Is secession the answer?

Not possible. We will land with supplies of soy latte Kuerig cups and spinach toast which will immobilize you long enough for us corral you and surround you by curing meats thus preventing you from trying to escape since you couldn’t stand the close proximity to real beef.

(That was difficult as hell to try and put into a coherent sentence and I’m not sure I was successful)

Dallas took steps today. Poetry
That double hull screams stable

My ride will be subtle but effective if a whale blows on me

I pictured you more like this...

Your pops is my new hero.

It was in the Gramps thread a few years ago. Involved Bammer and AU. Not a huge deal, but got piddly stuff compared to today. 1950's it made the front page of the Birmingham News.

Ironically enough my Dad transfered to UC and played in the game that beat UT. The whole circumstance made me a Tennessean even though family back to the 1800's is Bammer
So, theoretically (have to keep the feds off our tail), how would this amicable split go down? Honest question, I'm curious what folks think is the best way to go about it?
If you are at the top of the commie food chain, the way that works is what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine, too.

Only problem with your thesis is food being available in Commie Land
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Yes, there's definitely blame for those who came in without the proper paperwork. Desperation does crazy things to people's moral compasses.
If you’re willing to travel thousands of mile, I blame a “system” that doesn’t provide a reasonable path to legal admittance to work. Sanderson and others should have a vehicle to select people at the border and sponsor them and their families for promise of a specific period of time to work
If you’re willing to travel thousands of mile, I blame a “system” that doesn’t provide a reasonable path to legal admittance to work. Sanderson and others should have a vehicle to select people at the border and sponsor them and their families for promise of a specific period of time to work

Used to do that, it was called indentured servitude in the 1700's. Was made illegal many years ago.
Used to do that, it was called indentured servitude in the 1700's. Was made illegal many years ago.
We’ll how many people on this site by that definition are or have been indentured servants because we signed an employment contract for a foreign posting or “temporary” assignment

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