Joe Biden-Gaffes or something more

They’ll both play both cards on the other and get indignant when the other plays both cards on them. However I expect Biden to completely lose his cool and grab his walker and try to take a swing at Trump with it when Trump presses on Hunter. These are going to be the Jerry Springer debates and they are going to be solid gold TV.

A senile old **** versus a fat old ****.

WWE: The Nursing Home Edition.
So, you don't think the United States should be a democracy? Because I'm afraid that is how a democracy works.

Per :

Democracy : de-moc-ra-cy .... noun
  • Government by the people, especially : rule of the majority.
  • A government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.
  • A political unit that has a democratic form of government.
  • The common people, especially when constituting the source of political authority.
  • The absence of hereditary or arbitrary class distinctions or privileges.
You seem to be advocating for a form of government that our founding fathers specifically said they did not want. That is a system which allocates power proportionate to the amount of wealth a person has. Such a system would invariably lead to class discrimination, and only well-serve the elite, rather than the needs of the country as a whole. One citizen, one vote. That is how it should be, and that is how it is under a democracy. Democracy and it's principles and ideals are not a system which "shows everything that is wrong with the country!" at all. That is one feature which makes our country great. No class is granted privilege over another at the ballot box. Every vote counts the same.

Also, your assertion that "without guy B the Democrat party folds overnight" is just plain ignorant of the facts.

As I have pointed out before, 9 of the 10 poorest states in this country, as measured by median household income, are red states : Mississippi, West Virginia, Arkansas, Louisiana, Alabama, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Idaho and South Carolina. The blue state is New Mexico.

While 9 of the 10 wealthiest states in the country, also measured by median household income, are blue states : Maryland, New Jersey, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Connecticut, California, New Hampshire, Washington and Virginia. The red state is Alaska.

The "wealthy" states you mentioned all have created an artificial income (example 15 dollar minimum wage) to offset the artificial cost of living that has become the norm in these states.

It is why large corporations are fleeing these states in droves for the "poor" state.

Cost of living compared to salary is a much better judge of wealth and when put in this context California ranks near the bottom.

Also, the constitution was amended to allow others besides white men to vote so your founding fathers arguement is mute. Now, do t go twisting my words here. I believe all race, religions, genders should be allowed to vote. But if you haven't been employed for more than 45 days in the past 12 months, dont own a home, or worked to the point you qualify for SS then you really shouldn't have a say. You are/have contributing nothing to this country.
Also, the constitution was amended to allow others besides white men to vote so your founding fathers arguement is mute. Now, do t go twisting my words here. I believe all race, religions, genders should be allowed to vote. But if you haven't been employed for more than 45 days in the past 12 months, dont own a home, or worked to the point you qualify for SS then you really shouldn't have a say. You are/have contributing nothing to this country.

So housewives (or husbands) should just not have a say? Let the breadwinner do the talking?

Even if that’s not what you mean, this “contribute or you don’t matter” mentality is not what we are about.
The "wealthy" states you mentioned all have created an artificial income (example 15 dollar minimum wage) to offset the artificial cost of living that has become the norm in these states.

It is why large corporations are fleeing these states in droves for the "poor" state.

Cost of living compared to salary is a much better judge of wealth and when put in this context California ranks near the bottom.

Also, the constitution was amended to allow others besides white men to vote so your founding fathers arguement is mute. Now, do t go twisting my words here. I believe all race, religions, genders should be allowed to vote. But if you haven't been employed for more than 45 days in the past 12 months, dont own a home, or worked to the point you qualify for SS then you really shouldn't have a say. You are/have contributing nothing to this country.

That’s a pretty elitist standpoint. Especially the home ownership piece. People who live in apartments shouldn’t vote?
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2. Pure BS. Kemp did target black districts and that is beside the point anyway. He should not have had the responsibility of purging the voter rolls when his name was on the damn ballot. That is an obvious conflict of interest.

4. Kemp should have recused himself as the Georgia Secretary of State. That is just common damn sense.
So should all governors, representatives, mayors and senators resign when they run for office or exclude from all votes?
That’s a pretty elitist standpoint. Especially the home ownership piece. People who live in apartments shouldn’t vote?

Did you read the have a job part or retired?

Any of those 3 I am cool with.
If that's elitist then I am an elitist.
Did you read the have a job part or retired?

Any of those 3 I am cool with.
If that's elitist then I am an elitist.
Im on board with insuring people have skin in the game on paying into the government in order to be able to vote. However it would require a constitutional amendment and thus I’d doubt it ever happens
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It’s almost as ridiculous as voting for an agenda that would pay you monies for which you had no contributions into no?

No, the world generally accepted a long time ago that things like disability payments are a good idea, and certainly that the right to vote should extend beyond homeowners with jobs
Thats the problem. Voting now is so worthless and means absolutely nothing because those on the tit cancel out your vote.
Those too lazy to work are typically too lazy to vote. Periodically they are sufficiently motivated to vote, based on the cries from Georgia that’s rarely within. 10 year period
It’s almost as ridiculous as voting for an agenda that would pay you monies for which you had no contributions into no?

Wealthy homeowners also aren't any less biased, and would just vote to shift the tax burden onto the poor and put money into their own pockets. This is essentially just an argument that we should help them do that because "they deserve it more"
No, the world generally accepted a long time ago that things like disability payments are a good idea, and certainly that the right to vote should extend beyond homeowners with jobs
Why are you assuming that I would not support aid to disabled citizens unable to work? Interesting deflection.
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Wealthy homeowners also aren't any less biased, and would just vote to shift the tax burden onto the poor and put money into their own pockets. This is essentially just an argument that we should help them do that because "they deserve it more"
Another interesting deflection. Apparently all wealthy homeowners are greedy bastards
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Oh c’mon don’t leave me hanging.

Look both of the posts I responded to implied a clear statement that I would vote in a greedy fashion. Prove that assertion or GTFO is my response. I don’t see any equivalence in my stance and somebody voting on how to spend tax proceeds without sharing the tax burden.
So should all governors, representatives, mayors and senators resign when they run for office or exclude from all votes?
No, a Secretary of State should recuse himself from the responsibility of overseer of elections, while running for higher office. No candidate should ever be in a position to purge the voter registration rolls for their own election. That is just common sense. It's an obvious conflict of interest.

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