You're not supposed to speed, but everyone does.
I'm a realist. The players WILL be held to be employees of the schools. It's an almost certainty given the 9-0 Alston decision, Kavanaugh's absolute takedown of the NCAA's amateur status in his official opinion, and not a single Justice disagreeing in any part with that opinion.
It's not good. It's going to hurt a lot of athletes that aren't anywhere near pro level athletes and for whom the athletic scholarship is a great accomplishment and a huge leg up in life. It's going to hurt schools that never made a dime from their athletic departments. It's going to hurt fans who enjoy the seeing college athletics and have emotional connections from their time at the schools or years of following the teams.
The NCAA and schools that have huge revenue teams should, IMO, for the good of the other schools, athletes, fans, etc, form a pro league of some kind SEPARATE from the schools.
Yes, Tennessee would be one of those schools and yes, it would suck for that connection to the school to be severed.
What it might save is schools like Carson-Newman, Maryville, even POSSIBLY (though I think it unlikely) ETSU, MTSU, UTC, etc from being forced to shut down athletics. MAYBE, the court would allow college athletics to somehow survive.
Right now, it doesn't look good in the courts for the NCAA. I'm hoping for a solution that somehow helps the student-athlete model help kids at some schools and let's the big money model like the Vols pay kids and survive too.