Israel vs Palestinians

Can you provide a more specific means of targeting terrorists?

They’re not going to stand in a field and exchange volleys are they?

Exploding communications systems specific to a terrorist group seems to be about as specific as possible.
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If this really went as it has been described, it is one of the most well planned, targeted attacks on one's enemy that I can recall.
There is almost always going to be collateral damage in war, that is one of characteristics that makes it so abhorrent.

This is about as good as I can imagine one side to do to limit the casualties to actually being the enemy, especially when that enemy is intermingled with a civilian population.

An added plus, from the Israeli side, is that they can now screen those entering their county for hip scars. Those would be pretty telling.

There is an important distinction to be made that you are ignoring or avoiding.

These were intercepted shipments for Hezbollah operatives.

Hezbollah targets everyone and intends the most damage and death possible......... Israel targets Hezbollah. The two are not the same.
You can’t just directly target terrorists without much wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Have you no morals?

Terrorists are people too.

TLM Terrorist Lives Matter - I am going to start a foundation. Liberals send me money now!
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You can’t just directly target terrorists without much wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Have you no morals?

Terrorists are people too.

He’s just upset about the children! You know, those innocent 18 and 19 year old people who have just had an affinity for pagers

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