Is Trumpism Dead?



Kung Fu Kamala, B*tches!
Jan 16, 2010
Personally, I think it's done. Right-leaning independents have made clear they're ready to move on, and from a numbers perspective Trump's 30% galvanized base is not enough for national success. Talk amongst yourselves

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I'd say not dead but dying a slow death. Once, he had about 1/3 of the population that hung on his every word and would literally believe or defend anything he saiid. I'd bet that number is more like 25% now
If not then it will doom the gop in 2024.

How about both sides move away from the absolute trash they presented s candidates for the last few elections? The American people deserve better than Clinton, Trump, Biden, Harris, etc
Personally, I think it's done. Right-leaning independents have made clear they're ready to move on, and from a numbers perspective Trump's 30% galvanized base is not enough for national success. Talk amongst yourselves

IDK what you mean by Trumpism being dead. Is it done being the prevailing force in the GOP? Probably. But I believe Trumpism will have a long-lasting effect on the GOP and our politics in general.
If not then it will doom the gop in 2024.

How about both sides move away from the absolute trash they presented s candidates for the last few elections? The American people deserve better than Clinton, Trump, Biden, Harris, etc
I don't see the party repudiating any of the stuff he bragged about doing anytime soon.
You think election denialism continues? You think the attacks on federal law enforcement continue? I think that's gone. The good ol' traditional fear of brown people and full participatory democracy will continue, because demographics are not on the GOP's side.
I don't know how long Trumpism will linger within the party but if the GOP wants the WH in 24 they had better keep Trump off the ticket. I don't think the country wants to turn the clock back to 2020.
You think election denialism continues? You think the attacks on federal law enforcement continue? I think that's gone. The good ol' traditional fear of brown people and full participatory democracy will continue, because demographics are not on the GOP's side.
So election denial and attacks on federal law enforcement define Trumpism? Not to defend Trump but we've seen plenty of that from the Dems in the last several years.
What do you mean by Trumpism? Worship of the man, or his style of politics? If it's the latter, how is Desantis significantly different, other than not being insane?
You think election denialism continues? You think the attacks on federal law enforcement continue? I think that's gone. The good ol' traditional fear of brown people and full participatory democracy will continue, because demographics are not on the GOP's side.
Contra, is this a sign of change in the air?

If only the R's could find statesmen to fight nicely with the rabid left, their chances would be better. Statesmen like Dole, McCain and Romney. Romney is still available. Maybe he or Jeb Bush could be re-recruited for a run. I'm sure they would fire up the R base.
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If not then it will doom the gop in 2024.

How about both sides move away from the absolute trash they presented s candidates for the last few elections? The American people deserve better than Clinton, Trump, Biden, Harris, etc

Trump isn't getting the nomination DeSantis will, DeSantis will be much better in how he governs. I think philosophy of smaller government and more liberty wasn't only held by Trump. DeSantis will deliver it better

. Of course, I'm sure the kgb will have some Thai dossier is waiting for DeSantis

. It's great to a neo-communist. You're guaranteed to win any close election, especially with mail in ballots And your kids can millions from China and Ukraine and no investigations will happen
Personally, I think it's done. Right-leaning independents have made clear they're ready to move on, and from a numbers perspective Trump's 30% galvanized base is not enough for national success. Talk amongst yourselves

I think 99% here think you're clueless and talk out of your azz
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