Its Offical - (buzz)

I have read that UAB's Mike Anderson could be in the mix for the UT coaching position.
Originally posted by Orangewhiteblood@Mar 13, 2005 9:59 PM
I have read that UAB's Mike Anderson could be in the mix for the UT coaching position.

He is not going anywhere! He is staying put!
Originally posted by allvolinky@Mar 13, 2005 9:28 PM
Yes he coahed at Campbellsville Univerisity and small school here in Kentucky before going to EKU....He seems to be on the right track, but I believe he needs a few more years under his belt before coming to a larger univerisity..

I think he has enough years he knows the SEC, played for Pitno, and the UT basketball program has nowhere to go but up! So a young coach just might be the right choice! Not to mention we will be paying 3 basketball coaches! So his price range might be just right!
Chris Lowe just named Jeff Lebo and Mike Anderson as two that would most likely on UT's list.
is ther any valid list published anywhere of coaches wanting to change schools or anything?
I don't think so really, just speculation. Here is several that I see mentioned (not my list so don't laugh)

Rick Barnes
Greg Marshall
Mark Few
Mike Anderson
Paul Hewitt
Eddie Fogler
Phil Jackson
Bobby Knight
Karl Hobbs

Originally posted by vol_freak@Mar 14, 2005 12:21 AM
I don't think so really, just speculation. Here is several that I see mentioned (not my list so don't laugh)

Rick Barnes
Greg Marshall
Mark Few
Mike Anderson
Paul Hewitt
Eddie Fogler
Phil Jackson
Bobby Knight
Karl Hobbs

forget about hewitt, jackson, fogler, and knight.

rick barnes is a hell of a coach.

wonder if we can run the princeton style of offense like vandy?
Matt Doherty would be the best bet because he is a proven WINNER. He coached at North Carolina where he was coach of the year his first year there, I think 2001, and he lead Notre Dame to the NCAA Tournament in 2000, lets all rally around him because he is the most experienced coach on that list above
johnny dawkins was a great player at Duke, and he is an assistant there now, he could not handle this program, maybe after a lesser job

No more stiffs from the Dean Smith extended family of coaches.

Avoid assistants of Dean Smith and Roy Williams like the plague!!
Until UT learns you gotta stick with one coach for a while, good or bad, all the newcomers will be future ex coaches in four years....
I don't know about that. Buzz did nothing to help our program. He couldn't recruit, couldn't get our players to play good offense, and sure couldn't get our team to play defense. I think we will get a proven coach like Mike Anderson.
What has Mike Anderson Proved???????

Answer SQUAT.

64-33 record in three seasons
he's only coached for 3 season, even less experienced than BUZZ.

I guess Watson and Lofton were bad recruits. T. Smith must be a bad signee. Recruiting Jamont Gordon was a waste of time he has no talent if Buzz recruited him. What about Crump, lazy yes, talented yes.

Firing Buzz and Hiring Mike Anderson would be assinine but typical of Tennessee basketball. Hey lets take the hot one now even if he has little or no experience and hope lightning strikes and we can say we got him cheap but if it don't then we can fire him in 4 years.

Volgolfer is correct in his statement
If we got Bobby Knight, I'd be first in line to pick up season tickets. But, that will never happen. UT doesn't like good coaches that wont bend over backwards to please uptight boosters. Oneil is proof of that.
Originally posted by vols2345@Mar 14, 2005 5:48 AM
I don't know about that. Buzz did nothing to help our program. He couldn't recruit, couldn't get our players to play good offense, and sure couldn't get our team to play defense. I think we will get a proven coach like Mike Anderson.

Mike Anderson is not leaving UAB! He is in his hometown building his own program!
Mark Few isn't going to leave Gonzaga, he's got a lifetime contract and the school is upgrading facilities for him.

With new NCAA rules coming into effect Wake's coach may be the best bet.
Skip Prosser - Wake Forest
93-34 in four years, 4- NCAA Tournaments
Before taking over at Wake Forest,
Xavier in 7 years 148-65, in conference 71-35, 6-20 win seasons
at Xavier 83 percent of Prosser's players graduated
Loyola (Md.) 1 year 17-13, 1-NCAA Tournament (schools only appearence ever)
Even though I think it was the right decision, i'm surprised that hamilton actually cut buzz loose. The only bad side to this is the 1 million plus dollars we have to cough up to pay out his contract. :bad:
Right, Wrong, or Indifferent, the decision has been made. Bottom line is that virtually all UT athletic disciplines compete nationally, and for the most part ranked in the top 25, both men's and women's. The ladies just claimed indoor track champs. There is no reason not to be competitive in the one sport we just can't seem to ever get on track, and when we had it on track, fired that coach too. So, Green did some things to upset some folks. Heck, we seem to be upset with Fulmer and Sanders constantly during a 'questionable' 10-3 football season that led to preseason #3 pick. Although we want NC's every year, realistically, we don't expect them. It is D1. No one can dominate every sport year in and year out. But, we can have the chance to. There were good points to keeping Buzz, and good points to letting him go. The error of the way will be to not bring in the right coach and not just a hopeful. An up and coming mid-major coach would be bad. A proven Mid-major or D1 coach would be o.k. I don't think the UAB coach is valid. His record is not a whole lot better than Buzz.
Originally posted by TNVOLS1@Mar 14, 2005 7:21 AM
What has Mike Anderson Proved???????

Answer SQUAT.

64-33 record in three seasons
he's only coached for 3 season, even less experienced than BUZZ.

Mike Anderson has proved that he can get his players to play hard (give it all) game in and game out. I doubt if ANY coach gets more out of his players than Mike Anderson.

I work at UAB and have watched countless games that UAB has played in. They rarely if ever lose due to lack of effort. Anderson has won with talent that is nowhere near what Buzz had. Anderson plays a style that puts fans in the seats.

His players buy into his system. He's made the NCAA 2 out of 3 tries and has 2 NCAA wins including knocking off #1 seed UK.

He's won more games in 3 years than Buzz has in four. He would have to lose virtually all his games next year to equal Buzz's record.

Mike Anderson has proved himself. Buzz did not. I'd hate to lose Anderson at UAB but would love for him to coach the Vols.

As for comparisons of the record: Anderson has a winning percentage of 66%, Buzz's is 51% (at UT). Anderson has a 66% winning percentage in the NCAA tournament.
Originally posted by duckman398686@Mar 14, 2005 8:52 AM
Even though I think it was the right decision, i'm surprised that hamilton actually cut buzz loose. The only bad side to this is the 1 million plus dollars we have to cough up to pay out his contract. :bad:

Gang! $1 million is a lot of money but in the scheme of things, given our athletic budget and donor contributions to our program, it is hardly gonna break anybody up! :)
Originally posted by TNVOLS1@Mar 14, 2005 8:46 AM
Mark Few isn't going to leave Gonzaga, he's got a lifetime contract and the school is upgrading facilities for him.

With new NCAA rules coming into effect Wake's coach may be the best bet.
Skip Prosser - Wake Forest
93-34 in four years, 4- NCAA Tournaments
Before taking over at Wake Forest,
Xavier in 7 years 148-65, in conference 71-35, 6-20 win seasons
at Xavier 83 percent of Prosser's players graduated
Loyola (Md.) 1 year 17-13, 1-NCAA Tournament (schools only appearence ever)

Prosser is a good one. I forgot about him.

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