Jefferey Epstein found dead in jail cell

.... and how would you explain this?

It is well-established that convicted sex trafficker, Ghislaine Maxwell, was Jeffrey Epstein's chief enabler. She supplied him with the majority of the underage girls that he sexually exploited and abused. That is a fact.

Donald Trump has only offered her well-wishes, and later doubled-down on them.

Just more of Trumps babblings.
I just read through a bio on Epstein and if even half of it is fact there's no way this guy wasn't an asset of multiple agencies..... Possibly even governments.

This guy was punching in global circles in the heaviest weight divisions.
There’s an article that states China and Saudi Arabia were heavily involved financially with Epstein. They’ve also been heavily involved in funding far left agendas at colleges. Those 2 countries have been working on destroying America behind the scenes.
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That is a blatant misrepresentation of what I said .... and Trump's choice of words was weird: " .... a little on the younger side."

Why not just say young?
younger is a relative term. 30 is YOUNGER than 40. 18 is younger than 30.

young is just flat out young.

Context would be pretty important. if they were discussing an 18 year old, Trumps comment would be damming. but we don't know what they are referencing, so of course your mind takes it to whatever anti-Trump bs you can make up with no facts.
again. there have been direct snippets showing the quotes on these ITT. snippets that were held up in a Criminal court in the US. if that's not good enough, I really don't know what would.

I think what we knew before was that those we knew about were clients/associates of Epstein. Now we are starting to learn about some of the details of whatever relationship. Some of what we have found out is just that Epstein met, or wanted to meet, people on the list. some just flew, others were just quoted as friends of Epstein and several have had their sexual acts with underage girls noted.

Trump was someone who rode on the plane, but according to the main victim, he had nothing to do with the rape/pedophilia. again at least to what we know now, one of the other victims may have something on him that could be released later.
Clinton was quoted as wanting young women, and that he received a sexual massage from one of the victims.
Hawking was noted as participating in an underage orgy, again not really sure how that actually played out with his participation but I am fine NOT knowing THOSE details.
David Copperfield was quoted as asking the victims about how they were bringing in more victims and getting paid for, which at least says he knew the rape/pedophilia was going on.
Prince Andrew also received the sexual massages and at least inappropriately touched the victim, as well as expressing interest in more "young" talent.

If BB's standard of liking young girls is enough to crucify with this association it seems like more names than not are guilty of pedophilia.

I hadn't heard Copperfield 's name. That was new
younger is a relative term. 30 is YOUNGER than 40. 18 is younger than 30.

young is just flat out young.

Context would be pretty important. if they were discussing an 18 year old, Trumps comment would be damming. but we don't know what they are referencing, so of course your mind takes it to whatever anti-Trump bs you can make up with no facts.

A 53 year old is "a little on the younger side" for a 77 year old.
A 53 year old is "a little on the younger side" for a 77 year old.
could have been talking about upgrading on the wife front. could have been talking about diddling some kids. assigning direct disgusting meaning to a relative term without context is extremely wrong and shows off how partisan they are.

I am just waiting to be called a Trumper about this.
could have been talking about upgrading on the wife front. could have been talking about diddling some kids. assigning direct disgusting meaning to a relative term without context is extremely wrong and shows off how partisan they are.

I am just waiting to be called a Trumper about this.

I forgot one of his most famous clients ....

The Great Bob Guccione!

It is absolutely true that over the course of his 50 year career, Alan Dershowitz defended an inordinately high number of pornographers, rapists and pedophiles ... or as in Bob Guccione's case - both an accused pornographer and an accused rapist. As was the case with both Guccione and Epstein, Dershowitz will often become friends with these freaks later on ... and socialize with them. It's reasonable to wonder if he might have some hidden sympathies here. How else would you explain liking Bob Guccione? LOL.
Sadly for you this doesn’t show that Trump was involved 😂.

I’ll say it a third time. If Dershowitz had sex with minors then fry him. If all he is guilty of is representing scum bags in criminal defense cases I’m guessing he will somehow get by
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Ghislane's dad was fundamental in the creation of Mossad.
Maxwell was afforded a lavish funeral in Israel, attended by Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, Israeli President Chaim Herzog, at least six serving and former heads of Israeli intelligence[66] and many dignitaries and politicians, both government and opposition, and was buried on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.[67][68] Herzog delivered the eulogy, and the Kaddish was recited by his fellow Holocaust survivor, friend and longtime attorney Samuel Pisar.[69]

British Prime Minister John Major said Maxwell had given him "valuable insights" into the situation in the Soviet Union during the attempted coup of 1991. He was a "great character", Major added.[70] Neil Kinnock, then Labour Party leader, spoke of him as a man with "a zest for life" who "attracted controversy, envy and loyalty in great measure throughout his rumbustious life."
As I said before, the list is not evidence of actually having done anything wrong.

And, to the extent any adult men used Epstein's services with teen girls I GUARAN-DAMN TEE YOU that the two people EVERYONE had in mind as most likely were Clinton and Trump.
could have been talking about upgrading on the wife front. could have been talking about diddling some kids. assigning direct disgusting meaning to a relative term without context is extremely wrong and shows off how partisan they are.

I am just waiting to be called a Trumper about this.
As opposed to yourself? LOL.

I will say this ...

Both sides are trying to spin these (relatively benign) new developments as being more damning for Trump (if you're a Democrat) ... and more damning for Bill Clinton (if you're a Republican). The only problem with that, is that the Clintons aren't on the ballot in 2024, but Trump is ... and this is one of those rare scandals where there doesn't seem to be a way to link it to the Biden's. I guess Hunter managed to steer clear of Epstein? LOL.

In reality, there isn't much here that we didn't already know ... at least, not yet.
Yep. Like I was saying, the real question is now what did Epstein's handlers want these heavy hitters to do, or not do, because of the dirt they had on them. We'll never know, I'm sure.
I'm pretty sure it's linked to billions in aid payments and weapons programs for certain nations in the world...
I'm pretty sure it's linked to billions in aid payments and weapons programs for certain nations in the world...
That would explain ensnaring political figures.

It doesn't explain why they wanted to ensnare people like Prince Andrew, Gates, Trump (he wasn't in politics at the time), the scientists like Hawking, etc.
It's really not a stretch to recognize that a lot of what Epstein was doing was part of a Mossad honeypot.
It was also reported (not publicized, but reported) in mainstream news that Acosta said he was told to tread lightly on Epstein because it was "above his pay grade" and that he "belonged to intelligence."
As I said before, the list is not evidence of actually having done anything wrong.

And, to the extent any adult men used Epstein's services with teen girls I GUARAN-DAMN TEE YOU that the two people EVERYONE had in mind as most likely were Clinton and Trump.

Anyone on the list for post 2008 contact is wrong for associating with a convicted pedophile.
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As opposed to yourself? LOL.

I will say this ...

Both sides are trying to spin these (relatively benign) new developments as being more damning for Trump (if you're a Democrat) ... and more damning for Bill Clinton (if you're a Republican). The only problem with that, is that the Clintons aren't on the ballot in 2024, but Trump is ... and this is one of those rare scandals where there doesn't seem to be a way to link it to the Biden's. I guess Hunter managed to steer clear of Epstein? LOL.

In reality, there isn't much here that we didn't already know ... at least, not yet.

You and LG are the only ones spinning right now.
Do we know exactly how he came into contact with Ghislaine Maxwell? Him meeting her is key to this whole thing.
In 1991, Robert Maxwell bought The New York Daily News, so his daughter could run it ..... She mostly just used that professional status to hobnob with New York's social elite. She met Epstein at a party later that year.
As opposed to yourself? LOL.

I will say this ...

Both sides are trying to spin these (relatively benign) new developments as being more damning for Trump (if you're a Democrat) ... and more damning for Bill Clinton (if you're a Republican). The only problem with that, is that the Clintons aren't on the ballot in 2024, but Trump is ... and this is one of those rare scandals where there doesn't seem to be a way to link it to the Biden's. I guess Hunter managed to steer clear of Epstein? LOL.

In reality, there isn't much here that we didn't already know ... at least, not yet.
in this regard, yes. because I actually hate Trump for his policies and the harm he ACTUALLY does/did to this country; instead of relying on making crap up or relying on tweets to show how bad he is.

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