January 5th Insurrection (Kazakhstan)

So if Ukraine asks for our assistance, then you’re good?
Hell no. That's half way around the world. We got our own problems right here.

Russia borders them and that's their issue if they want to tackle it. We've done just about enough world policing and playing hero. We need to pull back.
Hell no. That's half way around the world. We got our own problems right here.

Russia borders them and that's their issue if they want to tackle it. We've done just about enough world policing and playing hero. We need to pull back.

But you just defended the idea of Russia going in on the request of the Kazakh leaders.
Yes look weak. He can’t afford a successful western democracy on his border (Ukraine) nor let one of his puppet governments collapse without assistance. If he doesn’t show he is willing to crush all dissent he will worry one day his people will do the same to him. Believe or not Putin isn’t liked by the Russian people.
So he has to take action in Kazakhstan in order to look strong to Russians?

Again, they don't have the ego problems that this country does. We have leaders that go out of their way to find conflicts in order to get the MIC some contracts. Putin is far more measured and prudent than that.
So he has to take action in Kazakhstan in order to look strong to Russians?

Again, they don't have the ego problems that this country does. We have leaders that go out of their way to find conflicts in order to get the MIC some contracts. Putin is far more measured and prudent than that.

Isn’t he doing that along the Ukraine border.
But you just defended the idea of Russia going in on the request of the Kazakh leaders.
I sure did. And I gave you the exact reason why. That is in Russia's sphere of influence and we have done all of the globetrotting and "nation building" excursions to last 2 centuries. We have got our own issues right here. Kazakhstan is not our issue anymore than Ukraine or Syria are.
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I sure did. And I gave you the exact reason why. That is in Russia's sphere of influence and we have done all of the globetrotting and "nation building" excursions to last 2 centuries. We have got our own issues right here. Kazakhstan is not our issue anymore than Ukraine or Syria are.

If you agree with the Monroe Doctrine, then.....
I sure did. And I gave you the exact reason why. That is in Russia's sphere of influence and we have done all of the globetrotting and "nation building" excursions to last 2 centuries. We have got our own issues right here. Kazakhstan is not our issue anymore than Ukraine or Syria are.

The world has shrunk, everything is in our sphere.

Neither are they Russia’s issues but you’re quite happy to defend Putin making sure they are in it. The people of Kazakhstan might want different leadership. Who is he to step in?
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So he has to take action in Kazakhstan in order to look strong to Russians?

Again, they don't have the ego problems that this country does. We have leaders that go out of their way to find conflicts in order to get the MIC some contracts. Putin is far more measured and prudent than that.

Than you don't know Putin at all. Putin cares about projecting strength and deterrence and he is totally concerned about another people's uprising on his doorstep. He took action in Ukraine because of the successful revolution there and he and his "allies" in the CSTO are undertaking a military deployment to Kazakhstan to prevent his puppet regime there being toppled. If you don't think authoritarian strongmen like Putin care about looking strong I don't know how to help you.
Russian VDV and Spetsnaz units being put on alert for deployment.

The world has shrunk, everything is in our sphere.

Neither are they Russia’s issues but you’re quite happy to defend Putin making sure they are in it. The people of Kazakhstan might want different leadership. Who is he to step in?
There is nothing to defend Putin on here. They asked for his help.

And no, everything is not our sphere. We can barely keep the 48 states and Alaska/Hawaii stable without having to add more on our plate. $30 trillion and counting in debt and a military that hasn't really been a peace time military since my father was born.

Let the Russians exhaust some of their resources.
There is nothing to defend Putin on here. They asked for his help.

And no, everything is not our sphere. We can barely keep the 48 states and Alaska/Hawaii stable without having to add more on our plate. $30 trillion and counting in debt and a military that hasn't really been a peace time military since my father was born.

Let the Russians exhaust some of their resources.

Who asked him? The corrupt leaders of Kazakhstan. So what.
Yes look weak. He can’t afford a successful western democracy on his border (Ukraine) nor let one of his puppet governments collapse without assistance. If he doesn’t show he is willing to crush all dissent he will worry one day his people will do the same to him. Believe or not Putin isn’t liked by the Russian people.

But where are the protests?!?

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