Ned Ray McWorkher
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Hatred for who? The Florida Gators and Steve Spurrier for making me hate the Florida Gators? I have no hatred for any race of people. Period. You have nothing to back that statement up with. I have not done any racist acts to any one. I have not said anything racist or terroristic to any one. Much worse people than me to blame for being hateful. I just have an opinion on the world I live in and share with many racist hateful people. That's all. :zeitung_lesen:
Based on my posts in this thread. I could just be a person who knows American History through pictures, accounts and descriptions. But you choose bigot. Call me what you like. That's America for you.
i have over 20 african american woman working in my center and all are single moms raising multiple kids alone. not one is with the dads.
just stating a fact.
How do I disagree with MLK? We would still be 'boys' without him. Laughable. I have not chosen to be personally shaped by the past in anyway. I have no idea what you mean or are talking about. I agree, it does seem absurd though.
So in one of your previous post you said "cracker racist, really , sounds like food to me". Then in a different post you say "look a cracker in face". Contradict yourself much?
No, he has moral superiority
So how do you explain black racism towards those of Asian heritage?
Do you think Dr. King would be in favor of fanning the flames of racial divide as AS and JJ do? Do you feel he would be okay with the black community calling whites "crackers"? How about young black men calling each other the "n" word? You seem to think at least some of these things are okay. That's not the message he preached. He preached equality and unity. He wanted to bring people together, not keep them apart.
But I'll admit I didn't know the man personally. I only know what he spoke about. According to his own words, he didn't want the world to be about race, but about the individual. He didn't want to hold the entire white race reponsible for slavery or segregation, he just wanted it fixed and he wanted everyone to be equal, like the Constitution states. He wanted this country to heal, and not for people to continue picking the scabs of the past. He wanted to move forward, not stay mired in the past.
I do not know if AS and JJ are racists or bigots or that they hate anyone because of race, but they are opportunists. They perpetuate racial tension in this country and they exploit it to their own ends. They are not true to Dr. King's vision.
Louis Farakhan IS a bigot. His own words testify to that. Is he entitled to his opinion? Absolutely, but he has done nothing to heal the scars of this country. He is a divider, plain and simple. And I'm entitled to disagree with him and think he's a complete nut job, which I do. Now he would probably argue I'm a racist for that opinion, but skin color doesn't matter to me. I think the KKK, Aryan Brotherhood, and groups like that are complete nut jobs too. I don't understand hating anyone over skin color.
A personal story to share, many years ago, my cousin was shot and killed during a robbery by three black youths. My cousin was white. His younger brother(my other cousin), is half black/half white. He was very upset because his older brother always took care of him. But despite being upset, he went to school the next day, I think more to distract himself than anything else, where he heard a black classmate bragging about how some n's had killed a white boy the night before. Tell me, how f'd up is that. And yes, my cousin lost his cool and ended up in trouble, but what would you do if you heard someone basically saying it was "cool" your brother was killed last night? Color should not matter. Period.
You could never be a racist based on an opinion. You have to let that opinion shape your ACTIONS to be a racist.
so unless someone acts upon it they can't be a racist? Hmmm that seems pretty convenient
and blaming the white man for all the current troubles is a weak cop-out. You're perceiving barriers that just don't exist. Use of the work "cracker" is meant to be every bit as offensive as the n-word and you know it.