Is this another YEAR ZERO?

Which is why Tennessee fans are made fun of by other fan bases so often.

The one thing I have enjoyed since I left Knoxville and went to work at another school is seeing how UT & its fans are perceived outside the orange bubble. It's not pretty sometimes thanks to a few idiots who think that it's the late 90s.

Glad to see so many people scold the original poster for even asking this asinine question. It's idiotic questions like this that give other coaches ammunition in recruiting.

You ever been over to Cockytalk?
Everyone bought into Dooleys year zero plan. So giving him three years actually was giving him four. Now, we all know the situation is worse now for Butch so do we give him four years to have an eight win season? Seems that everyone was all for Dools right up to and till the Ky loss. What's the over and under that if he doesn't have an eight win season by year three everyone will be calling for his head?

Everyone???? :loco: No :no:
Wait till CBJ reaches the conference championship game, then fire him after the next season.

Haha, just kidding. Who would do something like that?
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Lay off Butch Jones. We weren't going to be able to hang with Oregon even if we had Jesus himself as head coach! Give CBJ time! Tennessee is not going to be down forever! Tennessee beating everybody we have left on our schedule is NOT impossible....improbable, maybe, but, certainly not impossible!

Don't sell Jesus short!
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give the man a chance to lay a foundation and change the culture. UT's winning culture started to wane during Fulmer's last years, that intensity, focus to detail, mental toughness...and by the end of the Doolfus years, it had nearly vanished. I want to win as much as anyone, but give Butch the chance to "rebuild".....he is recruiting his tail off thus far, which is 1/2 the battle. As long as i see improvement game to game, year to year, I'm all in. You can already see a difference in attitudes and effort from the guys on the field, albeit our talent is not where we need it. I think 3 years from now, we will have a team full of mentally tough, hard nosed guys who strive for least that is my hope......In any event, lets be realistic. As long as we are progressing and improving year to year, I think we are in good shape.
As long as he is recruiting well and upgrading the talent (as he is so far), you have to give him 4-5 years to get his players in the program.
Browns are in rebuilding mode and probably could use someone who 'gets it'
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Hey, he has lost a game, if volnation doesn't have firing a coach to talk about, it will shut down. Give him 6 million and show him the door.
Everyone bought into Dooleys year zero plan. So giving him three years actually was giving him four. Now, we all know the situation is worse now for Butch so do we give him four years to have an eight win season? Seems that everyone was all for Dools right up to and till the Ky loss. What's the over and under that if he doesn't have an eight win season by year three everyone will be calling for his head?

Per his contract, he gets one year for every idiot thread on VN asking how long he gets. TIFWIW.....
Everyone bought into Dooleys year zero plan. So giving him three years actually was giving him four. Now, we all know the situation is worse now for Butch so do we give him four years to have an eight win season? Seems that everyone was all for Dools right up to and till the Ky loss. What's the over and under that if he doesn't have an eight win season by year three everyone will be calling for his head?

Hart is waiting on you to let him know how many years Butch gets.
Good Lord OP, already? Jones is three games in.

Butch Jones gets as many years as he wants because we'll win at least 8 games this year, and next year...and the next year. Tennessee football is back...Oregon is a college football anomaly and the coaches shouldn't be judged on that one game.
Ha ha. These threads always raise the ire of the idiot redneck brigade. We can't forget that most of this board thought Dooley was the right guy for the job right up until the Missouri game last year.

I wonder how many of those who think he should get multiple throwaway years or 5 years no matter what are actually going to be buying season tickets and making donations throughout those years?

The past 25 or so years of SEC football has shown that if he can't do anything truly impressive in his first 2 years, it's all but a certainty he won't ever win big here. No one gets 4-5 years to show progress anymore. That approach maybe worked back in the day when even the top coaches salaries were in the six figure range.

The thing is, it doesn't really matter how long Butch gets. If he doesn't work out, I doubt Hart will even be around to make the call. The big question is, after a couple more years of fielding non-competitive football teams, how much of a ghost town will Neyland Stadium be?
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Everyone bought into Dooleys year zero plan. So giving him three years actually was giving him four. Now, we all know the situation is worse now for Butch so do we give him four years to have an eight win season? Seems that everyone was all for Dools right up to and till the Ky loss. What's the over and under that if he doesn't have an eight win season by year three everyone will be calling for his head?

he really needs 5. if you notice, it looks like a rebuild from start everytime you change coaches so making a move after 3 years you start rebuild again.

Coaches have their system and prefer players they recruit to execute their system. playing over 20 freshmen right now. So if you make a change again in 3 years, there you go playing freshman again.

Let him get a full roster of his players and if still only winning 5 or 6 games, then you consider change.. maybe he has enough good players the next guy can use the upper classman
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He should have as many years as it takes to make the BIG ORANGE a winner and I believe he will. Remember, Butch gets it.:salute:
I'm guessing that 5 is a reasonable starting point. This year was going to be a mess and next year could be worse due to loss of upperclassmen linemen. 2015 is really year 1.

Next year is year zero. :loco:

I do agree that he should be given time to recruit his team. I also think five is reasonable if we see improvement along the way. He needs to beat the teams he is supposed to beat this year and looking at the schedule that is about six. I expect the defense to keep us in games regardless of the offensive woes and it will be better next year.
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