Joe Biden-Gaffes or something more

Should Biden take to Twitter and call every critic of his an insulting name? Would that be better in your eyes?

Face it, both Biden and Trump could benefit from cleaning up their act.

There is no defense for either of them. But to say, "Well, oh yeah? You think that's bad, 'whatabout' your guy?", as your argument is giving support for "your guy's" bad action.

Septic's right, whataboutism is a logical loser.

I'm trying to refrain from using them, maybe we all should?
And that's an important quality in a president?
To be able to maintain your calm? Yes. He's not in a cabinet meeting that's closed to the public. He's walking through a workspace with voters and cameras, cusses him twice, ask him to take it outside, and possibly contradicts himself on what he wants to do with regards to AR-15s. It's hard to tell by the audio. I'm not sure why D voters aren't upset by this because it is somewhat Trumplike.

If he's got several months of campaigning to do, his handlers are going to have to work over time to prevent him from making Trump like gaffes.
[QUOTE="1972 Grad, post: 18058489, member: 52097"]I'm not sure how Biden feels about Heels Up Harris after she absolutely trashed him on busing and his past with segregationists in the first debate. Of course, he probably doesn't remember it.[/QUOTE]

LOL, nice!
I would say the following:

* I also perceive that Biden has definitely lost a step or two in the last 4-5 years.
* Even Sanders' campaign has made an issue of this. They usually did it by comparing energy levels between the two. But it was pretty obvious they were alluding to a claim that Biden could not stand the rigors of a full on campaign or being President.
* It was predictable that the Trump machine would characterize it as full on dementia or Alzheimer's, though that is quite an exaggeration, in the extreme. There had long been hints of it. But I saw Giuliani on Fox the other night and he was outrageous in his claims, all with a smirk on his face, that Biden has some diagnosable mental loss or infirmity (I pause to note the irony of that coming from Giuliani).
* Time will tell. I do believe he will get the nomination and we will see how he does on the trail for the next 6 months. Based on what I've seen it is not nearly as extreme as you make it out to be, but if in fact there is a real problem we will certainly see it through that process.
* Trump needs to be careful about how he addresses this. I really do not see in Biden any effect beyond normal aging. If Trump and his team go overboard on how they characterize that, they risk alienating the entire population in that age range because they will identify with the minor things observed to date.
There are 7 stages to dementia. It's not either you don't have it or you a full blown. The stress of something like a campaign can advance symptoms greatly. It'll be a wait n see with Biden. Right now he's exhibiting stage 2 symptoms.
In before the questions, I'm Niche qualified for geriatrics.
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If he was in full dementia, or had been dead for 3 months, he'd still be a better president than Trump.

You would have more credibility if you said something that made sense instead of giggling as you type jokes. Biden is just 2 degrees short of looking mummified. He struggles to put together a coherent sentence and Sanders is chomping at the bit to debate him. Meanwhile Joe begged Sanders to end his campaign before this Sunday's debate. I think Sanders is going to slaughter No Message Joe even with a socialist message. Sanders knows Joe is looking old and feeble and seem to possess the strength of a crackhead.
You would have more credibility if you said something that made sense instead of giggling as you type jokes. Biden is just 2 degrees short of looking mummified. He struggles to put together a coherent sentence and Sanders is chomping at the bit to debate him. Meanwhile Joe begged Sanders to end his campaign before this Sunday's debate. I think Sanders is going to slaughter No Message Joe even with a socialist message. Sanders knows Joe is looking old and feeble and seem to possess the strength of a crackhead.
I wonder when buyer's remorse sets in for the Dems.
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This is not about Biden. This will be about 'his' VP pick.

Whoever is VP on the ticket may not remain if elected. The VP could resign and then Biden would appoint the replacement VP and then resign himself for health reasons. Hocus Cadabra...a president nobody voted for.
I would say it already has, no dem is excited about Biden. They were stuck with a lot of bad options, they went with the safe option who can’t remember his own name
Biden wants to take everyone that challenges him out behind the wood shed. Apparently he was a Billy bad ass back in the day and people like corn pop didn't stand a chance. It should be interesting when he challenges Trump to a fight and Trump cold cocks his ass.

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