Israel vs Palestinians

One of the biggest differences I've noticed about Democrats vs Republicans over the years in Congress is the gap in average intellect. It's even more evident now. You may not agree with a Republican position but normally if they are elected then they tend to be well versed on a variety of topics.

Many democrats run on racism, equity amd outrage. They tend to be lightweights in other arenas. I believe it has led to the degradation of the federal government.
Israel is not like the United States. You can't drive from NY to Pennsylvania or SC to TN, etc freely. You have to show ID at the borders.

Well all the hospitals are in certain "states", you can probably figure out which predominant group is in that state.

Furthermore its obvious by surname if you are Jewish or Muslim or Christian... so all the Christians or Muslims when they need to go to the hospital, maybe they have a sick kid or a dying grandparent or something they have to go to the other states because they don't have hospitals in theirs.

The guardsmen at the border look at the ID, they decide they don't like Christians or Muslims, they don't let them in.

Thats life as a 2nd class citizen in Israel


Now I'm not saying anything about this latest dust up, hell they've been fighting for 2000 years, im just saying there is guilt to be had on both sides
Have you ever been to Israel?
Apparently Israel bombed a media building where the AP and Al Jazeera are. This is getting crazy
Have you ever been to Israel?

Just for clarification have you, @Rickyvol77, @StarRaider, or @mad4vols, or anybody else that liked your post? If so, how much time have you spent there? How much time have you spent with Jewish people, how much with Muslims, how much with Christians? What were your impressions? I have not been there, I don't know how people live over there. If any of you actually have, please expound. I'm sure there are people on VN that can add insight. But I'd like to know if any of you can?
Not that I agree with Israel engaging in bombing runs like this, but why should we care more about if journalists are killed vs Palestinian children?

The article was just pointing out what Israel bombed. I don’t think they were trying to get an angle.

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