Joe Biden-Gaffes or something more

- Told voters if you don't want to vote for him, vote for the other Biden. Maybe his deceased, former U.S. AG son is also running for Senate against him....anyone?
- "Hey fat, let's have a push-up contest"
-Telling a voter he's "full of s**t"and threatening to whip his azz
You're too kind; he pleasurably fondles little girls like an OCD-patient removing a coffee stain from a formica countertop. Microphones have detected purring during these stroke sessions.
- Thinks it completely normal to love having kids in his lap stroke his wet legs. It evokes Hannibal Lechter smacking his lips and shivering while discussing the merits of human liver, chianti, and fava beans.
- Politicized the death of his wife, daughter. His wife was at fault, but he slandered the truck driver as being drunk even after the guy had died.
- He's Hillary without breasts but a bigger vagina complex to go with it. Supported the needless destruction of Libya and repeating same in Syria, and handing over the lube to China/Russia while grabbing ankles. Prediction: Joe will come out as a trans-female by election but forget to not call himself Joe.

That last bullet point is really what chaps me. The middle east is a mess because of him and Obama. You didn't even mention the cash pallets to Iran. Add in the Bush invading Iraq and the buffoonery is hard to take.
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That last bullet point is really what chaps me. The middle east is a mess because of him and Obama. You didn't even mention the cash pallets to Iran. Add in the Bush invading Iraq and the buffoonery is hard to take.
The ME is on the Bush admin more than anyone else
Originally, I listed 4 possible reasons that Biden wouldn't make it.

1) Biden would step on his genitals, and say something even more stupid than usual.
2) Biden's health, physical or mental, would take him down.
3) Biden's or his son's dealings with Ukraine /China would take him down.
4) Biden would get caught up in Spygate.

I think the first 3 are in play. It could be that Obama kept Biden away from Spygate because he was afraid Biden would f*** it up if he knew about it.
It is going to be about 'his' VP choice. He might be the Presidential nominee, but the VP will get all the press.
That last bullet point is really what chaps me. The middle east is a mess because of him and Obama. You didn't even mention the cash pallets to Iran. Add in the Bush invading Iraq and the buffoonery is hard to take.

Plus, just as Bill Clinton deprived Obama of being the first black president, trans-Biden will deprive future women of being the first female POTUS.

A darn good thing rational, conservative people appreciate women being women, while Democrats of both genders keep their patriarchal, white male feet on women's necks.

Though I find this interesting and want to hear the liberal spin, how many times has a rush to judgement was incorrect as we've seen the democratic party level against conservatives in recent years for political gain? I'd like to know more about her motives and more about her. She could be believable or she could be a flake.

A year ago, Reade—who supported the campaigns of Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D–Mass.) and Bernie Sanders (I–Vt.)—attempted to come forward with stories of sexual harassment in Biden's offices. As detailed in an Intercept piece, she reached out to Time's Up, a project of the National Women's Law Center that provides support to alleged #MeToo victims. Time's Up declined to assist Reade; the organization's official excuse was that a feud with a national political candidate could jeopardize their status as a 501(c)(3) non-partisan group. But as The Intercept also notes:
The public relations firm that works on behalf of the Time's Up Legal Defense Fund is SKDKnickerbocker, whose managing director, Anita Dunn, is the top adviser to Biden's presidential campaign. A spokesperson for Biden declined to comment. The SKDK spokesperson assigned to Time's Up referred questions back to the NWLC.​

Isn't that convenient.

Joe Biden Said He Believes All Women. Does He Believe Tara Reade?
Though I find this interesting and want to hear the liberal spin, how many times has a rush to judgement was incorrect as we've seen the democratic party level against conservatives in recent years for political gain? I'd like to know more about her motives and more about her. She could be believable or she could be a flake.

Fair enough but when is the MSM fair? Did they report on Kavanaugh's accusers fairly?
Biden Struggles with Coronavirus Question — Trump Has to ‘Wait Until the Cases Before Anything Happens’

Monday on MSNBC, former Vice President Joe Biden, a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, apparently got confused when answering a question about his thoughts on what President Donald Trump should be doing to address the coronavirus pandemic.

Biden said, “The president has to move more rapidly. You know, we know from experience that speed matters. We know that you can’t go too fast, it is about going too slow. In order to avoid that, those very high numbers, we have to do at least several things.

Looking down at his notes, Biden continued, “One, we have to depend on what the president is going to do right now.”

Losing his thought, Biden said, “And first of all, he has to tell — uh uh wait until the cases before anything happens. Look, the whole idea is he has got to get in place things that were shortages of. ”

Biden Struggles with Coronavirus Question -- Trump Has to 'Wait Until the Cases Before Anything Happens'
Biden Struggles with Coronavirus Question — Trump Has to ‘Wait Until the Cases Before Anything Happens’

Monday on MSNBC, former Vice President Joe Biden, a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, apparently got confused when answering a question about his thoughts on what President Donald Trump should be doing to address the coronavirus pandemic.

Biden said, “The president has to move more rapidly. You know, we know from experience that speed matters. We know that you can’t go too fast, it is about going too slow. In order to avoid that, those very high numbers, we have to do at least several things.

Looking down at his notes, Biden continued, “One, we have to depend on what the president is going to do right now.”

Losing his thought, Biden said, “And first of all, he has to tell — uh uh wait until the cases before anything happens. Look, the whole idea is he has got to get in place things that were shortages of. ”

Biden Struggles with Coronavirus Question -- Trump Has to 'Wait Until the Cases Before Anything Happens'

That last part sounded like "wait until crustaceans before anything happens".
I think Joe's message is we need cases of lobsters.
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