Israel vs Palestinians

I could be wrong but I didn’t think even the more pro-Israel posters here were huge Netanyahu fans, funny to see people wanting attendance at his speech to be mandatory
There's at least a couple who seem to think Bibi can do no wrong, and a few others that cheerlead the Likud line.
50% of the congressional democrats along with their nominee for President boycotted the speech of the leader of the only democracy in the Middle East.

Proof of my comment right here.

You are using their conflict to divide us even more, when you know full well that, for example, one can support Israel, but find fault with the current
regime there.

But you want to corner people because you think it will help you in politics here. That's a shame.
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Proof of my comment right here.

You are using their conflict to divide us even more, when you know full well that, for example, one can support Israel, but find fault with the current
regime there.

But you want to corner people because you think it will help you in politics here. That's a shame.

umm isn't the boycott by Congressional leaders and Harris a bigger political move?
Proof of my comment right here.

You are using their conflict to divide us even more, when you know full well that, for example, one can support Israel, but find fault with the current
regime there.

But you want to corner people because you think it will help you in politics here. That's a shame.
Live look at the corrupt democrat party straddling the fence of their Israeli/Palestinian problem ...


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