Its getting shrill ...

i'm convinced whoever get's elected will be wildly unpopular. though in 4 years i'm sure the economy will be well on the rebound.
On the drive in, tuned into Beck and Boortz. They are almost frothing at the mouth, they are so out there now. Beck said Obama is a Marxist.
Obama is a Marxist.

Boortz was questioning someone in England who listens to his show on BBC. Not very easy to figure out what they were talking about as Boortz tends to wander a bit. But basically anything positive about Obama said by the caller was pounced on and mocked by Boortz with some sort of rhetorical question. He asked the guy if he liked peace and he said yes, and Boortz immediately goes "Define peace!"
Perfectly sensible demand. Many people believe that peace is simply the absence of violence. I tend to side with the following views of peace:
2303 Peace is not merely the absence of war, and it is not limited to maintaining a balance of powers between adversaries. Peace cannot be obtained on Earth without safeguarding the goods of persons, free communication among men, respect for the dignity of persons and peoples, and the assiduous practice of fraternity. Peace is the "tranquility of order". Peace is the work of justice and the effect of charity.

2306 Those who renounce violence and bloodshed and, in order to safeguard human rights, make use of those means of defense available to the weakest, bear witness to evangelical charity, provided they do so without harming the rights and obligations of other men and societies. The bear legitimate witness to the gravity of the physical and moral risks of recourse to violence, with all its destruction and death.
Anyone, then, who is rational enough to prefer right to wrong and order to disorder can see that the kind of peace that is based on injustice, as compared with that which is based on justice, does not deserve the name of peace.

St. Augustine
Tom Delay was on CNN last night. He also threw out the Marxist label. Seems like that is going to be the last minute mantra. Even though 80 percent of the American people cannot define Marxist
Well, I am one out of five who can then. BHO is a Marxist.
25k/year where my mom lives can give you a pretty decent standard of living.

I know exactly where your mother lives. Unless you already own your home and have affordable health coverage through an employer, 25,000 isn't going to do it anymore. The standard of living is the same when you are talking about the prices of consummable goods and gasoline.
True, unless of course you take into consideration that the cycles that will end in 2012 have ended already in the past.
You should know by now that I do not take anything other than my own thoughts and actions into consideration.

I love me some me.
i'm convinced whoever get's elected will be wildly unpopular. though in 4 years i'm sure the economy will be well on the rebound.

Agreed on both. And if you thought the right-wing outrage at clinton was bad, just wait and see what's it's like with Obama and 60 dem. votes in the senate. It would be a VERY interesting period of time in middle america.
Agreed on both. And if you thought the right-wing outrage at clinton was bad, just wait and see what's it's like with Obama and 60 dem. votes in the senate. It would be a VERY interesting period of time in middle america.

I said it before and I'll say it again......

It will be like taking 60 kids to the video store and telling them to pick out one movie! Nothing is going to happen except for a whole lotta sissy cat fights!
I said it before and I'll say it again......

It will be like taking 60 kids to the video store and telling them to pick out one movie! Nothing is going to happen except for a whole lotta sissy cat fights!
they have a horde of issues that the group will see eye to eye on, just as the Republican idiots did for six years under Bush.
I said it before and I'll say it again......

It will be like taking 60 kids to the video store and telling them to pick out one movie! Nothing is going to happen except for a whole lotta sissy cat fights!

Except with 60 seats in the senate, the dems would be able to stop the repubs. from blocking votes thereby allowing them to pass whatever legislation they wanted. This example is why a 2 party system sucks.

VN Store
