Its Offical - (buzz)

Wooohooo - Buzz is gone....Nice guy and I kind of feel bad for him but he's rich and he'll get a job somewhere else...

I remember folks whining about UT paying 3 coaches at one time...well, think about this..UT basically has a pro football team -WITHOUT having to pay it's players...It's like having the Green Bay Packers witout paying the players. So, UT has PLENTY of money..They raise the tuition every 2 years or so..They pay employees tons of money for jobs those people would make half as much doing somewhere else...Each football game if they sold 90,000 tickets for 40$ a piece that 3.6 million (per game). Plus clothing/apparel money...alumni donations...etc etc...

Basically, dont whine for UT having to pay to fire Buzz.

After reading these comments I'm all for this guy at UAB - sounds like a good coach with exciting play.
Originally posted by r0sss@Mar 14, 2005 9:45 PM
After reading these comments I'm all for this guy at UAB - sounds like a good coach with exciting play.

Mike Anderson is not leaving UAB....Has anyone mentiond Jeff Capel from VCU yet? A coach K product and doing well at his school!
I'm pretty sure that everybody except Pat Summitt's son has been mentioned.
Let's say it together maybe we can create some karma:

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ah man you beat me to it. I was going to say since Hamlington was in the firing mood..........................
Originally posted by donsargegolf@Mar 14, 2005 10:04 PM
Did Buzz take RS with him? Too bad :banghead:

Yea lets get rid of RS :bs: Did you see the game plan he put together against A&m and the 2nd half against AU!!! Something has clicked in his head :idea: and he has finally got it!!
(In another effort to derail a thread) You can't complain about Sanders in '04, he did an excellent job.
But what I really want to know is who will be the starting qb next year.

It'll be Ainge unless he lets his hair grow out and his dye job goes away.
Originally posted by vol_freak@Mar 14, 2005 11:22 PM
But what I really want to know is who will be the starting qb next year.


Too bad it is not Casey Clausen. What a player he was. Or was he? ;)
Clausen was good, but if Trooper Taylor had been his OC, he would've won the Heisman.
Originally posted by Orangewhiteblood+Mar 14, 2005 11:24 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Orangewhiteblood @ Mar 14, 2005 11:24 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-vol_freak@Mar 14, 2005 11:22 PM
But what I really want to know is who will be the starting qb next year.


Too bad it is not Casey Clausen. What a player he was. Or was he? ;) [/quote]
Please don&#39;t give anyone any ideas :p
Can you image a newbie reading these threads without realizing the sarcasm?

If we&#39;ve learned anything it&#39;s that Newbies don&#39;t read threads, they just start topics.
I think it&#39;s time to revise my original quarterback thread. You might get a few more votes this time, Freaky.

Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Mar 14, 2005 11:30 PM
I think it&#39;s time to revise my original quarterback thread. You might get a few more votes this time, Freaky.


Originally posted by GAVol@Mar 14, 2005 11:25 PM
Clausen was good, but if Trooper Taylor had been his OC, he would&#39;ve won the Heisman.

Nah, he would have been robbed just like Peyton.

Oh, and...... :espn:

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