Its getting shrill ...

I just wonder why you don't peruse the liberal blogs and listen to the Air America crowd and express similar outrage at their shrillness?

As I stated in a previous thread, the past few weeks I've stopped listening to my regular shows and started listening to right-leaning shows to get the other perspective. They're all pretty mad right now, but at least some of them are coming to their senses.

Rush, Beck, Hannity, Levin - those guys are off their rockers. Koo-koo for Cocoa Puffs. Insane in the membrane.

Brian and the Judge are more reasonable.

John Gibson - I can't tell whether he's playing to the crowd or whether he really believes what he's saying. I don't know much about him.

Believe it or not, I think Wallace is more sensible than I did a year ago.

Do you listen to The Young Turks or Ed Schultz or Rachel Maddow? I actually don't, but I'd be curious to get your POV on those.
Using this standard I expect to see you call out celebrities who trash Palin and McCain, liberal blogs that reach millions, etc.

Start the shrillness role call.

roll call?

give me one example of a Dem partisan using language equivalent to what Beck used.
TennNC... Do you not think it is a bad thing to have a dem. controlled congress with the most liberal member as TPOTUS?

Is that not what we try to avoid?

If it was the other way around, even as a repub, I would admit it was not a good thing.

It depends what obama tries to do in office. If he sticks to his proposals, I'm all for it. Especially energy independence and kickstarting the next manufacturing and economic boom through alternative energy sources.

If he lets Pelosi and Reid run amok with ridiculous spending and we waste time on less important matters, I'll be pissed too.
Well, he's likely to become your president. Let that sink in.

That thought absolutely sickens me. I don't believe BHO loves America. He seems to me to want the USA turned into an image of the EU. It is truely sad how many have bought into his charm and overlooked his substance.
As I stated in a previous thread, the past few weeks I've stopped listening to my regular shows and started listening to right-leaning shows to get the other perspective. They're all pretty mad right now, but at least some of them are coming to their senses.

Rush, Beck, Hannity, Levin - those guys are off their rockers. Koo-koo for Cocoa Puffs. Insane in the membrane.

Brian and the Judge are more reasonable.

John Gibson - I can't tell whether he's playing to the crowd or whether he really believes what he's saying. I don't know much about him.

Believe it or not, I think Wallace is more sensible than I did a year ago.

Do you listen to The Young Turks or Ed Schultz or Rachel Maddow? I actually don't, but I'd be curious to get your POV on those.

I don't listen to any of the above - either side. There's so much misinformation out there I try to avoid any known source of biased information. It's simply to tiring to sort through the crap.

I've occasionally listened to Air America hosts (can't remember which ones) and they are lunatics that rant and foam at the mouth just as the righties.

My point is that both sides have been shrill for years. Take a stroll down Kos or Move.on. They patented shrill, mean-spirited commentary.
This implies you do look to Boortz, Beck, Limbaugh, Drudge for information.

This is my entire point. Why on earth do you look to these conservative talk show hosts for information when all you do is tell us how ridiculous and lacking in credibility they are?

I just don't get it.

I listen to them when I'm in my car. I like talk radio, its entertaining.

I'm just pointing out how bad it has gotten in recent days/weeks in terms of the politics.

Rush, Beck, Hannity, Levin - those guys are off their rockers. Koo-koo for Cocoa Puffs. Insane in the membrane.

Believe it or not, I think Wallace is more sensible than I did a year ago.

Do you listen to The Young Turks or Ed Schultz or Rachel Maddow? I actually don't, but I'd be curious to get your POV on those.

I don't think they are insane. They believe what they believe and of course have a right to both believe it and talk about it. They are all very successful at it financially, so hard to argue that they are not putting out a product that people are buying. I just think that they are going too far in their use of these labels and I agree that it is fear mongering.

As to Maddow, she is a staunch liberal. I watch her tv show in bits and pieces -- never all the way through -- she seems usually to be defending Obama and not attacking McCain.

And that is sort of my point. I just don't see the same level of venom from the left in this election as I do from the right. During the first Bush campaign the left got out there a bit, I'd say. But this time around it feels like the right has gone way too far.
roll call?

give me one example of a Dem partisan using language equivalent to what Beck used.

One of the top of my head was when Whoopi Goldberg twisted McCain's words to suggest he would prefer her to still be a slave.

Clearly that's powerful imagery and completely out-of-bounds.
One of the top of my head was when Whoopi Goldberg twisted McCain's words to suggest he would prefer her to still be a slave.

Clearly that's powerful imagery and completely out-of-bounds.

Obama himself stated that McCain would run a racist campaign. I'd like Captain Undecided to complain about that now.
One of the top of my head was when Whoopi Goldberg twisted McCain's words to suggest he would prefer her to still be a slave.

Clearly that's powerful imagery and completely out-of-bounds.

agreed - she should shut her pie hole. it was a question and not a declaration though, correct?
One of the top of my head was when Whoopi Goldberg twisted McCain's words to suggest he would prefer her to still be a slave.

Clearly that's powerful imagery and completely out-of-bounds.

I can't believe that McCain would advocate anything of the sort. But Goldberg is the left's version of Hannity, and so I would ignore both.
And that is sort of my point. I just don't see the same level of venom from the left in this election as I do from the right. During the first Bush campaign the left got out there a bit, I'd say. But this time around it feels like the right has gone way too far.

I don't see how you can draw this conclusion without listening or reading the left.

Go back to the time of the Palin selection and read, listen to some of the commentary. It's deplorable and as shrill as can be. The Dems talkers may be backing off because they are ahead but make no mistake, they are well accomplished at shrillness.
agreed - she should shut her pie hole. it was a question and not a declaration though, correct?

If you ask a question, that means there is a possibility that both outcomes could come true. That is unacceptable for that topic.
Hey, psssst, if you want to understand why it is that the majority of the middle class is focused on the economy and might vote for the black guy, consider the two top stories on CNN right now.

The first is that Exxon posted a rcord profit last quarter. $15 billion in three months.

The second is that Amex is laying off 7,000 workers, adding to the already 470,000 who filed for unemployment last month.

There is a sense out there that the Dems were right in 2000 and 2004 when thjey warned that in George Bush's economy the rich would get richer and the poor would get poorer. Now, you can call that class warfare, but the truth hurts and that is why Obama saying he would give a tax break to the bottom 95 % and roll back the breaks for the top 5 % seem "fair" to most people.
How many Hitler comparisons did we see for Bush?

I made that point above. Those comparisons also should not have been made and were wrong. And even though I was not a VN member then I can assure you that I scoffed at them to my friends at the time, as well.
Hey, psssst, if you want to understand why it is that the majority of the middle class is focused on the economy and might vote for the black guy, consider the two top stories on CNN right now.

The first is that Exxon posted a rcord profit last quarter. $15 billion in three months.

The second is that Amex is laying off 7,000 workers, adding to the already 470,000 who filed for unemployment last month.

There is a sense out there that the Dems were right in 2000 and 2004 when thjey warned that in George Bush's economy the rich would get richer and the poor would get poorer. Now, you can call that class warfare, but the truth hurts and that is why Obama saying he would give a tax break to the bottom 95 % and roll back the breaks for the top 5 % seem "fair" to most people.

It may seem "fair" but his plan is not consistent with solving the problems referenced above.
Hey, psssst, if you want to understand why it is that the majority of the middle class is focused on the economy and might vote for the black guy, consider the two top stories on CNN right now.

The first is that Exxon posted a rcord profit last quarter. $15 billion in three months.

The second is that Amex is laying off 7,000 workers, adding to the already 470,000 who filed for unemployment last month.

There is a sense out there that the Dems were right in 2000 and 2004 when thjey warned that in George Bush's economy the rich would get richer and the poor would get poorer. Now, you can call that class warfare, but the truth hurts and that is why Obama saying he would give a tax break to the bottom 95 % and roll back the breaks for the top 5 % seem "fair" to most people.

My family is one of those that will most certainly see some of the short term benefit from increasing the tax burden on "the rich". However I think the long term implications of Obama's tax plan could very well have a negative effect on our economy in the long term. Add that to the current situation we find our economy in and it gives me even greater concern.

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