Why presume he was? When I was in college, I had a part time job at a big time newspaper. I was what they called an inserter.
Starting at around 9PM until 2AM-3AM, I stood all night at a conveyor belt. We pulled inserted advertisements into the last sections of newspapers. Then went to another belt to remove stacks of plastic strapped newspapers and load onto carts that rolled to a chute and dumped the papers outside the building for vans and trucks to deliver to carriers all over town. It was a common sight to see college kids, assorted others, even homeless people trudging away after work at 2am-3am. Sometimes walking all the way to campus as some of us had no car and the buses weren't running, and no one could afford a taxi.
Sporadically, we heard angry shouts, running foot steps, gunshots and saw people being chased. We just stayed together and walked fast, ran a bit, walked fast when too tired to run more until we got back to campus. It had nothing to do with weed. The most dangerous thing was realizing that we were breathing ink in that environment. Found out in winter when blowing our noses and seeing the black colored mucus. Most of us decided money wasn't worth killing our lungs for. That too had nothing to do with weed but it was 2-3 in the morning.