Is Trumpism Dead?

I am looking for a definition of Trumpism before replying. I don't know how we can evaluate the viability of an undefined "-ism" when it isn't quantified or understood.
Trumpism is a fictional term made up by the leftists. They could define it for you, but since it's a leftist term, it is subject to radical redefinition at all times.
I am looking for a definition of Trumpism before replying. I don't know how we can evaluate the viability of an undefined "-ism" when it isn't quantified or understood.

while were at it can we get MAGA, Mega MAGA, Ultra MAGA and Extreme MAGA (now with lemon freshness) defined?
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Wont make any difference one way or another if Republicans dont fix systemic voting issues in swing states. Doesnt matter who runs - it matters who counts.

Separately, Trumpism is alive and very well. Love for Trump and his antics, less so. There is a MASSIVE well of desire for populist policy. The Dems have been taken over by woke progressive extremism and dont really pay attention to kitchen table issues anymore. If you point this out, they simply cancel you.

Ma and Pa Kettle, your white former union worker, the ever shrinking middle class and indeed any working immigrant are wondering who will actually speak to their concerns on the economy and crime, while not taking the culture off a cliff. Its a good question. GOP will have to prove that they are that party but there are a LOT in the leadership that are still country club Republicans wedded to the old corporate tit. They havent quite realized that the left has all but taken over the large corporations.

Now the parties have largely reversed. The GOP represents the working man and Dems are the corporate fat cats. Crazy world.
Trumpism is a fictional term made up by the leftists. They could define it for you, but since it's a leftist term, it is subject to radical redefinition at all times.
That's cool. It's hard to discuss the life span and death bed of trumpism without at least the attributes defined.
What you're saying is, I will not get a definition?
Wont make any difference one way or another if Republicans dont fix systemic voting issues in swing states. Doesnt matter who runs - it matters who counts.

Separately, Trumpism is alive and very well. Love for Trump and his antics, less so. There is a MASSIVE well of desire for populist policy. The Dems have been taken over by woke progressive extremism and dont really pay attention to kitchen table issues anymore. If you point this out, they simply cancel you.

Ma and Pa Kettle, your white former union worker, the ever shrinking middle class and indeed any working immigrant are wondering who will actually speak to their concerns on the economy and crime, while not taking the culture off a cliff. Its a good question. GOP will have to prove that they are that party but there are a LOT in the leadership that are still country club Republicans wedded to the old corporate tit. They havent quite realized that the left has all but taken over the large corporations.

Now the parties have largely reversed. The GOP represents the working man and Dems are the corporate fat cats. Crazy world.

Systemic voting issues, what voting issues other than the fact that demographics are completely against the Republican Party? 20 years from now the Republicans will have either adapted to the policies of a substantial segment of a minority group or they will be a permanent minority party.

BTW, I've been getting a kick out of all of the commentators talking about how the Republicans did so much better with hispanics in South Florida. Those are not hispanics, they are Cubans and the people of South and Central America do not consider the Cubans to be of the same heritage and the Cubans agree.

Don't even ask about the Argentinians, who consider themselves to be the Europeans of South American (all those Nazis that escaped to there).
Systemic voting issues, what voting issues other than the fact that demographics are completely against the Republican Party? 20 years from now the Republicans will have either adapted to the policies of a substantial segment of a minority group or they will be a permanent minority party.

BTW, I've been getting a kick out of all of the commentators talking about how the Republicans did so much better with hispanics in South Florida. Those are not hispanics, they are Cubans and the people of South and Central America do not consider the Cubans to be of the same heritage and the Cubans agree.

Don't even ask about the Argentinians, who consider themselves to be the Europeans of South American (all those Nazis that escaped to there).

You can spin it however you want, but non whites are slowly voting republican more and more.
Wont make any difference one way or another if Republicans dont fix systemic voting issues in swing states. Doesnt matter who runs - it matters who counts.

Separately, Trumpism is alive and very well. Love for Trump and his antics, less so. There is a MASSIVE well of desire for populist policy. The Dems have been taken over by woke progressive extremism and dont really pay attention to kitchen table issues anymore. If you point this out, they simply cancel you.

Ma and Pa Kettle, your white former union worker, the ever shrinking middle class and indeed any working immigrant are wondering who will actually speak to their concerns on the economy and crime, while not taking the culture off a cliff. Its a good question. GOP will have to prove that they are that party but there are a LOT in the leadership that are still country club Republicans wedded to the old corporate tit. They havent quite realized that the left has all but taken over the large corporations.

Now the parties have largely reversed. The GOP represents the working man and Dems are the corporate fat cats. Crazy world.

Corporations have been bought with dem bailout money. They know that a company will not fail as long as they donate money to the dems. Also so many CEO's have become socialist ideologues, they agree with dems pro abortion and pro sodomy worldview. they don't worry about taxes going up on their employees.
Systemic voting issues, what voting issues other than the fact that demographics are completely against the Republican Party? 20 years from now the Republicans will have either adapted to the policies of a substantial segment of a minority group or they will be a permanent minority party.

BTW, I've been getting a kick out of all of the commentators talking about how the Republicans did so much better with hispanics in South Florida. Those are not hispanics, they are Cubans and the people of South and Central America do not consider the Cubans to be of the same heritage and the Cubans agree.

Don't even ask about the Argentinians, who consider themselves to be the Europeans of South American (all those Nazis that escaped to there).

These two are decent writeups outlining the main points without getting deep into the gritty details or over wild accusations of fraud:
Big Picture, 2022 Midterm Elections Highlight the Distinct Difference Between Ballots and Votes - The Last Refuge
The Modern Electioneering Process of "Ballot Submission Assistance" is Taking Center Stage - The Last Refuge

And mind you, the above doesn't even go into the specifics of my preferred method - but it makes that method much much easier to do.

As long as there are mail in ballots, ballot harvesting and early voting Dems will consistently win election after election (after the week or two it takes to "count" them). Unless the Republicans who are still in office are willing to go to all out war (and yes, I mean a shooting one if necessary, a la Battle of Athens) immediately to stop this, it is simply the end of winning national elections (and many statewide or even local ones). There is no priority, there is no budget there is no discussion in that chamber that should not be focused on but this and this alone until it is resolved.
I voted for Trump 2x....but if it comes down to him vs DeSantis in the primary, my vote goes to DeSantis. Every Republican / Conservative I've spoken to here in Georgia says the EXACT same thing. Trump has shot himself in both feet unfortunately.
If not then it will doom the gop in 2024.

How about both sides move away from the absolute trash they presented s candidates for the last few elections? The American people deserve better than Clinton, Trump, Biden, Harris, etc
Truer words were never spoken. We get what we deserve when we tolerate sad sack candidates like we have. And add Warnock, Walker, Stefanik, AOC, Bimbobert, and Klanmom MTG to the list. Horrendous choices. Most dumber than dirt and yet people will vote for them.
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I voted for Trump 2x....but if it comes down to him vs DeSantis in the primary, my vote goes to DeSantis. Every Republican / Conservative I've spoken to here in Georgia says the EXACT same thing. Trump has shot himself in both feet unfortunately.
Well I didn’t vote for Trump either time and didn’t vote for the Dems either. Couldn’t pull the lever for any of the imbeciles. If DeSantis continues to stand up to Rump and shows me that he is his own man and not a leg humper, I’m going to take a hard look at him. He at least seems to have something on the ball with good fiscal policies but not a raving a-hole. I know the Trump leg humpers don’t like the term “moderate” but that’s just too bad. I’m one of those moderate Republicans that could be brought back in but it will NOT be with Trump.
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Trump might be on his way out, although he was underestimated in 2016 and we saw how that went. But the populist brand of GOP politics started with the Tea Party and pushed to the mainstream of Republican ideology by Trump is definitely here to stay.
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Trump might be on his way out, although he was underestimated in 2016 and we saw how that went. But the populist brand of GOP politics started with the Tea Party and pushed to the mainstream of Republican ideology by Trump is definitely here to stay.
What was pushed by the tea party was swallowed by the gop and **** out. It no longer exists and bears no resemblance to what Trump is pushing
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What was pushed by the tea party was swallowed by the gop and **** out. It no longer exists and bears no resemblance to what Trump is pushing
Completely disagree. He ran on the coattails of that movement in 2015-2016. Especially with protectionist trade policies, immigration, etc. Now I will grant you that he certainly didn't govern like a Tea Party dude with the spending and such, but he pushed those other core political beliefs mainstream.
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Completely disagree. He ran on the coattails of that movement in 2015-2016. Especially with protectionist trade policies, immigration, etc. Now I will grant you that he certainly didn't govern like a Tea Party dude with the spending and such, but he pushed those other core political beliefs mainstream.
What? The tea party movement was fertilizer by 2015. The establishment gop had ended that noise
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What? The tea party movement was fertilizer by 2015. The establishment gop had ended that noise
The policy platform they pushed was still very much alive in 2015 when Trump came along. He parroted their talking points for years prior. Old school Republicans might have killed the Tea Party caucus, but their ideas certainly did not go anywhere. And still haven't.
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Completely disagree. He ran on the coattails of that movement in 2015-2016. Especially with protectionist trade policies, immigration, etc. Now I will grant you that he certainly didn't govern like a Tea Party dude with the spending and such, but he pushed those other core political beliefs mainstream.

Teaparty is essentially conservative (fiscally and culturally) populism with diverse leadership.
Trumpism is nationalist populism with a single leader (because his ego will not allow for any others).
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The policy platform they pushed was still very much alive in 2015 when Trump came along. He parroted their talking points for years prior. Old school Republicans might have killed the Tea Party caucus, but their ideas certainly did not go anywhere. And still haven't.
It started in 2009, was hijacked around 2011-12 and dead by 2015. No one is calling for smaller govt, lower spending and increased individual freedoms anymore. It was a response to Obama. They even demolished things like the liberty caucus and kicked out the only real members. Any reference to it by Trump is a sham
Personally, I think it's done. Right-leaning independents have made clear they're ready to move on, and from a numbers perspective Trump's 30% galvanized base is not enough for national success. Talk amongst yourselves

Yes. He cannot win Independents.
If Trump does indeed announce .... then doesn't get the nod from the GOP, it's REALLY HARD to see him being gracious about it.
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