Janzen Jackson charged in murder of mother's boyfriend

OJ, Hernandez, Jackson

Real class acts all. They all could have done so much good; but not.

When is the college f-ball community going to wake up and stop importing these thugs to colleges as "student athletes"? They certainly are not students. They are making a mockery of the college sports world. All for the $$$$ it brings in.

Hope they all rot in jail. These are the times you wish death penalties were still around.

Be sure that the $$$ people rot with them so smell is uniform.
OJ, Hernandez, Jackson

Real class acts all. They all could have done so much good; but not.

When is the college f-ball community going to wake up and stop importing these thugs to colleges as "student athletes"? They certainly are not students. They are making a mockery of the college sports world. All for the $$$$ it brings in.

Hope they all rot in jail. These are the times you wish death penalties were still around.

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OJ, Hernandez, Jackson

Real class acts all. They all could have done so much good; but not.

When is the college f-ball community going to wake up and stop importing these thugs to colleges as "student athletes"? They certainly are not students. They are making a mockery of the college sports world. All for the $$$$ it brings in.

Hope they all rot in jail. These are the times you wish death penalties were still around.

The death penalty is still around, Judge Roy Bean, including botched efforts with chemical cocktails. Just make sure you include the thug importers to make things even. Chancellor Cheek seems to be more palatable now, given your post. Not an insult, but if you mean what you say, it means Cheek's hardnosed position on academic ability over athlete prowess might be spot on. No, I'm not a fan of the booger eating master. But your post lends him credibility.
I sincerely wish that someone....anyone in authority would begin the process of serious, scientific scrutiny on psychotropic drugs (mood enhancers, depression reducers...). I'm not saying Jackson was on them, but I'm saying he wasn't either.

Doctors are handing these out like candy at Halloween and we really don't know the final result of prolonged use of these. These drugs coupled with violent, video games ("Ghost Protocol, etc. etc. x 1000) in my opinion are causing these folks to completely freak out.

Fox News did an expose several years ago on all the "school shooters". The vast majority of these kids were given prescription drugs to monitor mood swings, depression or anxiety. Something tells me there is a connection.

I'm not saying that this is incorrect, but this isn't evidence of cause and effect. Troubled kid + psychotropics doesn't necessarily result in school shooting.

More likely it's troubled kid + psychotropics = troubled kid who is still troubled despite the meds and goes shooting. Or whatever.

Correlation isn't causation.
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Should of focused on getting a degree at McNeese State or even UT so to fall back on just in case the whole pro football thing didn't work out.
Innocent until proven guilty...

I usually go by this but Jackson admitted guilt when he said it was him coming off the elevator dragging a bag...
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Should of focused on getting a degree at McNeese State or even UT so to fall back on just in case the whole pro football thing didn't work out.


You have to have personal responsibility and critical thinking skills for that to happen..
Feel better now? Apparently, I'm not allowed to have feelings or express them. OK, got it, being dead inside is better. Who knew?
Just call me Mr. Kettle....

After your post towards me I guess I'm not allowed to have feelings or express them Mr. Pot. All the posts in this topic that are making fun and light of this crime....and you attack me voicing an actual opinion....and bring religion in to it. That is the shadiest lowest thing man. You have some more good book thumping to do....so here is a large pile of stones for you while you do it.

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Just heard this on the radio. To say I was shocked is an understatement.
This is ridiculous. You do realize every walk of life be it lawyer, teacher, soldier, student, preacher has its percent of bad seeds. So athlete should be immune? Give me a break. Just stop it.

Jackson was a bad apple from day 1 at UT. Armed robbery as a freshman! He should have been gone the same day. Hernandez came from Bristol, CT and was a street and gang punk through HS and left the area to go to Urban Meyer's collection of street thugs.

Sure there are bad seeds in any walk of life but these are but two examples of thugs who do not belong in college sports and who showed their spots early in life and it was ignored because of their athletic ability. Just stop being so nieve.
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The death penalty is still around, Judge Roy Bean, including botched efforts with chemical cocktails. Just make sure you include the thug importers to make things even. Chancellor Cheek seems to be more palatable now, given your post. Not an insult, but if you mean what you say, it means Cheek's hardnosed position on academic ability over athlete prowess might be spot on. No, I'm not a fan of the booger eating master. But your post lends him credibility.

I DO think we should set a high standard for any student that comes to UT. I am not opposed to setting high standards for the athletes, even higher than other schools in the same conference. College is NOT for everyone.
Just shows how tough life really can be for some of these kids today.

You reap what you sow.

Act like a thug and live the gangsta lifestyle; go to jail or die a violent death. It is their choice. We all decided that in our own lives as well.
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You reap what you sow.

Act like a thug and live the gangsta lifestyle; go to jail or die a violent death. It is their choice. We all decided that in our own lives as well.

This scenario doesn't sound like that. Thug life-rs aren't people whose family members call authorities about their mental faculties because they assume that the people are at risk to both themselves and others. Elliot Rodger wasn't a thug either. Aaron Hernandez premeditated murders and went on living his life like he was better than everyone. (Bad) apples and (troubled) oranges.
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This scenario doesn't sound like that. Thug life-rs aren't people whose family members call authorities about their mental faculties because they assume that the people are at risk to both themselves and others. Elliot Rodger wasn't a thug either. Aaron Hernandez premeditated murders and went on living his life like he was better than everyone. (Bad) apples and (troubled) oranges.

Even thugs can have mental disorders. Janzen is a thug. That whole pilot ordeal was covered up because of his talent. Anyone that has seen the video knows how much more he was involved than what was publicly stated.
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thugs do a lot of premeditated things, sell drugs, commit various crimes that typically involve some kind of financial gain, and are typically involved in gang activity.

Janzen was talking to himself for god sakes, I don't really consider him a thug, more of a psychotic. Strangling a family member and then leaving the body in a car open for anyone to stumble upon sounds like the thought process of a madman, not a thug just robbing someone for cash. Just my opinion though, I mean maybe hard core thugs walk around talking to themselves all the time. :)
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thugs do a lot of premeditated things, sell drugs, commit various crimes that typically involve some kind of financial gain, and are typically involved in gang activity.

Janzen was talking to himself for god sakes, I don't really consider him a thug, more of a psychotic. Strangling a family member and then leaving the body in a car open for anyone to stumble upon sounds like the thought process of a madman, not a thug just robbing someone for cash. Just my opinion though, I mean maybe hard core thugs walk around talking to themselves all the time. :)

Watch "The First 48"..most of these crimes aren't thought out very well..

I think the street term is "livin da life".
Just shows how tough life really can be for some of these kids today.

Yeah seriously. He got that college scholarship, then those stupid cameras filmed him being part of a robbery. Totally not fair. Then he gets caught up in some doobie smoking, again, not his fault at all, but "lifes".

Dang you life for not giving this kid a fair shake!!!!!!
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