January 5th Insurrection (Kazakhstan)

No I’m not. Your idol Putin is a thug. And don’t bitch when Ukraine asks us for assistance then.
Ask for assistance from who? If they ask Poland or Germany or any other country in the region? I'm not going to say anything. But if they ask us for assistance? Oh hell no, not our issue, not our problem.

I'm not sure what you don't comprehend about WTF I am saying. Let those people over there handle their own problems, while we stay here and figure out our own.

Meanwhile, if Putin is a "thug", then what are the Saudis?
These people are clearly well versed at how to mount an insurrection. Trumpers can’t even get an insurrection right.
They didn't find one firearm being used by the so-called "insurrectionists". Just a bunch people walking through the velvet ropes taking selfies and a few people with Confederate flags.
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Ask for assistance from who? If they ask Poland or Germany or any other country in the region? I'm not going to say anything. But if they ask us for assistance? Oh hell no, not our issue, not our problem.

I'm not sure what you don't comprehend about WTF I am saying. Let those people over there handle their own problems, while we stay here and figure out our own.

Meanwhile, if Putin is a "thug", then what are the Saudis?
You’re such a hypocrite on anything Putin or Russia. I hope we send them pallets and pallets of arms and munitions. Hell at least they’re willing to fight for their country that’s better than most of the losers we back.

And nice whataboutism that is after all Putin’s move when deflecting to the US
You’re such a hypocrite on anything Putin or Russia. I hope we send them pallets and pallets of arms and munitions. Hell at least they’re willing to fight for their country that’s better than most of the losers we back.

And nice whataboutism that is after all Putin’s move when deflecting to the US
I'm not being hypocritical, I'm being very consistent. We don't need to be involved in that. Let those people over there sort it out.

And it is funny that you on the one hand call me hypocritical, but then when I turn around and point out your (or the United States') hypocrisy by asking about The Saudis, you call that "whataboutism".
I'm not being hypocritical, I'm being very consistent. We don't need to be involved in that. Let those people over there sort it out.

And it is funny that you on the one hand call me hypocritical, but then when I turn around and point out your (or the United States') hypocrisy by asking about The Saudis, you call that "whataboutism".
You’re absolutely being hypocritical and trying to pass it off as being consistent

And yes what you did was whataboutism and is the goto play for your man crush Putin on when he’s called out on his actions.
The more history anyone reads the worse it seems to get.

WW2 looks like it could have been easily adverted and also looks like we caused Japan to draw us in due to the embargo.

WW1 looks like it may have been completely caused by a handful of bankers and the way it ended is really really fishy.

Vietnam was a total waste of time unless the goal was to wipe out a large group of low income kids.

Afghanistan was a total waste of lives.

And you nailed Iraq. All we did was destabilize region and help Iran.

it’s time for our “allies” to take the lead.
How could WW2 been “easily averted”. The rest I agree with
How could WW2 been “easily averted”. The rest I agree with
He said it in his post. The embargo on Japan was how we cold have avoided war in Asia. War in Europe should have been left for the Europeans.

It really isn't that complicated.
How could WW2 been “easily averted”. The rest I agree with
I don’t know about easily but there are some ways it could and should have.
-England and France don’t make an idiotic guarantee to Poland which allows Polish politicians to disregard negotiations with Germans over Danzig
-When the USSR and Germans end up fighting each other, don’t provide lend lease equipment to the Soviets
-When the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact is in the dust bin and Hitler is suing for peace with Great Britain, take it and let the Soviets and Nazis duke it out.
He said it in his post. The embargo on Japan was how we cold have avoided war in Asia. War in Europe should have been left for the Europeans.

It really isn't that complicated.
Two points:
- the Nazis and especially the Japanese weren’t just going to stop invading more and more, and both had the US in their sights
- why would we not do an embargo on both, given the sheer number of genocide and atrocities they were committing?
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He said it in his post. The embargo on Japan was how we cold have avoided war in Asia. War in Europe should have been left for the Europeans.

It really isn't that complicated.
Got a book for you Raz if you haven’t read it yet. Stalin’s War by by Sean McMeekin. It summarizes Stalins antics as a partner in crime with Hitler and Stalins successful maneuvering to get the western powers at war with each other. Also about FDR and Churchill interacting with Stalin and basically giving him everything he wanted even though he had little to at times nonexistent leverage. FDR and Churchill to a lesser degree come off like absolute schoolgirls vying for Stalin’s affection.
Two points:
- the Nazis and especially the Japanese weren’t just going to stop invading more and more, and both had the US in their sights
- why would we not do an embargo on both, given the sheer number of genocide and atrocities they were committing?
We turn our back on atrocities and genocide all the time.

And you are being hysterical if you think Japan and Germany were going to really be a threat to the United States. It would have been a logistical problem for both to have accomplished. Hell, the Germans had enough to deal with in Europe. Had we not entered into the European theater, that would have been a European war of attrition. Hell, they may have fought to a draw.
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Two points:
- the Nazis and especially the Japanese weren’t just going to stop invading more and more, and both had the US in their sights
- why would we not do an embargo on both, given the sheer number of genocide and atrocities they were committing?
What about the Soviets who were invading as much of not more than the Nazis. Britain for some reason didn’t care that the Soviets carved up half of Poland.
What about the Soviets who were invading as much of not more than the Nazis. Britain for some reason didn’t care that the Soviets carved up half of Poland.
The Soviets were amateurs compared to The British when it comes to invading and conquering. The sun never set on The British Empire at that time...
We turn our back on atrocities and genocide all the time.

And you are being hysterical if you think Japan and Germany were going to really be a threat to the United States. It would have been a logistical problem for both to have accomplished. Hell, the Germans had enough to deal with in Europe. Had we not entered into the European theater, that would have been a European war of attrition. Hell, they may have fought to a draw.
You are insane. Giving the Nazis and Japanese regimes supplies to carry out their atrocities isn’t just “overlooking” a small civil war genocide somewhere. It’s being complicit in a world wide one. And without US and Russia the Axis would’ve easily defeated the Allies
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The Soviets were amateurs compared to The British when it comes to invading and conquering. The sun never set on The British Empire at that time...
They were until they traded their empire to be a protectorate to Poland. FDR basically swindled the empire from Churchill as a result of the war and as a result became the world’s most powerful nation.
The USSR conquered half of Europe and Asia and picked up where Hitler left off.

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