So you really think your whiny butt is any different from them, huh?
You whine just as much as anyone on here.
Methinks the "professor" is posting from his parents' basement.Yeah. Im debt free, own my own (nice) house, pay my bills on time, and have never been arrestedepper:
If complaining about people committing crimes, people against the USA, political ineptitude and general stupidity is whining, then call me John McEnroe.
Okay, I'm going to say that I'm sick and tired of social conservatives accusing social liberals of being babies.
Let's get this straight: social liberals certainly have their poor characteristics. Personally, I wish they were a bit more physically in your face instead of verbally. Punching someone in the mouth seems to resonate more with social conservatives.
Did you read the story? We're not even talking about anybody bombing or not bombing anything. We're talking about a tiny country (less than 6 million) that's attempting to snuggle up to a few of it's own citizens and try to talk them off the ledge of going to fight for ISIS.
I'm not about to say it's not worth doing but it's so peripheral to the actual radical Islamist threat it's laughable to consider it an "effective way to fight terrorism.".
I think the Danish have an interesting idea. Perhaps their idea could serve as a model for more comprehensive reeducation programs.
By and large, we are not talking about well educated people when we talking about the typical young male jihadi fighter. These people, for the most part, are illiterate poor country folk. If you can imagine what it must be like for a young child to be brought up into manhood in this sort of environment where there is literally nothing but radical islam and violence.. falling in line with this sort of thing is the only logical conclusion.
I realize this is saying a mouthful, but the end game has got to be establishing civilization in these war torn parts of the middle east. There will most certainly be fighting along the way but our goal can't be just to kill enough people in the hope that we will somehow render them helpless. The very presence of violent conflict in these regions is one of the key ingredients that fuels these terrorist organizations.
The Danish may not have hit the mark.. but at least someone is thinking.
I think the Danish have an interesting idea. Perhaps their idea could serve as a model for more comprehensive reeducation programs.
By and large, we are not talking about well educated people when we talking about the typical young male jihadi fighter. These people, for the most part, are illiterate poor country folk. If you can imagine what it must be like for a young child to be brought up into manhood in this sort of environment where there is literally nothing but radical islam and violence.. falling in line with this sort of thing is the only logical conclusion.
I realize this is saying a mouthful, but the end game has got to be establishing civilization in these war torn parts of the middle east. There will most certainly be fighting along the way but our goal can't be just to kill enough people in the hope that we will somehow render them helpless. The very presence of violent conflict in these regions is one of the key ingredients that fuels these terrorist organizations.
The Danish may not have hit the mark.. but at least someone is thinking.
China has offered to help Iraq defeat Sunni extremists with support for air strikes, according to Ibrahim Jafari, Iraqs foreign minister.
Wang Yi, Mr Jafaris Chinese counterpart, made the offer to help defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, known as Isis, when the two men met in New York at Septembers UN antiterrorism meeting, Mr Jafari said.
Chinas official policy is of non-interference in other countries internal affairs. Although it does sell weapons to many other countries since abandoning the Maoist goal of exporting revolution decades ago China has avoided direct military involvement beyond its borders.
Growing economic and strategic interests have tested that policy.
China is the largest foreign investor in Iraqs oil sector and stands to lose the billions its state-owned groups have ploughed into the country if the fields are lost to the insurgents.
They should pitch in, China has the oil leases so.