgiving and Christmas... and now LGBTQ nonsense? What was going on outside of Lot's house?

Pope calls for civil union laws for same-sex couples - CNN
Mystery Babylon

Edit: nice use of “Lots House”.
I ain’t buying this lack of faith thing you keep saying.
I'm no Catholic or person of faith, but this right here is not good for humanity.

Where the hell are the real Christians at? You let them cancel Easter, now they are coming after Thanksgiving and Christmas... and now LGBTQ nonsense? What was going on outside of Lot's house?

Pope calls for civil union laws for same-sex couples - CNN
Is it really shocking that a pope that covers for child abuse would step up to the plate for the group that represents 40%+ of pedophiles?
I'm no Catholic or person of faith, but this right here is not good for humanity.

Where the hell are the real Christians at? You let them cancel Easter, now they are coming after Thanksgiving and Christmas... and now LGBTQ nonsense? What was going on outside of Lot's house?

Pope calls for civil union laws for same-sex couples - CNN
You have to understand that Roman catholicism is not about Christianity its all sbout power. They are the anti-christ religion.
You would certainly think the Vatican would release a statement denying such a view. The resurrection of Christ is literally THE most important tenent of the Christian faith.

"And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain."
1 Corinthians 15:14 ESV

As an agnostic, if you take away the supernatural from the Christian story, you still have some pretty fantastic teachings by Christ. They alone would give reason for humans to aspire to though qualities.
It's easy to pile on the Catholic Church, but do you know they are the world's largest provider of healthcare? Catholic Charities gives out $4.5 billion a year in the US alone. I grew up Southern Baptist and graduated from an independent baptist/Bob Jones affiliated academy. All the Independent Baptist and Southern Baptist churches I knew wouldn't give $4.50 to buy a box of Band-Aids for someone. They are not big on helping the poor, the homeless and the sick.

You have an extremely narrow view of things. How many Catholics do you know, three? I have several friends who are Catholic converts and most of the Catholics I know are devout.
Southern Baptists give more to charity than most any Protestant church, but as usual you base your views on your narrow shallow like experiences
Southern Baptists give more to charity than most any Protestant church, but as usual you base your views on your narrow shallow like experiences
The American south is the most charitable place in the nation and I sure as hell don't know a lot of Catholic Southerners.

The leftists and apparently papists on this board are the least informed people I ever see online.
I didn't remember this thread. Actually posted about yesterday's news in the OT...this is just mind blowing to me. There are guys here who I respect that hold or held catholic beliefs so I don't want to offend anyone...but in my opinion this just pushes catholicism closer to the Mormons as far as getting away from what the Bible says...further from the Truth. The church isn't supposed to conform to the world...but be salt and light, that the world should come to the Lord. Just crazy
I'm no Catholic or person of faith, but this right here is not good for humanity.

Where the hell are the real Christians at? You let them cancel Easter, now they are coming after Thanksgiving and Christmas... and now LGBTQ nonsense? What was going on outside of Lot's house?

Pope calls for civil union laws for same-sex couples - CNN
Specifically what should Christians do, besides vote for candidates that we feel would most closely align with our values? I don't see that the church was created as a political influence to mandate morality externally. I see the church as left to share the gospel and lead people to Jesus, so that His Spirit can conform people from the inside.
I wonder what my guys at work will think. Latinos in my experience run about 90% catholic...whether they attend church or not. There is a huge stigma or negative connotation attached to homosexuality in that community though. They tend to have very conservative beliefs.

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