Janzen Jackson charged in murder of mother's boyfriend

This is why I never accuse other schools of cheating, or signing thugs because we're just as bad as any school
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"shoot em games..."

What's uncalled for is anyone in here acting like they actually feel sorrow or pain for the victims and families involved. If you actually think this is a big deal, then it seems as though you should lose sleep every night for the thousands of murders committed every day across the globe.

Sure, some of the jokes in here sucked nut, but some of them were funny.

I think joking about murder, regardless of the stage or scope of the murder, be it two streets over or in another nation, is generally not a good idea and frowned upon by most people that are not ethically and/or morally challenged..
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Weren't there rumblings of some mental problems even back when he was at UT? If so, it's a shame that he wasn't properly cared for. I know you can't help everyone, but his time in college was probably the best situation for him to be helped.

We don't know. He might have been helped, or had people trying to help, and it just wasn't enough or didn't last.

Schizophrenia (as an example) often kicks in during the late teens and early twenties (college years) and is more common in males than females. There are meds that can control it to some degree, but they can have some pretty awful side effects, so it can be hard to keep patients on them. And you can't force them to use the meds or get treatment at all unless they are deemed a danger to themselves or to society, and the overwhelming majority of them are not. Since no one is clairvoyant, it's pretty hard to know in advance that someone will have a psychotic break and turn violent. It's a miserable way to live, frequently with whispers in your head telling you that you're a loser, you're garbage, that you'd be better off dead, that your neighbors are breaking into your apartment while you're gone and stealing things, that the guy two tables down is looking at you funny and wants to hurt you, and on and on.

One of the posts said something about premeditated murder. I don't know where the poster got that from...
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This is why I never accuse other schools of cheating, or signing thugs because we're just as bad as any school

bammer has cheated on numerous occasions in numerous ways. Hope there ass gets nailed again. When it comes to cheating we're not in their league. :ermm:
Why the hell they have to show a photo of him in a Tennessee uniform. He graduated from McNeese State...let them claim him.
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I sincerely wish that someone....anyone in authority would begin the process of serious, scientific scrutiny on psychotropic drugs (mood enhancers, depression reducers...). I'm not saying Jackson was on them, but I'm saying he wasn't either.

Doctors are handing these out like candy at Halloween and we really don't know the final result of prolonged use of these. These drugs coupled with violent, video games ("Ghost Protocol, etc. etc. x 1000) in my opinion are causing these folks to completely freak out.

Fox News did an expose several years ago on all the "school shooters". The vast majority of these kids were given prescription drugs to monitor mood swings, depression or anxiety. Something tells me there is a connection.
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I bet you're a Christian, aren't you?

1. I want justice for the man he killed and his family and Jackson's mom. Murder is murder and not to be taken lightly. And I must agree with you that he threw away a fantastic opportunity which was a stupid thing to do. Broken homes and all that comes with that have negatively affects countless youth. We're still only scratching the surface at the psychological impact it has on people well into adulthood. Nonetheless, we are practically born with a sense of what is right and wrong so one can't condone an excuse for an act of this magnitude. Yet it doesn't rob me of an ability to pity for those who take the road not only out of town but into the abyss of no return. God doesn't dance with glee when even the worse of us insist upon a journey to Hell. Rather it makes Him extremely sad. 2 Peter 3:9

2. Unlike you, I pity him. I actually read the article and found his mom saying he had exhibited mental issues. That he had been talking to himself. Something is mentally wrong with him. When you go around talking to yourself, something is just wrong. Whether his mental state is due to merely some biological/ microbiological factor or the stupidity of his drug use; neither you nor I know. If it's the former, I indeed pity him. If the latter, all I can say is you harvest what you sow. But unlike you, I will not without knowledge of the cause refuse to pity.

3. Sad is it that an apparently decent human encountered day and person bent on one of the foulest and evil intents. Sad is it that the murderer had ties to our Vols. I pity us all. And anyone who has such a coldness of heart as mentioned in your post.

1 John 4:20

I agree with what you say here except why start out with I bet you are a Christian. He may call himself one or he may actually be trying to follow Christ and may be somewhat misguided. You quote scripture but because someone posts something that you feel is non loving and mean (which it was ) then he must be a Christian.

Who is making assumptions and why? I guess it is popular to just attack anything with a Christian label on it. It made the rest of the good points you made not have the same affect as they could have had because it gave an impression of hate on your part before you started.
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Kind of a low blow don't you think? You have no idea about this guy but you indict all Christians because you think what he said was judgmental and inappropriate? As if to say all Christians are the same as him?

Pot, meet kettle. :no:

This times 1,000 said better and more concise than what I did
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Remember when everyone on here defended him during the robbery stuff, just because he was very talented? Nah, he didn't know about the robbery, or the drugs in the car. He was just out for a soda pop.

As someone commented in another thread, you can't win championships without a couple of thugs. No wonder college athletics is getting a bad reputation.
Maybe its less he is a thug and more mental issues. Some kid shoots a bunch of randoms and we hear mental issues and he is never called a thug , he was disturbed. Someone else who looks to have serious mental issues is just a thug. Maybe he needed help and was sick? No excuse either way but come on.
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I knew that Jackson was headed for trouble after the vicious hit that he put on the North Carolina receiver at end of the bowl game.

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