Joe Biden-Gaffes or something more

Ok no proof that voters who should have been excluded weren’t. Run along now.
There is proof that black voters were purged from voter registration rolls at a much higher rate than white voters. That was obviously of considerable benefit to Brian Kemp, who was running against a black candidate, who overwhelmingly won the black vote in that election.
There is proof that black voters were purged from voter registration rolls at a much higher rate than white voters. That was obviously of considerable benefit to Brian Kemp, who was running against a black candidate, who overwhelmingly won the black vote in that election.

Crybaby antics. Always sour grapes coming from BB85.
There is proof that black voters were purged from voter registration rolls at a much higher rate than white voters. That was obviously of considerable benefit to Brian Kemp, who was running against a black candidate, who overwhelmingly won the black vote in that election.
Proof that they upheld their voting registration requirements? Awesome, working as intended.
Am I missing something? Did he do anything different than what was prescribed by existing law?
He selectively enforced a law to benefit his chances of winning. Black districts were targeted for these voter registration roll purges.
Proof that they upheld their voting registration requirements? Awesome, working as intended.
There is no registration requirement to have voted in past elections. If that was true, then we couldn't have any first time voters, could we? This law is meant to combat "get out the vote campaigns" in black districts. Republican strategists know this is a danger for them in Georgia... if blacks start voting in large percentages.
So you have proof that not all districts were purged as required by law? Or just butthurt conjecture?
The large disparity in the number of black voters who were purged from the voter registration polls, strongly suggests that they were targeted, while predominantly white districts were not.
There is no registration requirement to have voted in past elections. If that was true, then we couldn't have any first time voters, could we? This law is meant to combat "get out the vote campaigns" in black districts. Republican strategists know this is a danger for them in Georgia... if blacks start voting in large percentages.
LMFAO! The law is the same on all voters. And first time voters still have to register prior to voting. Your butthurt statement is just meaningless crying.
This isn’t an answer to the question.

Edit: I misinterpreted your answer. You’re saying that, yes, he only applied the purge laws in predominantly black districts??
That is his claim yes. He hasn’t backed that up with any actual data. Because if they actually did that there would have been lawsuits galore in an election that close.
The fact that a home owner with an 800 credit score who makes more than 100k a year and has over a million dollars in retirement funds has exactly the same amount of input voting wise as a crack head living on welfare who had zero in the bank and a credit score of 500 shows everything that is wrong with the country!

I am sorry but guy B has a history of bad decisions and is not going to vote for the best candidate. Hes going to vote for the free money. Without guy B the Democrat party folds over night.

Uhhhh are you pining for the time when only property owners could vote? Neither A nor B would be particularly objective in your hypothetical. Everyone is going to vote in their own self-interest, that’s usually what “best candidate” means in an election
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The stats reveal that black voters were disproportionately purged from the rolls over white voters. And the obvious conflict of interest still exists. A candidate in an election should never also have the direct ability to purge the voter registration rolls for that same election. That is common sense.
Maybe if a race was affected “disproportionately” they should’ve followed the correct procedures like the other races did
Maybe if a race was affected “disproportionately” they should’ve followed the correct procedures like the other races did
I don't believe that there was a higher percentage of black voters in Georgia "not following the correct procedures" than was the case for white voters. A law was selectively enforced by Brian Kemp for the benefit of Brian Kemp. In order to win the election for governor, Kemp knew that he needed low black voter turnout, and when it didn't look like he was going to get it, he used his power as the Georgia Secretary of State to target predominantly black population districts for voter registration roll purges, by way of a "use it or lose it" law.
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The fact that a home owner with an 800 credit score who makes more than 100k a year and has over a million dollars in retirement funds has exactly the same amount of input voting wise as a crack head living on welfare who had zero in the bank and a credit score of 500 shows everything that is wrong with the country!

I am sorry but guy B has a history of bad decisions and is not going to vote for the best candidate. Hes going to vote for the free money. Without guy B the Democrat party folds over night.
So, you don't think the United States should be a democracy? Because I'm afraid that is how a democracy works.

Per :

Democracy : de-moc-ra-cy .... noun
  • Government by the people, especially : rule of the majority.
  • A government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.
  • A political unit that has a democratic form of government.
  • The common people, especially when constituting the source of political authority.
  • The absence of hereditary or arbitrary class distinctions or privileges.
You seem to be advocating for a form of government that our founding fathers specifically said they did not want. That is a system which allocates power proportionate to the amount of wealth a person has. Such a system would invariably lead to class discrimination, and only well-serve the elite, rather than the needs of the country as a whole. One citizen, one vote. That is how it should be, and that is how it is under a democracy. Democracy and it's principles and ideals are not a system which "shows everything that is wrong with the country!" at all. That is one feature which makes our country great. No class is granted privilege over another at the ballot box. Every vote counts the same.

Also, your assertion that "without guy B the Democrat party folds overnight" is just plain ignorant of the facts.

As I have pointed out before, 9 of the 10 poorest states in this country, as measured by median household income, are red states : Mississippi, West Virginia, Arkansas, Louisiana, Alabama, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Idaho and South Carolina. The blue state is New Mexico.

While 9 of the 10 wealthiest states in the country, also measured by median household income, are blue states : Maryland, New Jersey, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Connecticut, California, New Hampshire, Washington and Virginia. The red state is Alaska.
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