Jefferey Epstein found dead in jail cell

I'm not accusing Donald Trump of being complicit in the crimes of Jeffrey Epstein.

However, on the politics forum of VolNation, there would be no mistaking that quote for anything other than a knowledge of child sex abuse, if it had been spoken by Joe Biden.

And Joe Biden's shocking "endorsement" of Barack Obama in 2007 could not be mistaken for anything but the rantings of a raging racist if spoken by any GOP member.
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My, things have changed.

Connoisseurs of the barely- pubescent such as Jimmy Page, Elvis, and Bill Wyman get inducted into halls of fame and get honored at the Kennedy Center (ironically appropriate). Steven Tyler even took the novel approach of becoming the legal guardian of his baby doll so that she could cross state lines while providing him personal nightly entertainment on tour.

Politicians such as Barney Frank and Harvey Milk had their own underage dalliances and were lionized for their contributions to society.

Hollywood icons such as Meryl Streep (who once called Harvey Weinstein "G_d") and Harrison Ford (among over 100 others) petitioned for Roman Polanski's sentence to be set aside and accepted awards on his behalf. After all, his only offense was to drug, rape, and sodomize a 13-year-old girl under the pretense of a magazine photo shoo even as she told him "no.". Of course, Whoopi Goldberg sagely questioned whether that actually constituted "rape-rape."

Society has given celebrity predators of minors a hall pass and continued to idolize, reward, and apologize for such creatures for many decades.

Ol' Marse Tom Jefferson sure was a romantic fellow, wasn't he?
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As opposed to yourself? LOL.

I will say this ...

Both sides are trying to spin these (relatively benign) new developments as being more damning for Trump (if you're a Democrat) ... and more damning for Bill Clinton (if you're a Republican). The only problem with that, is that the Clintons aren't on the ballot in 2024, but Trump is ... and this is one of those rare scandals where there doesn't seem to be a way to link it to the Biden's. I guess Hunter managed to steer clear of Epstein? LOL.

In reality, there isn't much here that we didn't already know ... at least, not yet.

So does that mean that Dems won't be touting the celebrated "Clinton balanced budget/surplus" this election cycle?
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I think it does. Those people have their own influence, and with money and fame comes the potential to get into politics or to assert pressure on the political process. Prince Andrew especially- there's a lot of money and sway there.

In the end the honeypotting folks care a whole lot about their egos and power, too.
Right, there's money and sway, but the weapons systems angle and keeping just general government sludge spending going is going to involve, I would think, blackmail of politicians who control or have influence over those decisions. It would be fascinating to know what specifically they wanted Gates, Prince Andrew, etc. to do or not do.
PA settled for $21M to Virginia. Apparently only paid $5M.
Why isnt he in prison? Where did he get the money ..British taxpayer?
Why is this still not considered a criminal lawsuit by the feds?
Why havent others been prosecuted?

Yea..our JS is a scam.
I don't really find Kimmel particularly funny (but I also generally don't like late night talk shows and stuff like snl so I'm sure that has more to do with it) but I never got vibes that he was a huge POS. But that brother was on the man show which could never exist today so I do think it's pretty funny that he appears to be a liberal darling now
All one has to do do be a darling of the left is to make your "comedy" all about slamming Trump. He hasn't been funny in years. He's a leftist nut hugging hack.
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.... and how would you explain this?

It is well-established that convicted sex trafficker, Ghislaine Maxwell, was Jeffrey Epstein's chief enabler. She supplied him with the majority of the underage girls that he sexually exploited and abused. That is a fact.

Donald Trump has only offered her well-wishes, and later doubled-down on them.
LOL Seriously dude. Do you expect ANYONE to believe that if Trump is on any of those lists that it would have been buried this long? Ya'll are so scared that he's gonna win back the WH and clean house that your party will do ANYTHING to make sure that doesn't happen.

bwaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa
As I said before, the list is not evidence of actually having done anything wrong.

And, to the extent any adult men used Epstein's services with teen girls I GUARAN-DAMN TEE YOU that the two people EVERYONE had in mind as most likely were Clinton and Trump.
Any doubt that Ep was wacked?
None. But the question in my mind is why hasn't Ghislane? She knows who all the players are, yet she went to prison quietly. Why? Who told her she would be Clintoncided if she opened her mouth? And even if she agreed, how is it that she hasn't had an 'accident' in the prison kitchen to ensure her silence?
None. But the question in my mind is why hasn't Ghislane? She knows who all the players are, yet she went to prison quietly. Why? Who told her she would be Clintoncided if she opened her mouth? And even if she agreed, how is it that she hasn't had an 'accident' in the prison kitchen to ensure her silence?
Massoud connections? She was the mastermind imo

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