It's An Historic Day In History - Trump Implicated In Campaign Finance Violations

well you should replace "collusion", which is not a crime, with "conspiracy" which IS a crime. You should brush up on your legal terminology.
Then why was a special prosecutor engaged to investigate Russia Collision by the Trump campaign?

Btw that’s our argument. You lefties said “collusion” because you know you can’t prove “conspiracy”. And you still can’t.
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Conspiracy to do what?

Conspiracy to defraud the US know setting up meetings with Russians to get dirt on HRC. Lying about it, lying about it, lying about it, and then said yeah we met with the what, everyone does it. You know if you have to lie, you are hiding something.
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Conspiracy to defraud the US know setting up meetings with Russians to get dirt on HRC. Lying about it, lying about it, lying about it, and then said yeah we met with the what, everyone does it. You know if you have to lie, you are hiding something.
Lol. Werent you early deriding me for confirmation bias on someones opinion? Ha. Guy says Trump arranged meeting but also says he has no way to prove it. Yep. ITS A SLAM DUNK!!
One news agency said that Cohen couldn’t be used as a witness because they thought the Defense would tear him apart. I think unreliable and liar were the words used to describe him (Cohen).
One news agency said that Cohen couldn’t be used as a witness because they thought the Defense would tear him apart. I think unreliable and liar were the words used to describe him (Cohen).
Yep, He supposedly was telling the truth for a year and now all of a sudden that's not truth and this is..

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