Is this another YEAR ZERO?

If he recruits like this every year...I would like to keep him 30 years or more!

And that's why I don't think he can get more than 3 without getting a signature win plus winning those he should win. Recruits will leave home to play for a winner. If Jones is trying to compete with other coaches that have gotten good wins, have gone to significant bowl games, have finished ranked, have a better record, and who aren't on anyone's "hot seat" list... then it will be tough to repeat what he's doing this year even once much less 30 years.
I've thought about that because it's avalid point. Then I reflect that he followed another coach who had already established those programs.

Also a fair point. Still the team is more disciplined, penalties are way down, he is recruiting better than I dreamed possible and the core of the staffs he had before have come along with him. All signs point to Jones doing things correctly. Besides I don't see how another quick coaching change could possibly be a good thing.
Umm, math is not your strong suit is it? Dooley got three years.... including "year zero".

No. It isn't. Not even remotely close to as bad as it was 3 years ago. UT's program was in total disarray after Kiffin left and the roster was absolutely horrible. There were virtually NO quality upper classmen.

Butch's real problem is that the talent gap on this roster is in the middle. The Sr's have talent. He got a few players this year that can help after being set up very badly by Dooley. I don't blame him for not getting a great class... but he really needed one. All this means is that this year's roster is likely stronger and deeper than next year's and possible the next year's. IMHO, he still has to get a win THIS YEAR that he can hang his hat on going forward PLUS win the ones he "should" win... there are six of those.

Probably not even if he could potentially turn into a great coach. If TN had more instate talent then you could probably let him have that 4th year with a record at about .500 over the first three years. But he MUST do something to prove he is a coach worthy of having out of state talent coming to play for... out of state recruits must view him as BETTER than their instate options and other out of state options.

The better question is which of the next 3 years does his roster and schedule give him the best chance of winning 8? It is NOT next year so you'd have to look at '15 vs this year.

I don't think it takes 8 regular season games though. If he can beat someone this year as an underdog and total 7 games, win six next year, then 7 or 8 the followin year- I think he gets a year four and SHOULD get a year four.

However this is ALL contingent on him proving he can outcoach one of the top tier programs. If his victories have all come against the Vandy's, Mizzous, and lesser programs... then I don't think he should get a year 4 nor do I think UT can afford to give him one.

The bottom line for me is that everything hinges on him proving he can outcoach coaches that head the better programs he will face. He needs that for booster/fan support and he needs it for recruiting credibility.

Good and vaalid thoughts. Even if we don't win at leaast it will be interesting to see how it works out!
I don't get why all the questions of how long do we keep this coach, how soon until we fire that coach...etc. We have a coach with a proven record, one who knows how to win, and obviously how to recruit. This year he is playing with mainly Dooley recruits that may not be an ideal fit for his system. Can't we be patient enough to give the man a chance to recruit at least a couple more classes before we start going all knee jerk with our fire him now rants?
Why are you asking......why do you question this....what is your problem.....a better question for you to ask am I a I a I have any control over UT athletics.....this thread makes no sense at this point....

Mods please merge this thread with all the other threads like fire Cheek and Hart and moronic threads that deal with getting rid of threads...seriously these type threads clutter the boards forum....they are useless and just draw attention to negativity...
he will be here at a minimum of 5 years, unless he bolts for another job, we are in no shape for another coaching search
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3 Minimum and that's if the wheels fall off again. I think we have Butch for a long time myself, that being in the neighborhood of at least 8 years.
For those of you who have thrown stones at me for not going along with the "Jones is a sure bet" thinking... What would you call his best win at Cincy and why? For instance- "they were clearly more talented"... "their record that year was..."...
Depends on when Gruden wants the gig.

He would have beat Oregon.

Actually my sources told me that when they thought we were gonna hire Gruden, they had decided to buy out the game rather than play us...

*edit* forgot to add..... this is a useless thread. I know, that's a rarity around here.
The thing that will be help this program out more than anything is stability in the coaching staff. Dooley didn't do himself any good by being such an a$$ that most of his assistants left the program after year 2.

It seems that this staff likes working together and have worked together before (some for a while) so that will really help with recruiting.

The one thing that could hurt this program the most is fans having hissy fits over a loss to the #2 team in the country in a coaches first year, after only 3 games and a 2-1 overall record.
20...cause he's gonna win the SEC East in s first 4 years...the SEC in his first 6 years and win a national championship in his first 10....
I don't understand the point of the OP's thread this early in the timeline :crazy:

Butch will be here at least as many years as Doolittle and longer if he wins more games :shaking2:
It will take 4 years to get back to the top and thats with good recruiting, thats why we got to keep this class together, next year will be worse than this year 2015 is the year that we will improve for the next 2 years we going to get our ears beat of week after week thats just the way it is, not begin negvol but we are young and raw, and we are going to pay with a bunch of azz kicking, i hate it but we better get ready to fall on our face a lot these next 2 years, because its going to get bad before it gets better.

As many as he many as he wants....why would you ask?
First thing I do when we hire any coach is figure out how long we have to keep the goon before we can fire him/her.
That is a total negative approach to this situation... Calling him a goon shows you are not interested in UT athletics and are just posting here to stir cramp....any post like this means no patience, no understanding of the state of this program, and zero vision on what it takes to put together a winning organization.....this is either youth, stupidity, or troll based pick your don't have to like CBJ but you need to respect this team and its staff and players.....we didn't pass on any coaches but several coaches passed on us....give Coach Jones credit for even coming here and having a pair to do it in spite of fickle fans like you that look at the exit strategy before or after 3 games....

Sad and I hate it for you....
That is a total negative approach to this situation... Calling him a goon shows you are not interested in UT athletics and are just posting here to stir cramp....any post like this means no patience, no understanding of the state of this program, and zero vision on what it takes to put together a winning organization.....this is either youth, stupidity, or troll based pick your don't have to like CBJ but you need to respect this team and its staff and players.....we didn't pass on any coaches but several coaches passed on us....give Coach Jones credit for even coming here and having a pair to do it in spite of fickle fans like you that look at the exit strategy before or after 3 games....

Sad and I hate it for you....

Wow, you really don't get "sarcasm" do you?
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Wow, you really don't get "sarcasm" do you?

Read above....I do get it....pointless thread uses board space and is total gibberish sarcasm or not...he gets the years he needs to rebuild the program....question this after NSD or at the end of the did not call him a goon, did you?

You must be bored...

We don't have coaches wanting or waiting to take on this project...and by the time Coach Jones work is halfway done we will not want another coach....
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