j jackson and nuke

You have got to be kidding me!!!! What a bunch of idiots! Janzen just threw millions down the drain! Absolutely horrible news!

I was just told that the gas station has video footage of two people holding the victim up.
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brent hubbs just said it was nuke and mike edwards with a pellet gun and a female driver.
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and weed was found in the car.
BTW once a player has accepted his scholarship for the current class, I believe the school can not back count into his spot. So if these three are removed from the team, there will not be three spots open in the 2009 class to fill with current 2010 prospects.
Jackson had all the makings of a great player for years to come here at UT, and he just threw it all away. (All for what? 20 bucks?!?) I honestly have no idea what could have been going through their minds. Very disappointing...
I just threw-up a little. Not what i was looking to read when checking this page! Unfortunate, yes. Hope JJ was not involved even if he was in the car. As for a pellet gun v. a 9mm. That doesnt change the charge at all. I mean WTF. Can anyone expand on what this does to recruiting, mainly EE's ,and how this effects schollarships.
Nuke and Edwards were the ones who actually wore the hoods and did the robbing...

The girl was driving and she was the one charged with the marijuana...

It is not clear yet how Jackson was involved, but he was arrested...
For 320 days or so i look forward to opening up Volnation.com and reading good news. Today is the first f-ing day that that didn't happen. This is a sad day. I am fed up with Knewqueese and Jansen. I think Edwards had an issue as well this summer. THis is two strikes that we know of for all three of them. I haven't heard of any problems with the exception of one on the field thing with Tauren Poole, which is understandable and not criminal. I say Kiffin, as much money, time and effort you have in these guys, they are always going to be trouble. I hate this as much as anybody, but once they've been proven beyond a reasonable doubt (ugh), drop them. We can recruit better, more physical players than them anyway.
Nuke and Edwards were the ones who actually wore the hoods and did the robbing...

The girl was driving and she was the one charged with the marijuana...

It is not clear yet how Jackson was involved, but he was arrested...

If he is not charged with anything is it possile he could stay on the team

I have to say, it may sound dumb but after reading that report, it sounds like they wanted to get caught. A semi-auto hand gun, wearing UT t-shirts, right on the strip??? Even being big time D-1 althletes, surely they didnt think they could get away with that. Not to mention JJ has already been in trouble and Nuke with all his "personal" problems, just makes NO sense at all!!! What an F'n waste!!!!
Kiffin needs to act swiftly on this one.

Assuming this is all true, all 3 need to be kicked off immediately.
Nuke and Edwards were the ones who actually wore the hoods and did the robbing...

The girl was driving and she was the one charged with the marijuana...

It is not clear yet how Jackson was involved, but he was arrested...

even if JJ was not involved (from a legal perspective), there needs to be a very strong public punishment. There is no way he was unaware of what was going down. I was told something as a child i later found to be true as a young adult, "YOU RUN WITH THIEVES, YOU HANG WITH THIEVES!
Nuke, "I just had my best game of the season, boy!"

Edwards, "How do you want to celebrate."

Nuke, "I want to rob someone at gunpoint at the PILOT with a TN t-shirt on under my hoodie."

Edwards, "Let's Roll."

Really though. How does that conversation go down? I am shocked.

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