Its Offical - (buzz)

I like the sound of Prosser, but I can't imagine that Wake would let him leave . . .
BOBBY LUTZ will be the next UT coach. As a 49er alum, I have heard this since the middle of the season. I would hate to see him go, but he deserves a larger program. He is a great recruiter and game coach that would do well in the SEC.
Prosser didn't leave Wake for Pitt, which had a ready made Top 20 team and is his hometown school. He's not going to come to Knoxville and try to clean up Buzz's mess.
Originally posted by duckman398686@Mar 14, 2005 8:52 AM
Even though I think it was the right decision, i'm surprised that hamilton actually cut buzz loose. The only bad side to this is the 1 million plus dollars we have to cough up to pay out his contract. :bad:

I will say it again, UT's mens basketball program pulls in 10 million a year. That is the third highest in the SEC. Hamilton has made the right move here. He is spending money to make money for the program.

If we pull in 10 million with Buzzball, just think what we could pull in if we had a good coach, with good talent, that wins more games.

Spend the money now on the good coach and pay off Green and Peterson, then sit back and watch the program grow.

Would we really want Lebo by the way? I am not sure about that!
The future of Tennessee basketball is in Texas! Barnes or Knight. Pay them anything they want because they will pay for themselves when they fill the seats!
Originally posted by TBALLVOL@Mar 14, 2005 2:44 PM
The future of Tennessee basketball is in Texas! Barnes or Knight. Pay them anything they want because they will pay for themselves when they fill the seats!

I hereby promise to never attend attend a UT basketball game if Bobby Knight is the coach....shesh, all this general insano talk makes me want to puke! :shakehead:
Hey, controlled controversy is the key to filling seats. People want to go to the edge, they just dont want to fall off the cliff. With Knight, they can not only go to the edge, but they will bring a crowd with them because Knight just might jump off the cliff and no one would want to miss that. Besides, he is probably the best coach in America. He is not your pastor and he 's not mine and I wouldn't want him to be. But if I want to fill a 20,000 seat arena and win at basketball. He's who I would hire. He's repented and done well at TT. He's earned the right to be considered.
Originally posted by volinbham+Mar 14, 2005 9:27 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (volinbham @ Mar 14, 2005 9:27 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-TNVOLS1@Mar 14, 2005 7:21 AM
What has Mike Anderson Proved???????

Answer SQUAT.

64-33 record in three seasons
he&#39;s only coached for 3 season, even less experienced than BUZZ.

Mike Anderson has proved that he can get his players to play hard (give it all) game in and game out. I doubt if ANY coach gets more out of his players than Mike Anderson.

I work at UAB and have watched countless games that UAB has played in. They rarely if ever lose due to lack of effort. Anderson has won with talent that is nowhere near what Buzz had. Anderson plays a style that puts fans in the seats.

His players buy into his system. He&#39;s made the NCAA 2 out of 3 tries and has 2 NCAA wins including knocking off #1 seed UK.

He&#39;s won more games in 3 years than Buzz has in four. He would have to lose virtually all his games next year to equal Buzz&#39;s record.

Mike Anderson has proved himself. Buzz did not. I&#39;d hate to lose Anderson at UAB but would love for him to coach the Vols.

As for comparisons of the record: Anderson has a winning percentage of 66%, Buzz&#39;s is 51% (at UT). Anderson has a 66% winning percentage in the NCAA tournament. [/quote]
But you know Mike will not leave UAB he is home&#33; He is soundly building his OWN basketball program&#33; Where there is not to much pressure to win...And every student,alum, and some faculty on the UAB campus or in America will probably email him or call him and ask him not to leave&#33; Just like Duke did with Coach K
Anderson hasn&#39;t proven anything. UAB isn&#39;t the SEC and 3 years mean nothing.
Originally posted by milohimself@Mar 14, 2005 6:20 PM
Honestly... In basketball, how much better is the SEC than C-USA.

Originally posted by milohimself@Mar 14, 2005 6:20 PM
Honestly... In basketball, how much better is the SEC than C-USA.

I have to agree with Milo C-USA has teams as Cincy, Louisville, UAB....I know people don&#39;t regard UAB as a power house but they did pull the upset in beating Ky in the last NCAA tournament. And Cincy and Louisville could beat any SEC team on any given day.....They have proved that time and time again....Face it the SEC is no ACC when it comes to basketball.
The real difference in the two conferences is at the bottom. There are generally a few more easy wins to be picked up in C-USA. That said, a coach who has been successful in C-USA is likely to be able to handle an SEC job.
What might have been...

When UT&#39;s Doug Dickey hired Buzz Peterson, he turned down the opportunity to take Jeff Lebo, who was head coach at Tennessee Tech at the time. Dickey was concerned about Lebo&#39;s age and limited head coaching experience.

Lebo&#39;s Auburn team knocked Vandy out of the SEC Tournament in the first round despite playing with five guards.

Nathan Watson was the Tigers&#39; leading rebounder in SEC games at 6.2 a game. Watson is a 6-3 senior who came to Auburn as a walk-on.

Lebo has six solid recruits waiting to play next season. Watch his stock rise to the point where he will become one of the best ever to emerge from the Dean Smith coaching tree.

very interesting story by joe biddle. i live in cookeville where tech is and they were real good for a small school with Lebo. :bash:
Originally posted by checkerboard_charly@Mar 14, 2005 8:36 PM
What might have been...

When UT&#39;s Doug Dickey hired Buzz Peterson, he turned down the opportunity to take Jeff Lebo, who was head coach at Tennessee Tech at the time. Dickey was concerned about Lebo&#39;s age and limited head coaching experience.

Lebo&#39;s Auburn team knocked Vandy out of the SEC Tournament in the first round despite playing with five guards.

Nathan Watson was the Tigers&#39; leading rebounder in SEC games at 6.2 a game. Watson is a 6-3 senior who came to Auburn as a walk-on.

Lebo has six solid recruits waiting to play next season. Watch his stock rise to the point where he will become one of the best ever to emerge from the Dean Smith coaching tree.

very interesting story by joe biddle. i live in cookeville where tech is and they were real good for a small school with Lebo. :bash:

Lebo has potential but he still really is unproven on the SEC level. He did out recruit Buzz by stealing a couple of our guys late. He would not be in my top 5 at this point.
Granted CUSA is not the SEC but I would have to agree with Milo that the differences are not that large.

Here are a few of the coaches in CUSA

Rick Pitino
John Calipari
Bob Huggins
Tom Penders (former of Texas)
Larry Eustacy (sp? - former of Iowa State)
Mike Anderson
Tom Crean
The guy from Charlotte

That&#39;s eight that all have nice NCAA tournament WINS including several sweet sixteens, elite eights, final fours and NCAA champs. Two of these coaches had teams that knocked off the top team in the SEC in the last 2 NCAA tournaments (Marquette and UAB). Note the presence of 4 coaches that had success in the bigger conferences and are now operating in CUSA. I would bet the NCAA tournament success of these coaches is greater than that of the SEC coaches.

The selection committee took 5 from the SEC and 4 from CUSA.
Thanks Freak - I guess it hurts my argument that he&#39;s a good coach if I don&#39;t know his name :rolleyes:
Originally posted by volinbham@Mar 14, 2005 9:53 PM
Thanks Freak - I guess it hurts my argument that he&#39;s a good coach if I don&#39;t know his name :rolleyes:


No, I realize it&#39;s just hard to keep all these guys straight.
Oh great. A coach whose last name rhymes with klutz.

I can see the headlines now.

Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Mar 14, 2005 10:16 PM
Oh great. A coach whose last name rhymes with klutz.

I can see the headlines now.


Klutz or putz.... :lolup: :lolup:
Originally posted by allvolinky+Mar 14, 2005 10:43 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (allvolinky @ Mar 14, 2005 10:43 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-LadyinOrange@Mar 14, 2005 10:16 PM
Oh great. A coach whose last name rhymes with klutz.

I can see the headlines now.


Klutz or putz.... :lolup: :lolup: [/quote]
I was thinking that but I wasn&#39;t gonna be the one to say it.

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