Is Pope Francis the false prophet?

A more full video by Vatican Media showed that the pope was receiving people for much longer than the first clip presented – around 13 minutes in total – and that he had allowed some people to kiss his ring, without visible protest, during the earlier part of the greeting line.

He said kissing the pope’s ring “expresses devotion not to the person of the pope, but to whom and what he represents: the successor of the fisherman of Galilee” and “indicates fidelity and love for the Church.”

Pope Francis did not appear to be wearing that particular ring in Loreto March 25. Outside of papal ceremonies, Francis is typically seen wearing only his episcopal ring.

Never thought you would be taking up for a man of the cloth.

He clearly didn't do anything wrong. His belief system is irrevant to his action there, that lady deserved a backhand. Pope needs to keep his pimp hand stronk.

It's kind of amusing to watch other "religious" folks using this to pile on the popes beliefs though.
Not in the article you linked, but I still don’t see it
You are correct the article did not directly say that. I simply made the connection because of the explosion of the Olive Grove. But that is just me guessing
You are correct the article did not directly say that. I simply made the connection because of the explosion of the Olive Grove. But that is just me guessing
My take from the article was that the background shapes were the nuclear crater. The hair looks like wind-blown hair. It just also looks amazingly like a serpent's head. People have run with that since the room shape/design also looks amazingly like a serpent's head. And the exterior of the building looks... wait for it...

My take from the article was that the background shapes were the nuclear crater. The hair looks like wind-blown hair. It just also looks amazingly like a serpent's head. People have run with that since the room shape/design also looks amazingly like a serpent's head. And the exterior of the building looks... wait for it...

Interesting. Thanks for that
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For context, as a reminder, this is the interior of the room:


The sculture with the serpent-Jesus-hair is between the "fangs" above.

And the exterior of the building looks like the above picture.

From memory, seems he also carried a staff in there that looked amazingly serpent-like.

People have run with it.
You are the only one talking about it.

Lulz, check the thread title and the post where he was called a sinner and an antichrist. Maybe I'm the only one who's sticking to the subject.
For context, as a reminder, this is the interior of the room:


The sculture with the serpent-Jesus-hair is between the "fangs" above.

And the exterior of the building looks like the above picture.

From memory, seems he also carried a staff in there that looked amazingly serpent-like.

People have run with it.
When you make everything about your building look like a serpent it's easy to see why they might think the same.
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My take from the article was that the background shapes were the nuclear crater. The hair looks like wind-blown hair. It just also looks amazingly like a serpent's head. People have run with that since the room shape/design also looks amazingly like a serpent's head. And the exterior of the building looks... wait for it...

That does indeed look like a serpent.

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