Jesse Waters' comments about Fauci

Just FYI from 89 to 98 reasearch found 45% of professors where of 2014 that went to 60% an avg of just under 1% a year growth..other found a 2 to 1 avg of liberal profs and other as much as 8.5 to 1...
Im guessing your comment was antidotal in nature

I don't think it cured anything.
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Just FYI from 89 to 98 reasearch found 45% of professors where of 2014 that went to 60% an avg of just under 1% a year growth..other found a 2 to 1 avg of liberal profs and other as much as 8.5 to 1...
Im guessing your comment was anecdotal in nature

Maybe I should say that I've been blessed to be around other professors - both as a student and as a colleague - who keep their politics firewalled from their teaching. Linear regressions and Bach chorales don't leave much room for Red vs Blue.
The original video did not include the precursor referring to a "journalistic" technique. So you have to take that into account and when you do that the "ambush" and "kill" remarks are obviously different than they appear without that precursor.

Watters ought not be lecturing about journalistic techniques as he is not remotely qualified to do so. But that does not change the fact that he was taken out of context, and pretty badly at that.

A dead giveaway is that the sites frying him for this did not give his full comments
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Maybe I should say that I've been blessed to be around other professors - both as a student and as a colleague - who keep their politics firewalled from their teaching. Linear regressions and Bach chorales don't leave much room for Red vs Blue.
I had a different experience…. I had several hardcore liberals whose political bled over into the classroom…. I was happy though bc I just chose topics to write based on their beliefs…. It was straight A city.
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I had a different experience…. I had several hardcore liberals whose political bled over into the classroom…. I was happy though bc I just chose topics to write based on their beliefs…. It was straight A city.

I don't recall knowing any of my professors political affiliation but I didn't take a bunch of political science and government classes in college. My guess is it wouldn't have obvious.
You equate


to "taking to task"?

WTH is wrong with you?
The death of him was clearly in reference to his credibility not his life.
Maybe I should say that I've been blessed to be around other professors - both as a student and as a colleague - who keep their politics firewalled from their teaching. Linear regressions and Bach chorales don't leave much room for Red vs Blue.

I'm hoping my sons profs are like this. I can't control and have no basis to judge someone else's beliefs. Obviously most Americans right now don't practice this. However, if a prof teaching my son is the world's #1 flaming libtard but keeps it out of the classroom and teaches what we are paying for, then props to the prof.
I'm hoping my sons profs are like this. I can't control and have no basis to judge someone else's beliefs. Obviously most Americans right now don't practice this. However, if a prof teaching my son is the world's #1 flaming libtard but keeps it out of the classroom and teaches what we are paying for, then props to the prof.

I think you're going to be disappointed ☹️
I think you're going to be disappointed ☹️

Maybe so. But, if he ever mentions that a teacher was pushing a social agenda or position in a math or Ag class, I will most definitely get my money's worth out of the phone call I will make.
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I had a different experience…. I had several hardcore liberals whose political bled over into the classroom…. I was happy though bc I just chose topics to write based on their beliefs…. It was straight A city.
You caved haha. I had one in grad school in an agricultural economics class, at Clemson of all places, who told me explicitly in an email that my rough draft was too conservative in its tone. The assignment was a research paper where we picked a political/economic topic and took position of support or against and back it up. I chose the abolition of a federal minimum wage and argued why it was unnecessary. He was willing to review it a couple times and provide you feedback on what changes to make, if any, before submitting the final draft. I updated it once to provide some examples of why it might be necessary or beneficial in certain cases as he suggested and re-submitted it for reviewal. He again came back and said it’s still too conservative and my bias was showing through (no **** I was defending a topic I believed in) and that it was a C paper at best. I responded the assignment had nothing to do with his political beliefs and that his bias was showing and I was done making changes and that draft was final. Got the C he promised.
The death of him was clearly in reference to his credibility not his life.

I agree.

To be clear, I agree that in context that was what Watters was saying would be the point of a journalistic "gotcha" moment with Fauci. Now, I would love to see a Fauci and Watters interview that was actually two-sided. Fauci answers questions about whether he helped fund a lab that man-made Covid-19, Watters answer questions about his conspiracy theories and where he's getting his nonsense from.

I think that would be hilarious, actually, because Watters' smugness when he controls editing and who is around him would not be of much protection in that scenario.

You caved haha. I had one in grad school in an agricultural economics class, at Clemson of all places, who told me explicitly in an email that my rough draft was too conservative in its tone. The assignment was a research paper where we picked a political/economic topic and took position of support or against and back it up. I chose the abolition of a federal minimum wage and argued why it was unnecessary. He was willing to review it a couple times and provide you feedback on what changes to make, if any, before submitting the final draft. I updated it once to provide some examples of why it might be necessary or beneficial in certain cases as he suggested and re-submitted it for reviewal. He again came back and said it’s still too conservative and my bias was showing through (no **** I was defending a topic I believed in) and that it was a C paper at best. I responded the assignment had nothing to do with his political beliefs and that his bias was showing and I was done making changes and that draft was final. Got the C he promised.
I went to college two different times….. First time, I stood my ground and made C’s on all my papers…. It was accurate as writing papers was my least favorite thing to do in school…. When I went back to school…. I just found what my professors believed and picked my topic accordingly…. It was an easy A even though I was still a C student in that area.
Do you know what was actually said? I certainly don't but according to who you listen to here is both a nothing burger or direct attempt to kill Fauci depending on who you're listening to.
It was a metaphor. He’s talking about harassing him in public on camera. Concludes by basically saying “get us that video and we’ll put it on Fox News… just do it legally.”

Probably an intentionally inflammatory metaphor hoping this exact thing would happen, and of course it did.
I went to college two different times….. First time, I stood my ground and made C’s on all my papers…. It was accurate as writing papers was my least favorite thing to do in school…. When I went back to school…. I just found what my professors believed and picked my topic accordingly…. It was an easy A even though I was still a C student in that area.
I had a stats class where the professor told us one day 1 that a 50-70 or something was a C. I made a pledge that day to do no more than get a 50 in the class.
I don’t need Jesse Waters to possibly place any ideas in my head when it comes to that media whore Fauci and I doubt many others need help in that dept either . I’ve often thought that I’d like to roll his little scrawny butt over a couple of giant fire ant hills and tell him if he had just worn his mask and had a booster for the ant bites he wouldn’t be swelling up so fast . 🤷‍♂️
Better idea...

Scaphism - Wikipedia

"Two boats are joined together one on top of the other, with holes cut in them in such a way that the victim's head, hands, and feet only are left outside. Within these boats the man to be punished is placed lying on his back, and the boats then nailed together with bolts. Next they pour a mixture of milk and honey into the wretched man's mouth, till he is filled to the point of nausea, smearing his face, feet, and arms with the same mixture, and so leave him exposed to the sun. This is repeated every day, the effect being that flies, wasps, and bees, attracted by the sweetness, settle on his face and all such parts of him as project outside the boats, and miserably torment and sting the wretched man. Moreover his belly, distended as it is with milk and honey, throws off liquid excrements, and these putrefying breed swarms of worms, intestinal and of all sorts. Thus the victim lying in the boats, his flesh rotting away in his own filth and devoured by worms, dies a lingering and horrible death."
I don't recall knowing any of my professors political affiliation but I didn't take a bunch of political science and government classes in college. My guess is it wouldn't have obvious.
Exactly. I went to Pellissippi and then eventually later finished my bachelors degree online. I don't recall any sharing their political beliefs.
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I went back and looked at this more closely. I agree Watters was taken out of context and the point of the thread is incorrect. Wish I had not posted it.

(But Watters is still a smug jerk. Don't need a thread for that, its self-evident.)
Ready..... fire...... aim.....
Better idea...

Scaphism - Wikipedia

"Two boats are joined together one on top of the other, with holes cut in them in such a way that the victim's head, hands, and feet only are left outside. Within these boats the man to be punished is placed lying on his back, and the boats then nailed together with bolts. Next they pour a mixture of milk and honey into the wretched man's mouth, till he is filled to the point of nausea, smearing his face, feet, and arms with the same mixture, and so leave him exposed to the sun. This is repeated every day, the effect being that flies, wasps, and bees, attracted by the sweetness, settle on his face and all such parts of him as project outside the boats, and miserably torment and sting the wretched man. Moreover his belly, distended as it is with milk and honey, throws off liquid excrements, and these putrefying breed swarms of worms, intestinal and of all sorts. Thus the victim lying in the boats, his flesh rotting away in his own filth and devoured by worms, dies a lingering and horrible death."
Sounds eerily familiar to what Fauci did to beagles.

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