Joe Biden-Gaffes or something more

It's clear that Joe Biden will be the D nominee for President. I think we should keep up with a document the ongoing deterioration of whatever is going on with him, potentially going senile. Either way he isn't fit to be President.

-On going history of groping and smelling women and children
- All men and women created by — you know, you know, the thing.
-Don't be a horses ass
-Telling a voter he's "full of s**t"
-Telling a voter he (Biden) doesn't work for him
-Telling a female voter she's a lying dog face pony soldier
-He's an O'Biden/Bama democrat
-Continues to forget Obama's name
-Thinks he's running for the Senate
-Often forgets which state he's in
-Confuses his sister for his wife
-Needs a chair to sit down for Sundays debate
-Confuses Chris Wallace for Chuck Todd

I'm sure I missed some so I will rely on others to help keep the list updated.

You won’t like the line-by-line comeback with the Trump comparison. Trump makes Biden gold. Presidential elections have been the “lesser of Two evils” for me for 55 years now.

Biden is very flawed but far less so than Trump

Trump’s denial about the corona virus versus his fear of the economy tanking thereby endangering his re-election is yet another reason Trump should be run out of Dodge

This virus will expand exponentially. If you have any idea what that means, you would be concerned just about Trumps stupidity in controlling the medical

Trump moves from one self inflicted disaster to anothrr
The Joe Biden show is going to be fun. It’s also going to be fun watching all the Democrats fall in line and pretend his behavior isn’t so bad. Also going to be fun watching the whataboutism crowd go into a whataboutism frenzy.
You won’t like the line-by-line comeback with the Trump comparison. Trump makes Biden gold. Presidential elections have been the “lesser of Two evils” for me for 55 years now.

Biden is very flawed but far less so than Trump

Trump’s denial about the corona virus versus his fear of the economy tanking thereby endangering his re-election is yet another reason Trump should be run out of Dodge

This virus will expand exponentially. If you have any idea what that means, you would be concerned just about Trumps stupidity in controlling the medical

Trump moves from one self inflicted disaster to anothrr
Well luckily for you LG and others have started 500 anti Trump threads you can discuss your hatred of President Trump in any of those.
I will gladly put up President Trump competence against O’Bidens any day of the week
Biden didn't lose his cool. He stood his ground and gave it back to the guy and he didn't have to read from his phone to do it. Trump would have called security.

You keep bringing up the guy reading from his phone and keep ignoring what the guy was asking him . I see kids/ adults all the time in videos where they are attending lectures given by an outspoken debater ( say a Ben Shapiro) literally standing in line with one or two phone at the ready to ask questions or challenge him . Reading from a google search to be sure of your question seems like the smart thing to do . Now back to the original question ... What did that guy say to Biden that was misunderstood by him or a lie ?
The Joe Biden show is going to be fun. It’s also going to be fun watching all the Democrats fall in line and pretend his behavior isn’t so bad. Also going to be fun watching the whataboutism crowd go into a whataboutism frenzy.

Regardless of Biden’s finally outcome , the whataboutisms in this forum will be epic . I fully expect the reigning king of “ why whataboutism is bad “ ( Septic ) to be very busy shooting them all down , until at a minimum November .
Biden wants to take everyone that challenges him out behind the wood shed. Apparently he was a Billy bad ass back in the day and people like corn pop didn't stand a chance. It should be interesting when he challenges Trump to a fight and Trump cold cocks his ass.
I will take O’Biden up on that offer
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Regardless of Biden’s finally outcome , the whataboutisms in this forum will be epic . I fully expect the reigning king of “ why whataboutism is bad “ ( Septic ) to be very busy shooting them all down , until at a minimum November .

LOL - don’t hold your breath
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I wonder when buyer's remorse sets in for the Dems.

There will be buyer's remorse but there is really nothing they can do about it. Their pool of candidates is some of the worst we've ever seen. Look at their congressmen and congresswomen. They are some of the least constitutionally yoked ever. Social justice warriors in Washington.
Trump stood in wet pants a few days ago and said he could have become a CDC epidemiologist at 72 if he hadn't decided to become president. He did this in a campaign hat at the CDC, before being shunted off by his handlers to play golf all weekend so the adults could get some work done.

I think his own Secretary of State described him best after a meeting with the Joint Chiefs, "He's a f-ing moron!"

Didn't President Obama finish up the back 9 after talking to Americans after ISIS beheadings?
Mueller only said he couldn’t confirm Trump personally colluded with Russia. He most definitely did not say Russia wasn’t trying to help.

With that Anti Trump squad if goons and 30 plus million tab picked up at taxpayers expense and that's all you have? That's as brilliant as saying accused in this country should have to prove their innocence.
With that Anti Trump squad if goons and 30 plus million tab picked up at taxpayers expense and that's all you have? That's as brilliant as saying accused in this country should have to prove their innocence.
You may have missed the point of my post. It’s okay, you aren’t the only one.
You won’t like the line-by-line comeback with the Trump comparison. Trump makes Biden gold. Presidential elections have been the “lesser of Two evils” for me for 55 years now.

Biden is very flawed but far less so than Trump

Trump’s denial about the corona virus versus his fear of the economy tanking thereby endangering his re-election is yet another reason Trump should be run out of Dodge

This virus will expand exponentially. If you have any idea what that means, you would be concerned just about Trumps stupidity in controlling the medical

Trump moves from one self inflicted disaster to anothrr

Please cite with evidence how Trump is more flawed than Biden. I love it when liberals throw out weak argument and think it will go unchallenged.
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