Jadeveon Clowney Quote about Tiny

And that one play was just the play South Carolina needed to seal the victory. Great players make great plays in the clutch. Hopefully the O line shuts him down this coming season and we finally beat SC again like we used to always do.

That's one way of looking at it. Another way to look at is if UT fields a middle of the road defense last year, that sack comes in garbage time and Tennessee wins by 2 scores.
With him pissin off all these linemen, I see a chop block in his near future. .

this. you know, for a guy with so much riding on his health this year he sure isn't doing himself any favors by talking like this. I enjoy it tho and I feel his comments about tiny are insignificant compared to what he said about Murray, Wilson, Boyd, Martinez and another QB being scared. He respects Tiny and the Lewan of michigan. I like watching Clowney play but I don't need to hear him.
He owned him last year except for 1 play.

Which helped give USCe the game.

This is all media BS. Long way to go between now and game day. Either or both could be severely nicked or out by then. This is a contact sport..............

If Richardson gets a draw against the Clown, we should do well.
Tiny manhandled the entire game, with that one play being the exception. He's trying to get into people's heads. Well Tiny said he's watched that game every week, and I expect him to be giving 110% for Clowney. That being said, unlike Dools, I think Jones will be smart enough to have a full or tailback drifting that side on passing plays for additional pass protection.
It will be very interesting to see that rematch this year. Clowney made a great play, but what about the rest of the game. Tiny was doing really good against him. Tiny is going to get paid too.

Because the greatness of Clowney came out in that one play. That's what great players do. Give credit where credit is due. Its obvious Tiny and Clowney have mutual respect for each other. That's where this friendly back and forth is coming from. No one said anything over the top they're talking smack and Tiny ain't backing down, that's what we want.
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Teams have to scheme for Clowney.. That is a advantage in itself.. Tiny did a great job on him last year. If Chaney wasn't the OC they might have actually beat a decent team..
Teams have to scheme for Clowney.. That is a advantage in itself.. Tiny did a great job on him last year. If Chaney wasn't the OC they might have actually beat a decent team..

Had nothing to do with Chaney. The offense did its job. The leaky defense made Clowney more relevant than he should have been.

All this talk about the 'one sack being all it took' is a bunch of trendy rubbish. It finished the Vols off that day. But 60 minutes of sh!tty defense is what lost the game for UT.
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Had nothing to do with Chaney. The offense did its job. The leaky defense made Clowney more relevant than he should have been.

All this talk about the 'one sack being all it took' is a bunch of trendy rubbish. It finished the Vols off that day. But 60 minutes of sh!tty defense is what lost the game for UT.
Had everything to do with Chaney.. Tennessee at times ran for 10 yards on average, then got pass happy.. That crap happened in just about every game. Drove me crazy..
Had everything to do with Chaney.. Tennessee at times ran for 10 yards on average, then got pass happy.. That crap happened in just about every game. Drove me crazy..

True but everyone knows Offense wins Games but Defense wins CHAMPIONSHIPS.
Had everything to do with Chaney.. Tennessee at times ran for 10 yards on average, then got pass happy.. That crap happened in just about every game. Drove me crazy..

Not a fan of Chaney abandoning the run as much as he does. But when a team puts 35 points on the board and loses, it's not the offense that costs that team the game.

Besides UT played from behind most of the game due to their crappy D. Very few teams go heavy on running the ball when they are 2 scores down for the majority of the game.
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Not a fan of Chaney abandoning the run as much as he does. But when a team puts 35 points on the board and loses, it's not the offense that costs that team the game.

Besides UT played from behind most of the game due to their crappy D. Very few teams go heavy on running the ball when they are 2 scores down for the majority of the game.
When were they two scores down against Carolina? Can't remember that.. Probably cause they never were..
They were driving down field and had them on their heels. Were it not for a great play made by a great player we would have scored. If we had scored and won your hatred of Chaney is moot. Chaney hatred pure and simple.
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28-14 for what? So you drop what is working and go air raid.. That game was tight for the most part.. Chaney sucked azz. End of story..

No. Chaney did what needed to be done. That is the only thing that kept us in it. We needed to score quick. We could not stop them. We were a passing team and we had to play to our strengths. If we would have ran the ball with limited success Chaney would be getting drilled for not throwing the ball with Bray, Rogers, Hunter, Rivera, Lane out of the backfield...
With last years offense running the ball is like a right handed boxer only using his left. It does not make sense.
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No. Chaney did what needed to be done. That is the only thing that kept us in it. We needed to score quick. We could not stop them. We were a passing team and we had to play to our strengths. If we would have ran the ball with limited success Chaney would be getting drilled for not throwing the ball with Bray, Rogers, Hunter, Rivera, Lane out of the backfield...
With last years offense running the ball is like a right handed boxer only using his left. It does not make sense.
I don't know.. You keep ripping off 10 yard runs and i might would make them stop it first. Just me.. Not just that game either. There were a few other games like that.. That one was tight in the second half.. Could have went either way.. They had success running the ball and got away from it at times.. That's what drove me nuts.. It's like they wanted to feature Bray for the NFL scouts or something..
When your margin for error was razor thin like Tennessee's hell yes.

It's like that in almost any scenario though. The offensive guy in this matchup has to essentially play perfect. The defensive guy can do nothing for 59 minutes and end up as the man, with one play. Literally what happened last year.
It's like that in almost any scenario though. The offensive guy in this matchup has to essentially play perfect. The defensive guy can do nothing for 59 minutes and end up as the man, with one play. Literally what happened last year.
When the game is tight anyway.. If you have the horses and get out ahead it wouldn't be as bad. Tennessee had mules for the most part..
When the game is tight anyway.. If you have the horses and get out ahead it wouldn't be as bad. Tennessee had mules for the most part..

They did.

I just don't see the point of Tiny talking this up unless he thinks he can truly shut him down all day.

Offensive lineman get beat, just like DBs do. Part of the game.

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