Jalen Reeves-Maybin shot Sunday in Clarksville

I'm not saying he was involved with what was going on at that house but we was in the vicinity of the house. Maybe not in the front yard but closer than I'd wanna be at 2:30 in the morning.

For a lot of folks a lot of houses in their neighborhoods would fit that description. That doesn't mean they are bad people.
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Why presume he was? When I was in college, I had a part time job at a big time newspaper. I was what they called an inserter.

Starting at around 9PM until 2AM-3AM, I stood all night at a conveyor belt. We pulled inserted advertisements into the last sections of newspapers. Then went to another belt to remove stacks of plastic strapped newspapers and load onto carts that rolled to a chute and dumped the papers outside the building for vans and trucks to deliver to carriers all over town. It was a common sight to see college kids, assorted others, even homeless people trudging away after work at 2am-3am. Sometimes walking all the way to campus as some of us had no car and the buses weren't running, and no one could afford a taxi.

Sporadically, we heard angry shouts, running foot steps, gunshots and saw people being chased. We just stayed together and walked fast, ran a bit, walked fast when too tired to run more until we got back to campus. It had nothing to do with weed. The most dangerous thing was realizing that we were breathing ink in that environment. Found out in winter when blowing our noses and seeing the black colored mucus. Most of us decided money wasn't worth killing our lungs for. That too had nothing to do with weed but it was 2-3 in the morning.

I was an inserter too at the KNS many moons ago.
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SMH at some of the posts up in here. Obviously, some did not bother to read the entire article that the OP provided.
Tennessee coach Butch Jones told the Knoxville News Sentinel on Monday that Reeves-Maybin was already back at UT and was not seriously injured.

“It was just an abrasion. He didn’t even need stitches,” Jones said. “He got shot by a random bullet. It just basically grazed his arm.”

The party on Lavender Circle was a post-prom and pre-graduation party for Northeast students, according to neighbors at the scene Monday.

None of the people in attendance were able to provide information to help Clarksville Police with the investigation.
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SMH at some of the posts up in here. Obviously, some did not bother to read the entire article that the OP provided.

I Read The entire Article Earlier Today, And That wasn't Part Of It. Like Any News Story, It Got Updated As News Information Came To Light. Second Of All, Downplaying The Incident By Saying It Was Just a Stray Bullet And That Jalen Was Just Grazed Is Also Dumb. it's Not Like "Stray Bullets" are Every Day Occurrences Like Getting Bit By a Mosquito, And Just Because He Was Only Grazed shouldn't Take Away From The Fact That Someone Could Have Lost a Life. Stupid Phone Is Capitalizing Every Word
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Drive-by shootings in Clarksville? Earned his stripes on the mean streets of Clarksville, Tn. Screw 8 Mile.
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I Read The entire Article Earlier Today, And That wasn't Part Of It. Like Any News Story, It Got Updated As News Information Came To Light. Second Of All, Downplaying The Incident By Saying It Was Just a Stray Bullet And That Jalen Was Just Grazed Is Also Dumb. it's Not Like "Stray Bullets" are Every Day Occurrences Like Getting Bit By a Mosquito, And Just Because He Was Only Grazed shouldn't Take Away From The Fact That Someone Could Have Lost a Life. Stupid Phone Is Capitalizing Every Word

It looks like you really mean it though.
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As a resident of Clarksville, I can vouch that the area he got shot in is a nice subdivision right across from Northeast High School. Still, that area has had a problem with a few shootings in the last few years. Sad how some people have no regard for folks. Jalen is a good guy that had no problems at all in high school Thank Goodness he is alright. GO VOLS!!!
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First of all... glad he is OK. But, these young guys need to be aware of where they are. Sketchy part of town mentioned earlier is correct. IF you have to hang out with your posse... have them go to a safer place. If you're in the street in front of a KNOWN drug house, then you can expect this type of thing to happen. These young guys have left that culture hopefully and have a bright future in front of them. All they need to do is keep their nose clean for four years, and come out the other side with a degree and maybe a contract. Choose your friends WISELY young folks.. you know the old saying... you are who you hang out with...
we get these players outta the ghetto and people act like they come from lyons view

DUDE, I live in Clarksville maybin didn't grow up in the ghetto, and he was NOT in the ghetto when he got shot. He was in a subdivision straight across from Northeast High School, a very modest subdivision actually. Just proves you don't have to be in the Ghetto to get shot, actually he wasn't even at the house where the shootings occured. There are a few bad apples in that area and have actually had a few drive by shooting in that area. All I know is Jalen has always been a good student and person, it was prom night and he was in town with friends. Quit trying to blame Jalen, maybe he was out to late but back home seeing friends that is what young people do sometimes. Come to think of it, it's prety NORMAL. Get well and give me HELL on the field Jalen!!
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I was an inserter too at the KNS many moons ago.

Cool. I was at the Washington Post also many moons ago. It was a nice break when the conveyors stopped for whatever reason. you sit down or even catch a nap at times.
Thankful he is OK.

I just wish the right to bear arms did not apply to idiots.
Not a bad area, the realtor says..."just the occasional drive by shooting."
glad JRM is okay
DUDE, I live in Clarksville maybin didn't grow up in the ghetto, and he was NOT in the ghetto when he got shot. He was in a subdivision straight across from Northeast High School, a very modest subdivision actually. Just proves you don't have to be in the Ghetto to get shot, actually he wasn't even at the house where the shootings occured. There are a few bad apples in that area and have actually had a few drive by shooting in that area. All I know is Jalen has always been a good student and person, it was prom night and he was in town with friends. Quit trying to blame Jalen, maybe he was out to late but back home seeing friends that is what young people do sometimes. Come to think of it, it's prety NORMAL. Get well and give me HELL on the field Jalen!!

Imo your not helping your agenda of making it sound like Mayberry by adding in drive by shootings....:blink:
As bad as it sounds, this is a good sign IMO. When we were winning our players had a little "street" creed besides just having the measurables. We've been way too nice for too long a la McCullers, Jacques Smith etc. If either of those guys had some "g" in them with their physical gifts, they would have been unstoppable. I miss the old days when we were worrying about our players getting into a little trouble, not worrying if we would make a bowl game. Flame away.
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As bad as it sounds, this is a good sign IMO. When we were winning our players had a little "street" creed besides just having the measurables. We've been way too nice for too long a la McCullers, Jacques Smith etc. If either of those guys had some "g" in them with their physical gifts, they would have been unstoppable. I miss the old days when we were worrying about our players getting into a little trouble, not worrying if we would make a bowl game. Flame away.

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Imo your not helping your agenda of making it sound like Mayberry by adding in drive by shootings....:blink:

NEVER tried to make it sound like Mayberry. I have lived in Clarksville my entire life. Worked and retired Clarksville Fire Rescue 25 years. MY POINT is just the opposite, Clarksville is a growing city that is facing crime in all areas of clarksvillle. From RICH to Poor crime is a problem everywhere in Clarksville. There are many good people in clarksville, and I now have a Lawn and Landscape mowing service and cut yards all over Montgomery County and I worked bad scenes in about every area of the city at one time or another. My parents live in the same middle class neighborhood that I grew up in. I am now 48, and a good bit of my old neighborhood still has alot of problems with breakins and sometimes shootings. Fort Campbell has brought in alot of good but with so many people in a growing town crime increases, and it is increasing big time here. THATS ALL! GO VOLS!! I NEVER HAD A AGENDA,I am only speaking FACTS!
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