Jefferey Epstein found dead in jail cell

No one cares about your opinion. Or mine for that matter, and my opinion is that the democrats seeking the nomination are a bunch of pandering nattering nabobs of negativism. They will promise anything, knowing that they can't deliver, to whore themselves for votes. Not one of them shows signs of a spine or the ability to be objective. But, hey, that's just like, my opinion, man.

A number of them have said we can't do things like Medicare for all or free college.

And let me ask you, what is the Relublican plan on health care? They held over 50 votes to repeal Obamacare, Trump promised a plan that would reduce premiums and expand coverage. He had both houses for two years.

They have done exactly nothing.
Just came in from driving around and yelling obscenities at all the friggin' Mexicans and colored people in my town. I may need to move because there ain't enough of 'em to hardly make it sporting. I wish I could get me a good job takin' loan applications at First Tennessee Bank, but I ain't educated enuff.

Them brown and black folks done took my job and make more money mowin' and cleanin' houses than I draw. Got to go. I hear Trump's a comin' to town. Whoooopee!!!

I think you had a little too much firewater down at the local watering hole.
Anyone know where Epstien’s jet is today? Does he have family? How will his estate be handled?

Epstein has no known next of kin. The victims can still go after his estate, and discovery will occur in civil legal proceedings.

Furthermore, Epstein had some truly degenerate and disgusting ideas about cryogenics and seeding the human race with his DNA at his New Mexico property.
A number of them have said we can't do things like Medicare for all or free college.

And let me ask you, what is the Relublican plan on health care? They held over 50 votes to repeal Obamacare, Trump promised a plan that would reduce premiums and expand coverage. He had both houses for two years.

They have done exactly nothing.
Name that "number of them," please. And what else are they promising instead? Let's hear their plans for America. Give me your favorites LG.

A number of them have said we can't do things like Medicare for all or free college.

And let me ask you, what is the Relublican plan on health care? They held over 50 votes to repeal Obamacare, Trump promised a plan that would reduce premiums and expand coverage. He had both houses for two years.

They have done exactly nothing.

I'd like to know too. I'd also like to know what the democrats plan to do because just saying Medicare for all doesn't cut it for me.
Just came in from driving around and yelling obscenities at all the friggin' Mexicans and colored people in my town. I may need to move because there ain't enough of 'em to hardly make it sporting. I wish I could get me a good job takin' loan applications at First Tennessee Bank, but I ain't educated enuff.

Them brown and black folks done took my job and make more money mowin' and cleanin' houses than I draw. Got to go. I hear Trump's a comin' to town. Whoooopee!!!
Gotta admit... this is funny.
Gotta admit... this is funny.
Just trying to live up (or down) to your expectations. I hate to admit that I am retired, have a college degree, 4 houses , 6 cars, and no debt. I will be selling the house I'm in n ow though, when the one we are building is finished in a couple of months.
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Could not disagree more.
They are a report of gathered opinions that may or may not reflect truth.
Truth will be determined when votes are cast.

The example I gave weeks ago is when I was asked to participate. I was told they had a few questions. When I got the first one wrong they didn’t ask any more questions.

The first question was “if you could vote in the democratic primary today who would you vote for?” I said “Delaney”. They said “thanks for your time” I asked “weren’t there more questions?” They’d already hung up.

Generally speaking, polls give a snapshot of the statistical probability at that time. Individuals can lie or attempt to distort but the confidence interval is generally unaffected by such. So you can feel free to disagree, but they are generally very, very accurate. I get that the naysayers love to point out that the 'polls' had Clinton as a shoe in - and they were right, when the polls were taken. As the investigations took their toll, the polling reflected a much tighter race. As was the case in November of 2018, scarily accurate.

Regarding your assertion that there should have been follow ups to the answer of "Delaney", why do you believe that?
Because I actually read a variety of things.

From a New Yorker article.
"From the late nineteen-nineties to 2012, twelve hundred polling organizations conducted nearly thirty-seven thousand polls by making more than three billion phone calls. Most Americans refused to speak to them. This skewed results."

From a Huff Post article.
"As the polling industry has increasingly come to be perceived as part of the “elite establishment” by many populist conservatives, a growing proportion of the Republican electorate may simply be refusing to participate in public opinion polls. This, in turn, leads to their voting preferences being underestimated in public opinion surveys. Thus, many of the state-level polls were wrong in 2016 simply because many Trump voters told pollsters to take a hike."

Weird then that the margin of error and the margin of victory were within a point or so. I would propose that the Trump re-election campaign is absolutely and unequivocally paying attention to the polls.
That is exactly what I was insinuating. 100%
We all benefit from the collective contributions of members of our society, past and present. For anyone to act as if they do not, to act as if they owe nothing back, is insanely selfish.
The let me keep all of "mine" and you worry about getting yours is so naively shallow.

It's the 2-d Flatland mentality. Depth is that key third dimension.

Nobody minds paying their FAIR share and that’s not what he was saying. When half the population doesn’t pay a dime and reaps the benefits of someone else’s labor it’s a problem. It’s especially true when they hold their hand out wanting more. Then there’s hypocritical people like you who want to pay more but only if other people do too. How about you pay more and just be done with it.
What is there to get? Trump is inarticulate and narcissistic... Trump's supporters are mostly white, mostly uneducated, uncultured, gullible and filled with a hostile resentment for blacks and Hispanics with the nerve to have better jobs and make more money than they do. Trump's rallies are nothing more than a forum for airing grievances centered on hate, bigotry, intolerance for others and their opposing viewpoints and the scapegoating of minorities - usually immigrants.

Thanks for proving my point 👍
Generally speaking, polls give a snapshot of the statistical probability at that time. Individuals can lie or attempt to distort but the confidence interval is generally unaffected by such. So you can feel free to disagree, but they are generally very, very accurate. I get that the naysayers love to point out that the 'polls' had Clinton as a shoe in - and they were right, when the polls were taken. As the investigations took their toll, the polling reflected a much tighter race. As was the case in November of 2018, scarily accurate.

Regarding your assertion that there should have been follow ups to the answer of "Delaney", why do you believe that?

First my objection was to your use of “truth” with the poles. They are an attempt at accurate speculation. How accurate is debatable but certainly not “truth “

Second as in the post you quoted where I said “I was told there would be a few questions” what I didn’t say was they also told me that “thisshould take less that 7-10 minutes.” They asked one and bailed. If I had given an answer that they liked there would be more questions
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What I have been provided? What I have been PROVIDED?!?!?!?!
My parents worked their fingers to the bone, suffered through 3 different bankruptcies, and had their lives shortened by high blood pressure because of it. I worked my ass off in college to get my architecture degree. When you were out drinking and playing with yourself I was down in the labs 24/7 for the last 3 weeks of the quarter. EVERY quarter. I EARNED my degree you smug *******.

When I got out there was a recession going on and NO jobs in my field. I didn't sit and cry and depend on the government, I went out and did something else. Sometimes I worked as many as three jobs.

How dare you lecture me.

How ****ing dare you.

You are nothing more than a common thief that doesn't have the courage to steal himself, but rather uses the government to do it for him.

You are a small man.

A number of them have said we can't do things like Medicare for all or free college.

And let me ask you, what is the Relublican plan on health care? They held over 50 votes to repeal Obamacare, Trump promised a plan that would reduce premiums and expand coverage. He had both houses for two years.

They have done exactly nothing.

You’ll find out next term when we win back the house 👊🏻
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Nobody minds paying their FAIR share and that’s not what he was saying. When half the population doesn’t pay a dime and reaps the benefits of someone else’s labor it’s a problem. It’s especially true when they hold their hand out wanting more. Then there’s hypocritical people like you who want to pay more but only if other people do too. How about you pay more and just be done with it.

He’s in the doesn’t pay category
So if you do, and hang onto the Senate, and Trump wins, we should expect more nothing?

Rinos and democrats fight him at every turn, the people know this and see what a witch-hunt the last two plus years have been and what lard ass Nadless is doing. An unencumbered Trump administration will make great strides in healthcare including selling plans across state lines and encouraging competition. I think what really scares the shlt outta you guys is that he will be successful. Sit back and enjoy the carnage that is about to be released on members of your party for numerous violations of the law, hell when we’re done healthcare is the last thing you’ll be thinking about.
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Rinos and democrats fight him at every turn, the people know this and see what a witch-hunt the last two plus years have been and what lard ass Nadless is doing. An unencumbered Trump administration will make great strides in healthcare including selling plans across state lines and encouraging competition. I think what really scares the shlt outta you guys is that he will be successful. Sit back and enjoy the carnage that is about to be released on members of your party for numerous violations of the law, hell when we’re done healthcare is the last thing you’ll be thinking about.

Why haven't they done that already? If allowing selling over state lines is such a panacea, what's the problem?

I'll tell you: it won't solve it. Not at all. As long as preexisting conditions are going to be covered, the costs are not going to go down enough to make a difference.

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