A number of them have said we can't do things like Medicare for all or free college.
And let me ask you, what is the Relublican plan on health care? They held over 50 votes to repeal Obamacare, Trump promised a plan that would reduce premiums and expand coverage. He had both houses for two years.
They have done exactly nothing.
That was exactly my point. EVERYONE has benefited from the taxes others have paid.Public education, playing fields and parks, roads, all paid for by our taxes. Not given freely. Most people buy food, though some get it free. Water isn't free either. And air? When did the government start providing air we breathe?
Tell me luther, are you so shallow, bitter, and cynical that you can't admit some people work harder than others to get forward in life? Opportunity is rarely given freely. Most people work for it and make their own breaks in life.
Giving to those in need is noble. But maybe we should define who is actually in need. People who can work but choose not to, that's not needy, that's lazy. And how much a person gives to those actually in need should be a choice, not a requirement. If you want to give half your money away, fine, more power to you, but you do not have the right to ask that of others. That's a choice individuals should make.
So bitter. If you are ever on fire, I will gladly not only piss on you but encourage others too as well.I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. I know he's a troll, and you are right that I should ignore him, but I don;t suffer fools very well unfortunately.
That was exactly my point. EVERYONE has benefited from the taxes others have paid.
Clean air....environmental standards and regulations.
Of course I can admit some work harder than others. It's self evident. It's how I got to the point where I am. Have I ever once insinuated that everyone works equally hard?
And of course everyone is free to give additional money to people and causes they deem worthy. Many do, including me.
There is an ongoing debate on who is actually in need and how they should be helped.
I don't think I ever said SCV does not pay his fair share of taxes.And SCV has paid his share of taxes. So you don't really have a valid point. The incentive to work hard is to get ahead, not to be able to give more money to a government that has no idea how to spend it.
Legacy Media Insists There's No Chance the Clintons Are Involved with Epsteins' Murder
I'm one of those people too Dynalo. Every phone call I get about it, I either don't answer or I will tell them its none of their business. Sometimes I like to ask them what they will eat for dinner tonight or when their next oil change is due.Because I actually read a variety of things.
From a New Yorker article.
"From the late nineteen-nineties to 2012, twelve hundred polling organizations conducted nearly thirty-seven thousand polls by making more than three billion phone calls. Most Americans refused to speak to them. This skewed results."
From a Huff Post article.
"As the polling industry has increasingly come to be perceived as part of the “elite establishment” by many populist conservatives, a growing proportion of the Republican electorate may simply be refusing to participate in public opinion polls. This, in turn, leads to their voting preferences being underestimated in public opinion surveys. Thus, many of the state-level polls were wrong in 2016 simply because many Trump voters told pollsters to take a hike."