Is The 1/6 Commission Coming?

Here's a total delusional POS who likes to relish or give out false & fake information more than any imaginary white supremacist he likes to bring up 24/7.

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This has the ability to overturn most if not all of the Jan 6th convictions.

From the article:

Writing for the court majority, Chief Justice Roberts said the statute was limited to documents and evidence destruction, and that the word otherwise was not meant to broaden the meaning of the law into a catchall provision.

The DOJ should not release a political statement like this, but I am interested in watching the "peaceful transfer of power" if Trump wins in November.

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JFC - the obstruction charge was always BS but there are other valid charges. That said, by now unless you personally wailed on a police officer you should probably have served plenty of time.
If I remember correctly, the crowd was peaceful until the Capital Police first acted for no good reason by throwing tear gas and stun bombs into the crowd to purposefully stir the crowd up to create the appearance of a the Dem planned it.
Were those in the Floyd riot imprisoned on illegal charges?

How many little old ladies in the Floyd riot were imprisoned illegally?
None of the 1/6 were until very recently. It was only charge they were unfairly charged with according to SCOTUS. And they committed crimes. Even the little old stupid ladies. Just like the stupid rioters for Floyd. You don't get to do what the 1/6 folks did and get off free. And you don't get to go all Floyd and get off free. It's funny though, Floyd supporters want their folks to not be charged. The 1/6 want their folks not charged. Your both wrong. And almost all deserve/earned some prison time. I'm not referring to the Floyd demonstrators or 1/6 people who broke no laws. Those folks are fine.
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None of the 1/6 were until very recently. It was only charge they were unfairly charged with according to SCOTUS. And they committed crimes. Even the little old stupid ladies. Just like the stupid rioters for Floyd. You don't get to do what the 1/6 folks did and get of free. And you don't get to go all Floyd and get off free. It's funny though, Floyd supporters want their folks to not be charged. The 1/6 want their folks not charged. Your both wrong. And almost all deserve/earned some prison time. I'm not referring to the Floyd demonstrators or 1/6 people who broke no laws. Those folks are fine.
Not when the video shows the CP opening doors and letting people in (as the Dems planned) and even escorted the Shaman around trying to get him into the Senate chamber. When one door was locked they took him to another unlocked door to let him in. Then they murder an unarmed woman. Normally I am very pro-police but not in this case at all. When the CP let people in, even elderly people, who were roaming around the building unescorted not knowing where people were allowed and not allowed, not meaning to do any harm..........they should all be let go. The CP are as much responsible and instigator for what happened as anyone.
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Not when the video shows the CP opening doors and letting people in (as the Dems planned) and even escorted the Shaman around trying to get him into the Senate chamber. When one door was locked they took him to another unlocked door to let him in. Then they murder an unarmed woman. Normally I am very pro-police but not in this case at all. When the CP let people in, even elderly people, who were roaming around the building unescorted not knowing where people were allowed and not allowed, not meaning to do any harm..........they should all be let go. The CP are as much responsible and instigator for what happened as anyone.
I am responsible for my actions. You are responsible for yours. Right and wrong isn't hard to figure out. Stop making excuses. It's not hard to figure out you aren't where you are supposed to be. Mob rule. GTFO with your bs. There is a reason cops openly watched and did not stop Floyd rioters. It's called being outnumbered and not stupid.
I am responsible for my actions. You are responsible for yours. Right and wrong isn't hard to figure out. Stop making excuses. It's not hard to figure out you aren't where you are supposed to be. Mob rule. GTFO with your bs
I agree people are responsible for their actions but the actions on J6 were not actions that should imprison a person. Especially when, as I pointed out and believe, the CP were just as responsible and instigators as to what happened that day. Nothing that day would have ever happened if the CP did not instigate it by throwing stun bombs and tear gas into the crowd to purposely stir the crowd up. Then opening doors letting people in the building. This was a setup planned by the Dems therefore all should be let go.
I agree people are responsible for their actions but the actions on J6 were not actions that should imprison a person. Especially when, as I pointed out and believe, the CP were just as responsible and instigators as to what happened that day. Nothing that day would have ever happened if the CP did not instigate it by throwing stun bombs and tear gas into the crowd to purposely stir the crowd up. Then opening doors letting people in the building. This was a setup planned by the Dems therefore all should be let go.
Yea you don't believe people are responsible for their actions. You make up excuses. You aren't any different than the people excusing away the actions of Floyd rioters. Excuse excuse excuse. Criminal douche bags. All of them. No adult needed to be told that it's illegal to do the shat those folks did.
Yea you don't believe people are responsible for their actions. You make up excuses. You aren't any different than the people excusing away the actions of Floyd rioters. Excuse excuse excuse. Criminal douche bags. All of them. No adult needed to be told that it's illegal to do the shat those folks did.
The Supreme Court said the convictions and imprisonments were wrongly the SC is excusing actions?

People are freely walking the streets right now who did horrific crimes while people are wrongly sitting in prison who did nothing worthy of going to prison for.

You are making excuses the corrupt actions of CP?
The Supreme Court said the convictions and imprisonments were wrongly the SC is excusing actions?

People are freely walking the streets right now who did horrific crimes while people are wrongly sitting in prison who did nothing worthy of going to prison for.

You are making excuses the corrupt actions of CP?
No. They said one thing they were convicted of was wrong. How are you confused?

From the article:

It was all part of what Justice Department official Michael Sherwin proudly declared in a television interview, that “our office wanted to ensure that there was shock and awe…it worked because we saw through media posts that people were afraid to come back to D.C. because they’re, like, ‘If we go there, we’re gonna get charged.’ …We wanted to take out those individuals that essentially were thumbing their noses at the public for what they did.”

Now the remaining charges are largely for trespass and unlawful entry into the Capitol. Yet, the myth will continue as a mantra in the media that this was an attempt to overthrow the government.

Outrageous Persecution of J6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang Continues​

The persecution of J6 political prisoners continues. Jake Lang, who has been incarcerated for three and a half years as a pre-trial detainee, has spent 800 days in solitary confinement for ridiculous infractions, such as accepting an interview with the media. Lang’s attorneys filed a Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus in April, alleging that he “continues to be held and transferred in violation of his constitutional and human rights.”

Lang told me that the “FBI hunted us down like animals” after J6. He said he refused to take a 10-year prison sentence as part of a plea bargain offered to him, because “I don’t negotiate with terrorists.” During J6, he said the Capitol Police officers pushing back on the crowd turned it into a “human swimming pool,” with bodies stacked up three to five high on top of each other.

Lang, who has now spent much of his 20s incarcerated, was arrested after he posted a video on social media of his participation at J6. He was charged with assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees, civil disorder, accessing a restricted building or grounds, and violent entry or disorderly conduct.

Lang told me that the crowd was peaceful until the police started needlessly tear gassing them, which he said was instigating. He tried to assist victims who were trampled when the police pushed back into the crowd. He attempted to pull Rosanne Boyland out from where she was pinned under other bodies, since he could tell she was unconscious, but was unable to. Boyland later succumbed to her injuries. He said there is video of a female police officer beating Boyland.

Lang said he was able to help two other protesters, Philip Anderson and Tommy Tatum. They signed affidavits later stating that Lang had saved their lives. Lang said when he discovered Anderson, he was lying unconscious with his teeth knocked out. Lang himself was shot in the foot by a police officer.


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